GObP blocks ANOTHER vets jobs bill

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Republicans Block Veterans Job Corps Bill - NYTimes.com

what a shame that Mittens' big mouth and constant flubs are taking up so much air space. Just before leaving on yet another TAX PAID VACATION,

Republicans on Wednesday afternoon blocked a vote on the Veterans Job Corps Bill after Jeff Sessions of Alabama raised a point of order — he said the bill violated a cap on spending agreed to by Congress last year. The bill’s sponsor, Patty Murray of Washington, said that shouldn’t matter, since the bill’s cost was fully offset by new revenues. She said Mr. Sessions and his party colleagues had been furiously generating excuses to oppose the bill, and were now exploiting a technicality to deny thousands of veterans a shot at getting hired as police officers, firefighters and parks workers, among other things…

Once again, the pubpots are screwing over our veterans.

Scum like Paul (lyin) Ryan says he has foreign policy experience because he has signed to send our people off to get killed but when they get back?

The pubpots turn their backs on them.
from a post at that site -
what everyone is neglecting is, if you actually read the full bill, senator Reid added in two additional items that have nothing to do with veterans or jobs..one included removal of this from the Energy Act of 2010:

(a) Repeal- Subtitle J of title IX of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16371 et seq.) is repealed.
(b) Rescission- The unobligated balances of funds made available for fiscal year 2012 under section 999H of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16378) (as it existed before the amendment made by subsection (a)) are rescinded permanently.

most certainly, this would make republicans not vote in favor of this bill...if senator Reid cared so much that Veterans get what they deserved, he would have removed this language from the bill and it would have probably passed undaunted
from a post at that site -
what everyone is neglecting is, if you actually read the full bill, senator Reid added in two additional items that have nothing to do with veterans or jobs..one included removal of this from the Energy Act of 2010:

(a) Repeal- Subtitle J of title IX of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16371 et seq.) is repealed.
(b) Rescission- The unobligated balances of funds made available for fiscal year 2012 under section 999H of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16378) (as it existed before the amendment made by subsection (a)) are rescinded permanently.

most certainly, this would make republicans not vote in favor of this bill...if senator Reid cared so much that Veterans get what they deserved, he would have removed this language from the bill and it would have probably passed undaunted

Reid doesn't care about energy or the welfare of the country.


Its not funny at all.

And, it really not funny that the Rs and the rw's really don't give a shit about our vets. They don't mind them dying or getting maimed but when its time to give them a hand back into society,


The goddamned Rs and rw's disappear.

Sickening as it is, the plight of those brave people sure as hell doesn't stop the rw's from making them the brunt of their jokes.
pubpots don't care about our vets or their family's.

u made everyone laugh at you come on tone it down some. its okay buddy.

Yyou know, laughing about this really is not funny. These are people who trusted their government to do the right thing.

How would YOU feel if you came home wit no genitals and your government, the same government who sent you there, just laughed you off the way you are doing now?

Being without a job and without a home and dealing with the PTSd of what you went though AND knowing your government is treating you as a joke -

No wonder our military is committing suicide at an epidemic rate.

Jackasses like you think its all just a big funny joke.

No, its really NOT "okay buddy".

Now, fuck off.
The OP is a nutjob that posts lies after lies.

The GOP has always stood up for the military and vets better than Democraps, so there is always another side of the story with these type of bullshit headlines.

Democraps will slip in welfare goodies in the Defense bill and the GOP votes it down, then the Democraps claim the GOP is against the military....typical.

Democraps are just fucking scumbags. They are the ones that are forcing the DoD to lose $500 Billion in cuts because Obamination won't work with the HoR to prevent the cuts.
Another 'jobs core bill"? Why didn't the Hussein admonistration enact it when they had a majority for their first two years? Too much trouble? Wasn't worth it? Maybe democrats introduced it as another smoke and mirrors trick to deflect focus on the incredible mess the Hussein administration made of foreign policy.


Its not funny at all.

And, it really not funny that the Rs and the rw's really don't give a shit about our vets. They don't mind them dying or getting maimed but when its time to give them a hand back into society,


The goddamned Rs and rw's disappear.

Sickening as it is, the plight of those brave people sure as hell doesn't stop the rw's from making them the brunt of their jokes.

Somebody's having a "I want MORE" temper tantrum. I think it's nappy time for you.
pubpots don't care about our vets or their family's.

u made everyone laugh at you come on tone it down some. its okay buddy.

Yyou know, laughing about this really is not funny. These are people who trusted their government to do the right thing.

How would YOU feel if you came home wit no genitals and your government, the same government who sent you there, just laughed you off the way you are doing now?

Being without a job and without a home and dealing with the PTSd of what you went though AND knowing your government is treating you as a joke -

No wonder our military is committing suicide at an epidemic rate.

Jackasses like you think its all just a big funny joke.

No, its really NOT "okay buddy".

Now, fuck off.

and yet you ignore the facts that Harry Reid changed the bill to include other things having nothing to do with our vets. What does energy have to do with our vets? Maybe he's the one that doesn't care, for him to be so callous as to do so?
And so far as the suicides, they are horrific. Fortunately they have begun to really work on trying to help them with their PTSD.

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