God Or Obama..? a dilemma

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
African Americans seem to be caught in a dilemma on this issue..mmm interesting


Civil rights or sin?

When it comes to gay marriage, as recently supported by the first African-American president, many black pastors in the Kansas City area see sin.

Which places them in the pulpit against the stand taken by Barack Obama, symbol of civil rights history and hero on so many other issues important to black Democrats.

“This is not a gay issue but a moral issue,” said the Rev. C.L. Bachus, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Kansas City, Kan. “We know that biblically we are bound to disapprove of same-sex relationships, along with other behaviors that are considered sin.”

While conceding that younger generations of black Americans are more accepting of such a change, Judy Coffey of Overland Park, a volunteer worker for Obama in 2008, said she hadn’t expected the president’s action.

“I felt like it was a sucker punch … a political message,” she said. “I was born and bred in Bible-based churches. The majority of African-Americans I’ve talked to are disappointed because the majority has attachments to the church and the Bible.”

The Rev. Rodney Williams, pastor of Swope Parkway United Christian Church, said he is getting mixed signals from African-Americans with whom he has talked.

“Some are not sure how they feel,” he said. “Some individuals have become disillusioned.”

Many gays and their supporters have called it hypocritical for black ministers, who have fought for decades for equal rights, to turn their backs.

“This insults me beyond measure,” Bachus responded. “We were fighting for our constitutional rights, which were not being applied to us.”

Recalling growing up in Mississippi when blacks couldn’t walk on the sidewalk if whites were there, he continued:

“We were not trying to change any rights. I believe all gay people should be treated right, but gays are fighting for a lifestyle. We were fighting for our lives and to be considered a person.”

Read more here: Same-sex marriage issue divides President Obama, many black ministers - KansasCity.com

(more to the article) Same-sex marriage issue divides President Obama, many black ministers - KansasCity.com
Tough call for the Liberal Christian.

They know Obama is shaking his fist at God, but they want them some free gubmint stuff.

My guess is most of them still go for the free handouts.
African Americans seem to be caught in a dilemma on this issue..mmm interesting


Civil rights or sin?

When it comes to gay marriage, as recently supported by the first African-American president, many black pastors in the Kansas City area see sin.

Which places them in the pulpit against the stand taken by Barack Obama, symbol of civil rights history and hero on so many other issues important to black Democrats.

“This is not a gay issue but a moral issue,” said the Rev. C.L. Bachus, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Kansas City, Kan. “We know that biblically we are bound to disapprove of same-sex relationships, along with other behaviors that are considered sin.”

While conceding that younger generations of black Americans are more accepting of such a change, Judy Coffey of Overland Park, a volunteer worker for Obama in 2008, said she hadn’t expected the president’s action.

“I felt like it was a sucker punch … a political message,” she said. “I was born and bred in Bible-based churches. The majority of African-Americans I’ve talked to are disappointed because the majority has attachments to the church and the Bible.”

The Rev. Rodney Williams, pastor of Swope Parkway United Christian Church, said he is getting mixed signals from African-Americans with whom he has talked.

“Some are not sure how they feel,” he said. “Some individuals have become disillusioned.”

Many gays and their supporters have called it hypocritical for black ministers, who have fought for decades for equal rights, to turn their backs.

“This insults me beyond measure,” Bachus responded. “We were fighting for our constitutional rights, which were not being applied to us.”

Recalling growing up in Mississippi when blacks couldn’t walk on the sidewalk if whites were there, he continued:

“We were not trying to change any rights. I believe all gay people should be treated right, but gays are fighting for a lifestyle. We were fighting for our lives and to be considered a person.”

Read more here: Same-sex marriage issue divides President Obama, many black ministers - KansasCity.com

(more to the article) Same-sex marriage issue divides President Obama, many black ministers - KansasCity.com

Statists have co-opted the issue and trying to pretend that GAY and Race are the same.

They are not.

"Gay" is NOT a race.
Tough call for the Liberal Christian.

They know Obama is shaking his fist at God, but they want them some free gubmint stuff.

My guess is most of them still go for the free handouts.

Liberals do tend to confuse a true understanding of faith with a grocery store.
Tough call for the Liberal Christian.

They know Obama is shaking his fist at God, but they want them some free gubmint stuff.

My guess is most of them still go for the free handouts.

:lol: Another racist post by SniperFire. The Tea Party is full of them.
The Tea Party is full of them.

That's bullshit...sheesh ...
I've talked to a couple of liberal black preachers, they don't like it, but they are tied politically to the democrat party that’s just the way it is...Sellouts? I think so I cringe every time I see this picture in the pastor’s office..

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Since when does religion dictate who gets rights and who doesn't? I am a liberal Christian....one who knows that God abhors all sins...not just the ones we pick and choose. Furthermore, civil rights goes beyond race...that they are synonymous is the ideology of narrow and bigoted minds.
Since when does religion dictate who gets rights and who doesn't? I am a liberal Christian....one who knows that God abhors all sins...not just the ones we pick and choose. Furthermore, civil rights goes beyond race...that they are synonymous is the ideology of narrow and bigoted minds.

"liberal Christian"... I wonder what that means...
Since when does religion dictate who gets rights and who doesn't? I am a liberal Christian....one who knows that God abhors all sins...not just the ones we pick and choose. Furthermore, civil rights goes beyond race...that they are synonymous is the ideology of narrow and bigoted minds.

"liberal Christian"... I wonder what that means...
wow..what a comeback...you assholes are so predictable...anyone challenges your world view and you have to resort to namecalling and feigned ignorance...like anyone who is a Christian has to be a conservative.
Since when does religion dictate who gets rights and who doesn't? I am a liberal Christian....one who knows that God abhors all sins...not just the ones we pick and choose. Furthermore, civil rights goes beyond race...that they are synonymous is the ideology of narrow and bigoted minds.

"liberal Christian"... I wonder what that means...
wow..what a comeback...you assholes are so predictable...anyone challenges your world view and you have to resort to namecalling and feigned ignorance...like anyone who is a Christian has to be a conservative.

A comeback, you assholes, name-calling, world view.?

eh..just wondered you meant really....a definition

paranoid much..sheesh
Any Christian, of ANY race, would be showing themselves as hypocrites by voting for Obama now. Obama just showed us what a hypocrite he is by stating he thought gays should be able to marry, but yet he says he's Christian. This should turn ALL true Christians away from him...if they ever were.

Ok....I'll bite. A Christian who realizes that greed is a sin too....so is judgmentalism. None of us are sin free. So why does homosexuality bother Conservative Christians so much that they seem more than willing to commit one sin(judgmentalism) and support another(greed of the worst kind)....because of the one sin that they despise so much? Hey....I am not condoning a gay lifestyle....But they are fellow taxpaying citizens who deserve the same rights and privileges as any other sector of society.
Beyond that? I have enough sins of my own to contend with to feel I have the right to judge another based on sex. Because that's all this is. Not in those people's actions, other than who they choose to have sex with.

Ok....I'll bite. A Christian who realizes that greed is a sin too....so is judgmentalism. None of us are sin free. So why does homosexuality bother Conservative Christians so much that they seem more than willing to commit one sin(judgmentalism) and support another(greed of the worst kind)....because of the one sin that they despise so much? Hey....I am not condoning a gay lifestyle....But they are fellow taxpaying citizens who deserve the same rights and privileges as any other sector of society.
Beyond that? I have enough sins of my own to contend with to feel I have the right to judge another based on sex. Because that's all this is. Not in those people's actions, other than who they choose to have sex with.


Ok....I'll bite. A Christian who realizes that greed is a sin too....so is judgmentalism. None of us are sin free. So why does homosexuality bother Conservative Christians so much that they seem more than willing to commit one sin(judgmentalism) and support another(greed of the worst kind)....because of the one sin that they despise so much? Hey....I am not condoning a gay lifestyle....But they are fellow taxpaying citizens who deserve the same rights and privileges as any other sector of society.
Beyond that? I have enough sins of my own to contend with to feel I have the right to judge another based on sex. Because that's all this is. Not in those people's actions, other than who they choose to have sex with.

Killing babies is not Christian...

They'll just ask God for forgiveness.:eusa_whistle:

Now excuse me while I choose a lovely handbasket.:D

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