Go MAGA Go Broke: Trump's PAC Down To $4 Million. It Gets Worse.

See post 7.

Most hilariously, theHawk is under the impression Trump doesn't receive any money from globalists! :lol:

And now you should be all caught up, which you would have been if you read the damned topic.
Even if he did read it, the response would have been the same.
Trump's cult, like their dear leader, have the attention span of a gnat.
I am surprised he got as much as he did.

they have to know that there is zero chance he retakes the WH. He has done nothing but lose for 6 years straight. He lost to a candidate that never even showed up and no one likes. You would think the monied interests would at least see the obvious.
TRUMP: Hello. I need my money back. Give it back.

MAGA PAC: It's not your money. You gave it to us.

TRUMP: It's still my money. All money is my money. Money for cancer kids is my money. Money for the Holocaust Museum is my money.

MAGA PAC: Indian giver!
That's good, he needs your money. Send him more, rube. Lots more!
Even if he did read it, the response would have been the same.
Trump's cult, like their dear leader, have the attention span of a gnat.
Most hilariously, theHawk is under the impression Trump doesn't receive any money from globalists! :lol:

And now you should be all caught up, which you would have been if you read the damned topic.
It occurs to me that Donald Trump might be essentially the L. Ron Hubbard of contemporary American politics.

Trumpism is to our political system as Scientology is to religion. An unbelievable story, on top of an already-shaky story, that some manage to believe.
It occurs to me that Donald Trump might be essentially the L. Ron Hubbard of contemporary American politics.

Trumpism is to our political system as Scientology is to religion. An unbelievable story, on top of an already-shaky story, that some manage to believe.
Well, Trump actually believes in the Norman Vincent Peale school of positive thinking. You can wish away pandemics, indictments, and lost elections just by thinking about it.

He really does believe this.
What a lying, fucking moron.

sanctionsnews.bakermckenzie.com › us-governmentUS Government Imposes $1.19 Billion Fine Against ZTE for ...

Mar 23, 2017 · US Government Imposes $1.19 Billion Fine Against ZTE for Violating US Sanctions and Export Controls. Ending a five-year investigation, ZTE Corp. (“ZTE”), the second-largest

The U.S. imposed the sanctions in the first place because ZTE had failed to comply with an original round of punishment for doing business with Iran and North Korea, and then misled the commerce department about their actions

“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” Trump announced on Twitter Sunday morning. “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

November 11 2021
U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday signed legislation to prevent companies like Huawei Technologies Co (HWT.UL) or ZTE Corp (000063.SZ)that are deemed security threats from receiving new equipment licenses from U.S. regulators.

The Secure Equipment Act, the latest effort by the U.S. government to crack down on Chinese telecom and tech companies, was approved unanimously by the U.S. Senate on Oct. 28 and earl
Yes Biden is a lying fucking moron.
Asshat I recall you saying Trump dropped tariffs against china
You're fucked in the head to convince yourself I support Biden's family.

But then, I already knew you are fucked in the head.
Stupid you support a crime family have you noticed the biggest Trump bashers say they never supported Biden but are always there to defend Biden and attack any accusation against the crime family

I wasn't referring to them, moron.

Biden did impose sanctions on ZTE, that Trump dropped, in exchange for $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks though.

November 11 2021
U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday signed legislation to prevent companies like Huawei Technologies Co (HWT.UL) or ZTE Corp (000063.SZ)that are deemed security threats from receiving new equipment licenses from U.S. regulators.

The Secure Equipment Act, the latest effort by the U.S. government to crack down on Chinese telecom and tech companies,
After Paying Lawyers, Trump’s PAC Is Nearly Broke

Former President Donald J. Trump’s political action committee, which began last year with $105 million, now has less than $4 million left in its account after paying tens of millions of dollars in legal fees for Mr. Trump and his associates.

And here is where it gets worse:

The dwindling cash reserves in Mr. Trump’s PAC, called Save America, have fallen to such levels that the group has made the highly unusual request of a $60 million refund of a donation it had previously sent to a pro-Trump super PAC.


The super PAC, which is called Make America Great Again Inc.
(MAGAAAAAAGGGHHH!), has already sent back $12.25 million to the group paying Mr. Trump’s legal bills, according to federal records — a sum nearly as large as the $13.1 million the super PAC raised from donors in the first half of 2023. Those donations included $1 million from the father of his son-in-law, Charles Kushner, whom Mr. Trump pardoned for federal crimes in his final days as president (quid pro fucking quo!), and $100,000 from a candidate seeking Mr. Trump’s endorsement.

The extraordinary shift of money from the super PAC to Mr. Trump’s political committee, described in federal campaign filings as a refund, is believed to be larger than any other refund on record in the history of federal campaigns.

A billionaire with a begging bowl. :lol:

What happened to that $250 million he stole from the rubes?

Easy come, easy go, I guess.
Challenge the democrat 1,000 Year Reich, spend tens of millions defending yourself

Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
Challenge the democrat 1,000 Year Reich, spend tens of millions defending yourself

Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
There is no 1,000 year reich. You ain't never lived in fascism.

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