Go to the end of the line.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Those that entered this country should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship and neither the children they brought with them. Giving the children a path to citizenship only pave a path for their parents. These illegal aliens should be required to go to the end of the line in the countries from which they came behind those who have been waiting legally to enter be allowed to enter. By waiting legally they have earned the right to enter before those who are already here illegally. These are un-convicted felons and should never be given a path to citizenship. Americans who are felons loses many of their privileges as citizens and it is not fair to give those rights to foreign felon convicted or un-convicted. Obama and his gang want to give them a path to citizenship which means future votes for Demwits. Republicans want to get in on the reward so many of them will go along with a path to citizenship and hope for future votes for Republicans. If this Comprehensive Immigration Reform is passed it will be destructive for this country and Americans. What will it teach our children about the laws of this country. We already have enough people in charge that has no respect for the laws they make and to allow people a get out of jail card just for personal reasons is the wrong message to send to our children and future citizens. I hope and pray there are some in charge that will have enough morals to do the right thing and vote against any immigration bill that reward those that entered illegally. Those that are in favor of passing this joke of an immigration bill are no more than criminals themselves.

Those that entered this country should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship and neither the children they brought with them. Giving the children a path to citizenship only pave a path for their parents. These illegal aliens should be required to go to the end of the line in the countries from which they came behind those who have been waiting legally to enter be allowed to enter. By waiting legally they have earned the right to enter before those who are already here illegally. These are un-convicted felons and should never be given a path to citizenship. Americans who are felons loses many of their privileges as citizens and it is not fair to give those rights to foreign felon convicted or un-convicted. Obama and his gang want to give them a path to citizenship which means future votes for Demwits. Republicans want to get in on the reward so many of them will go along with a path to citizenship and hope for future votes for Republicans. If this Comprehensive Immigration Reform is passed it will be destructive for this country and Americans. What will it teach our children about the laws of this country. We already have enough people in charge that has no respect for the laws they make and to allow people a get out of jail card just for personal reasons is the wrong message to send to our children and future citizens. I hope and pray there are some in charge that will have enough morals to do the right thing and vote against any immigration bill that reward those that entered illegally. Those that are in favor of passing this joke of an immigration bill are no more than criminals themselves.

Amnesty legislation is TREASON, and those who support it are traitors.


Those that entered this country should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship and neither the children they brought with them. Giving the children a path to citizenship only pave a path for their parents. These illegal aliens should be required to go to the end of the line in the countries from which they came behind those who have been waiting legally to enter be allowed to enter. By waiting legally they have earned the right to enter before those who are already here illegally. These are un-convicted felons and should never be given a path to citizenship. Americans who are felons loses many of their privileges as citizens and it is not fair to give those rights to foreign felon convicted or un-convicted. Obama and his gang want to give them a path to citizenship which means future votes for Demwits. Republicans want to get in on the reward so many of them will go along with a path to citizenship and hope for future votes for Republicans. If this Comprehensive Immigration Reform is passed it will be destructive for this country and Americans. What will it teach our children about the laws of this country. We already have enough people in charge that has no respect for the laws they make and to allow people a get out of jail card just for personal reasons is the wrong message to send to our children and future citizens. I hope and pray there are some in charge that will have enough morals to do the right thing and vote against any immigration bill that reward those that entered illegally. Those that are in favor of passing this joke of an immigration bill are no more than criminals themselves.

An atrocity to reward criminal trespassers with the prize they most value. Send 'em back to wherever they came from and let 'em start from square one. And just because someone's parents committed criminal trespass by invading a foreign country should not entitle their offspring to special privileges. I agree.

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