Zone1 God's will be done... which is??

Depends. There's "slam-bam-thank-you-Ma'am", then there's a dinner date and romantic evening of music and wine followed by sex, which usually has a strong 'emotional' element that could be mistaken for love.
yeh, that's why people should get in touch with their feelings and really pray about the person they're romantically involved in because it is easy to listen to the feelings and not listen to... well, red flags of different kinds. I've mentiioned b4 understanding one's subconscious mind / heart as well as one can because.. sometimes there are un-met needs there stemming from an imperfect childhood... parents who didn't pay attention to them much (etc). It's interesting what you can find out about yourself just by ... I don't know.. analyzing yourself.

It can lead to selfishness, though... that old moderation thing applies
yeh, that's why people should get in touch with their feelings and really pray about the person they're romantically involved in because it is easy to listen to the feelings and not listen to... well, red flags of different kinds. I've mentiioned b4 understanding one's subconscious mind / heart as well as one can because.. sometimes there are un-met needs there stemming from an imperfect childhood... parents who didn't pay attention to them much (etc). It's interesting what you can find out about yourself just by ... I don't know.. analyzing yourself.

It can lead to selfishness, though... that old moderation thing applies
I agree somewhat. I've only recently began to understand myself fully, and I'm 83.
Modern "Christianity" has put too much emphasis and importance on the "Will" of god. I think Jesus pretty much set the example for our "will". In the grand scheme of "eternity", I don't think God cares too much about where we work, who we marry, should I buy the car, house, shoes, etc.,
Modern "Christianity" has put too much emphasis and importance on the "Will" of god. I think Jesus pretty much set the example for our "will". In the grand scheme of "eternity", I don't think God cares too much about where we work, who we marry, should I buy the car, house, shoes, etc.,
True to a point. But if you marry someone who drags you into Hell (it can definitely happen)

Jesus cares about that.
True to a point. But if you marry someone who drags you into Hell (it can definitely happen)

Jesus cares about that.
If that's your belief, then I think common sense is greater than the will of God. It's like saying, I need to pray about buying the BMW? Do you need to pray about it? Common sense would say, "Hey, let's look at my finances and see if I can afford it". Or maybe ask "What's my motivation in wanting to buy a BMW" over let's say a Toyota?

You might say, Well a car can't send me to hell. True. But the same logical reasoning can be applied to a romantic partner/spouse.
"Hmmm... should I marry this unbeliever that could send me to hell"? "Maybe I should pray on it".

I don't need god to tell me what the risks are when your own logic can reason.
Now, you can come back with all types of conjecture, speculation and "What ifs", but at the end of the day, your brain is very capable of knowing what to do.
I've been seeking God's will for the last several years, which is not as easy as it may sound. Maybe people "out there" can learn from my mistakes, so I will say the following:

We don't always know what God's will is vis a vis ANYTHING... whom to marry... IF to marry anyone... where to move to or not to move and etc...

The Word of God tells us what the will of God is in the moral sense, what to do/not do in order to get your soul into Heaven, which is not an easy task. Jesus said that FEW find that pathway to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13..). The canonized saints have said things to indicate that hardly anyone makes it to Heaven. I can see why that is (long story why I say that... but Heaven is a place we are not familiar with.. so there's that...).

Anyhow, I came up with some things that are or seem to be definitely God's will and that's what I myself will have to be content with because all that other stuff (whom to marry, if to marry.. etc...) is just TOO hard (4 some of us) except that whomever you marry should be following Christ if you are... and should be more/less following Him in the way you yourself are (unless you are totally off in doing so... but anyhow)

This is very important because as Jesus said, only those who do the Will of God can enter Heaven

So maybe you can add to the list but here is my list:

1 It is God's will that you exist because if He didn't want you to exist, you wouldn't.. amazing how I have not always believed that... One of my parents seemed to think I should never have come along... :(

2 It is apparently God's will that people SUFFER. I say that because everyone does indeed suffer... one way or the other.. usually in many, many ways before it is "all over"

3 It is God's will that you CHOOSE... (fill in the blanks there)

4 It is God's will that you get angry... Life is a very anger-inducing thing! Watch the news regularly if you don't get that one...

5 And it also appears to be His will that you get angry with HIM... because most Christians do at one time or another...

and I could go on....
Simple. The only "will of God" that can be accessed in an objective fashion (a source of absolute calibration) is found in the content of the Holy Scriptures.

"Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is" (Eph. 5:17) This simple passage of scripture makes it known that the will of God is available to man. If anyone does not understand/comprehend the will of God, it's not because God has not made His will known to man through the inspired Word of God .........."All scripture is given by inspiration from God...i.e, revealed through the Spirit of Truth...aka the Holy Spirit of God, (2 Tim. 3:16) and it is to be used for Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, and Instruction.

If one abides by the content of the Holy Scriptures that are inspired by God........then the Holy Spirit of God directs the path of man as guided by the will of God. Jesus declared, "If you Love Me keep My commandments........" -- John 14:15

When the commandments of Jesus are ingrained in your psyche (Mind/Spirit) are being guided by the will of God.

Anything other than the actual content of the Holy Scriptures is pure unadulterated Subjective opinion......based not on the will of God but on the will of man.

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