GoFundMe acct started to help 'Sweet Cakes' fight off Gay Nazi's and state

Here's a typical comment left by a lib on the GoFundMe page:

Lorenzo Hodges

1 min ago
Do these "Christians" also not serve divorced people because Jesus actually talked about divorce but not gays? Or do they serve those people who eat pork or people who allow women into the church while on their period? cause that's in the same antiquated book of the bible as gay "laws"...Of course they do. But every once of you bigots paying for this "cause" aren't Christians; you're spiteful people picking and choosing scripture in order to hate on people your Jesus asked you to love. You're all sick and hateful excuses for christians.
Go for it- I am sure that the family will appreciate it.
Thank God they have your blessings!
I have no desire to see their family ruined, simply because the parents weren't willing to follow the law.
And it was a crying shame when they threw fags in jail for sodomy. But it was OK since it was the law.
And people worked within the system to get the law changed. How are YOU working to get PA laws repealed?
I was debating on this one.

It's just too easy for a business to simply tell the same sex couple that they will cater the affair, and donate the profits to a traditional marriage group

No same sex couple in the world would agree to it.

In this case it was early in the process. I hope others learn

So I'm in on this one with a small donation.
I'd go...sure. Whatever you want to do with the money...by then it will be.........................wait for it.......................................................your money.
Here's a typical comment left by a lib on the GoFundMe page:

Lorenzo Hodges

1 min ago
Do these "Christians" also not serve divorced people because Jesus actually talked about divorce but not gays? Or do they serve those people who eat pork or people who allow women into the church while on their period? cause that's in the same antiquated book of the bible as gay "laws"...Of course they do. But every once of you bigots paying for this "cause" aren't Christians; you're spiteful people picking and choosing scripture in order to hate on people your Jesus asked you to love. You're all sick and hateful excuses for christians.

Makes an excellent point. Why don't you follow ALL bibical law like selling your daugther into sex slavery. I mean a true Christian who follows the literal word of God (aka The Bible) would do so. Or are you just picking and choosing which "laws" to follow.
The gaystapo at work again. This is getting tiresome

I know, how horrible is it to treat people equally under the law? Whoever came up with that is a liberal commie hippie.

Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.
The gaystapo at work again. This is getting tiresome

I know, how horrible is it to treat people equally under the law? Whoever came up with that is a liberal commie hippie.

Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.
I was debating on this one.

It's just too easy for a business to simply tell the same sex couple that they will cater the affair, and donate the profits to a traditional marriage group

No same sex couple in the world would agree to it.

In this case it was early in the process. I hope others learn

So I'm in on this one with a small donation.
I'd go...sure. Whatever you want to do with the money...by then it will be.........................wait for it.......................................................your money.

And my tee shirts that I wear to shin dig stating that............

Wait for it..........

The bride and bride wilingly agreed to helping fund anti gay marriage groups.

Government need not be involved in these petty problems.

And yes, this is petty
A privately owned business does not have to cater a fucking wedding that they clearly don't believe in and 150,000 dollars is absurd. These faggots are worthless. Good thing there are people willing to help the poor family out.
This just occurred to me. Gays don't want people using the law to outlaw their way of life, but they want to use the law to suppress those who freely practice their faith. The law is only well and good when it supports them, and nobody else.
This just occurred to me. Gays don't want people using the law to outlaw their way of life, but they want to use the law to suppress those who freely practice their faith. The law is only well and good when it supports them, and nobody else.

Against indentured servitude until they can inflict the same.
The gaystapo at work again. This is getting tiresome

I know, how horrible is it to treat people equally under the law? Whoever came up with that is a liberal commie hippie.

Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
The gaystapo at work again. This is getting tiresome

I know, how horrible is it to treat people equally under the law? Whoever came up with that is a liberal commie hippie.

Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
That couple chose to be gay and the other couple owning the store chose to not serve to gays. It's a violation of the freedom of that business. This is communist China now apparently.
This just occurred to me. Gays don't want people using the law to outlaw their way of life, but they want to use the law to suppress those who freely practice their faith. The law is only well and good when it supports them, and nobody else.

You use your faith to make laws outlawing their relationships and you're mad that they are fighting back? Da Fuq?

And they are called ANTI-DISCRIMINATION laws. If you are accommodating the public, you accommodate the ENTIRE PUBLIC.

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