Golan Druze prefer Israel to Syria


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
In the shadow of the raging Syrian civil war, the 20,000 Druze who live in the Golan Heights are finally admitting publicly that they prefer life under Israeli sovereignty.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War, and annexed the strategic plateau in 1981. All during that time, the Golan Druze leaned more anti-Israel for fear they would one day find themselves again under Syrian sovereignty.

At numerous points, the West tried to broker peace talks that would see Israel surrender the Golan to Syria in return for peace. The precedent was set with Egypt and the Sinai, and the Druze feared their fate would be similar. Had they dared to openly align with Israel during those years, they knew the Assad regime would respond harshly if it ever regained the Golan.

Golan Druze prefer Israel to Syria - Israel Today | Israel News
Golan Heights about to become another hotbed...

Analysis: Syria War Is Growing Threat to Israel
August 28, 2015 — As U.S. officials head to Israel to try to calm fears surrounding the Iran nuclear deal, some analysts say Israel is preparing for what may be greater involvement in the war in neighboring Syria.
But it’s not just the Iran deal making Israel nervous, according to Said Okasha, a researcher at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo that specializes in Israel. Militant groups like Islamic State or al-Qaida affiliate, al-Nusra, are increasingly a threat, he says. “The militant groups,” he explained. “This is the main threat coming from Syria.”
Israeli missiles launched into Syria last week, in addition to reports of major military training operations in Israel, raised questions about whether or not it was planning on more direct involvement in the Syria war, according to Jordan-based political analyst Labib Kamhawi. But, he says, Israeli involvement in Syria will largely depend on future militant activities. “At the end of the day it all depends on where these forces are,” Kamhawi added. “How far they are from the border with Israel, and how strong they are.”

U.N. officers walk with equipment to observe areas in Syria's Quneitra province, at an observation point on Mount Bental in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights

Israel is also preparing for what they anticipate will be a greater threat coming from the Syrian government and allied Hezbollah fighters as Iran sheds economic sanctions in exchange for curbing its nuclear program, according to Kamel Abdullah, also a researcher at Al-Ahram Center. “Israel considers the Iran deal as an enhancement of Iranian power to confront Israel,” he said. Some analysts say Israel’s fear is unfounded, because they say Iran will use released funds to rebuild its economy, not entrench itself deeper into the war in Syria.
In Syria, Iran supports Israel’s long-time rivals: the army of President Bashar al-Assad, and allied Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. However, all of these rivals have maintained long-term relative peace with Israel, albeit one fraught with tensions and occasionally violence. And given the complexity and gruesome nature of the war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unlikely to engage unless the country is in imminent danger, according to Israel researcher, Okasha. “This is the last card they have,” he said. “Israel will not go to the war, except if Israel is exposed to a very high threat.”

Analysis: Syria War Is Growing Threat to Israel
We Love Israel occupying us, "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch." called Syria
The Druze have always been loyal and nationalistic towards Israel.

IDF Druze fighters getting hero's welcome coming home:

In the shadow of the raging Syrian civil war, the 20,000 Druze who live in the Golan Heights are finally admitting publicly that they prefer life under Israeli sovereignty.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War, and annexed the strategic plateau in 1981. All during that time, the Golan Druze leaned more anti-Israel for fear they would one day find themselves again under Syrian sovereignty.

At numerous points, the West tried to broker peace talks that would see Israel surrender the Golan to Syria in return for peace. The precedent was set with Egypt and the Sinai, and the Druze feared their fate would be similar. Had they dared to openly align with Israel during those years, they knew the Assad regime would respond harshly if it ever regained the Golan.

Golan Druze prefer Israel to Syria - Israel Today | Israel News
Mere propaganda.
Look at the picture of Druze in Golan the article provides:

Watch here what´s happening there:


People of occupied Syrian Golan stage sit-in to protest Israeli arbitrary arrests campaign | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Golan Druze attack Israeli army ambulance, Syrian casualty dies
We Love Israel occupying us, "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch." called Syria
What you don't understand, Habib, is that Golan has been relatively stable, (stable in the context of the area swarming with Islamo-Death Cultists), since Israel assumed management and maintenance of the area.
Hokey schmokes, Habib. Are we to believe you're trolling the Jooooooo News Service (AKA Ynet) for your copy and paste?

I've read previously that you Islamics insist Ynet isn't a trusted source.

Their blind Jew hate combined with mental illness blocks the truth from entering their brain.

Druze in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Military service and public office
Druze citizens are prominent in the Israel Defense Forces and in politics. The bond between Jewish and Druze soldiers is commonly known by the term "a covenant of blood" (Hebrew: ברית דמים, brit damim).[6]

A Druze politician, Majalli Wahabi, served as the acting President of Israel in February 2007. Five Druze lawmakers were elected to serve in the 18th Knesset, a disproportionately large number considering their population.[7] Reda Mansour a Druze poet, historian and diplomat, explained: "We are the only non-Jewish minority that is drafted into the military, and we have an even higher percentage in the combat units and as officers than the Jewish members themselves. So we are considered a very nationalistic, patriotic community."[8]

In 1973, Amel Nasser A-Din founded the Zionist Druze Circle,[9][10] a group whose aim was to encourage the Druze to support the state of Israel fully and unreservedly.[11]

Druze commander of the IDF Herev battalion
In 2007, Nabiah A-Din, mayor of Kasra Adia, rejected the "multi-cultural" Israeli constitution proposed by the Israeli Araborganization Adalah: "The state of Israel is Jewish state as well as a democratic state that espouses equality and elections. We invalidate and reject everything that the Adalah organization is requesting," he said. According to A-din, the fate of Druze and Circassians in Israel is intertwined with that of the state. "This is a blood pact, and a pact of the living. We are unwilling to support a substantial alteration to the nature of this state, to which we tied our destinies prior to its establishment," he said.[12] As of 2005 there were 7,000 registered members in the Druze Zionist movement.[13] In 2009, the movement held a Druze Zionist youth conference with 1,700 participants.[14]

In a survey conducted in 2008, Ephraim Yaar of Tel Aviv University found that more than 94% of Druze youth classified themselves as "Druze-Israelis" in the religious and national context.[15]

On 30 June 2011, Haaretz reported that a growing number of Israeli Druze were joining elite units of the military, leaving the official Druze battalion, Herev, understaffed. This trend has led to calls for its disbandment.

On May 15, 2015, it was announced that the Druze battalion Herev would be shut down thereby allowing Druze soldiers to integrate into the rest of the IDF, a wish that was relayed to IDF senior staff by leaders in the Druze community as well as former Herev battalion commanders. The July, 2015 IDF draft will not see the Druze unit be an option, and by September of the same year the battalion will be disbanded and its soldiers will join other units.[16]

As of 2012, 61 of the senior commissioned officers in the IDF were Druze. There were many Druze soldiers serving in elite units of the IDF such as Sayeret Matkal. There were three Druze combat pilots serving in the Israeli Air Force.[17]
Hokey schmokes, Habib. Are we to believe you're trolling the Jooooooo News Service (AKA Ynet) for your copy and paste?

I've read previously that you Islamics insist Ynet isn't a trusted source.
I have previously stated I am not a Muslim or a joooooo, have you any content other than to troll, Sgt Hollie?
It seems to me that many things you have stated are not true, Habib.

Why would you Islamics link to Jooooooo News?
So if they are not true, post a reply proving your claim, instead of name calling matok

I've done that Habib.

Here's an interesting article about the Druze, about how they're viewed as being a heretical sect of Islam by the more excitable Sunni holy warriors who haven't, as yet, managed to completely ravage Golan.

Will Israel protect Druze in the Golan from Syrian rebels?


Once again we see the laying waste of an entire portion of the globe to the cancer that is Islamism.
The United States considers the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held under Israeli occupation subject to negotiation and Israeli withdrawal. The United States considers the application of Israeli law to the Golan Heights to be a violation of international law, both the Fourth Geneva Convention's prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force and United Nations Security Council Resolution 242
Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hokey schmokes, Habib. Are we to believe you're trolling the Jooooooo News Service (AKA Ynet) for your copy and paste?

I've read previously that you Islamics insist Ynet isn't a trusted source.
I have previously stated I am not a Muslim or a joooooo, have you any content other than to troll, Sgt Hollie?

Kithman and taqiya being employed again Abdul ?
The United States considers the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held under Israeli occupation subject to negotiation and Israeli withdrawal. The United States considers the application of Israeli law to the Golan Heights to be a violation of international law, both the Fourth Geneva Convention's prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force and United Nations Security Council Resolution 242
Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN 242 has no power in law and is just a recommendation.

Where does it say in Geneva iv this then ?
The United States considers the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held under Israeli occupation subject to negotiation and Israeli withdrawal. The United States considers the application of Israeli law to the Golan Heights to be a violation of international law, both the Fourth Geneva Convention's prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force and United Nations Security Council Resolution 242
Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are instructed to copy and paste something from wiki that poses the appelative "ask someone who cares".

When you islamics are prevented from attacking Israel from Golan, the area will be subject to a negotiated return to Syria - if such a place still exists after the islamist hoardes ravage yet another part of the globe.

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