'Go after the employers'....are these just Dem buzzwords or do they mean it?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Have we heard a single candidate running for national office say this?
Do any of them intend to "go after the employers" should one become the next POTUS?
Wasn't it the Dems whom rolled out policies to restrict employers from digging too deep on citizenship status? Lets be honest....has "go after the employers" really just become a message board catchphrase that Dems / Lefties hide behind to deflect blame and or to pretend they'd support some action against the invasion?
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Most of those "employers" are Mexicans themselves here legally who hire illegal friends and relatives and pay them under the table. Happens in restaurants and the construction trades.
Are democrats willing to arrest legal immigrants? That would be a shit show.

Legit corporations have too much to lose if their paperwork isn't in check.
Most of those "employers" are Mexicans themselves here legally who hire illegal friends and relatives and pay them under the table. Happens in restaurants and the construction trades.
Are democrats willing to arrest legal immigrants? That would be a shit show.

Legit corporations have too much to lose if their paperwork isn't in check.

Here in south Mexifornia, the illegal filth capital of the nation, the bulk of illegals work off the books for cousin Gustavo's Tire Shop, Miguel's Lawn Service or Guadalupe's Carniceria
Have we heard a single candidate running for national office say this?
Do any of them intend to "go after the employers" should one become the next POTUS?
Wasn't it the Dems whom rolled out policies to restrict employers from digging too deep on citizenship status?Lets be honest....has "go after the employers" really just become a message board catchphrase that Dems / Lefties hide behind to deflect blame and or to pretend they'd support some action against the invasion?

It's not just a democrat thing, the republicans want the illegals here to. Yup, even Donald J Trump. Remember way back when the republicans held all the power? Remember all their promises on the issue? Remember how they did absolutely nothing? Notice how illegal aliens STILL are being dumped after a few days on confinement? So no, republicans and democrats will never go after the employers. There is way to much money involved for them to end it. But it would be nice if they did prosicute employers who hire illegals. From Walmart to the little sub contractor who hires illegals should be arrested and fined so harshly that it would likely sink their business.
Most of those "employers" are Mexicans themselves here legally who hire illegal friends and relatives and pay them under the table. Happens in restaurants and the construction trades.
Are democrats willing to arrest legal immigrants? That would be a shit show.

Legit corporations have too much to lose if their paperwork isn't in check.

Here in south Mexifornia, the illegal filth capital of the nation, the bulk of illegals work off the books for cousin Gustavo's Tire Shop, Miguel's Lawn Service or Guadalupe's Carniceria
Each subcontractor is in charge of their own hires. Not the builder.
When we finish framing a house, one Mexican guy with a nice truck and perfect English will bring in a whole crew and knock out a 25,000 dollar job in 2 days. Pays his guys a little and pockets the rest.
They have taken over sheetrocking also.
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Of course dey don't...

... wouldn't be any of dis talk of impeachment...

... if the democrats were in office.
Let’s do it

If we are sincere about immigration, let’s lock up the employers instead of chasing poor Mexican workers around

As the jobs dry up, so will the immigrants
Let’s do it

If we are sincere about immigration, let’s lock up the employers instead of chasing poor Mexican workers around

As the jobs dry up, so will the immigrants

So you mean that huh?
When iCE shows up to raid Gutavo's Tire are you sure you're not gonna piss your pants?
I would bet most are employed by families as housekeepers, nannies, groundskeepers. A lot harder to find and more protected. Can’t just round up a bunch in one fell sweep.

Though there have been any number of companies busted in recent years and fined massive amounts.
Have we heard a single candidate running for national office say this?
Do any of them intend to "go after the employers" should one become the next POTUS?
Wasn't it the Dems whom rolled out policies to restrict employers from digging too deep on citizenship status?Lets be honest....has "go after the employers" really just become a message board catchphrase that Dems / Lefties hide behind to deflect blame and or to pretend they'd support some action against the invasion?

It's not just a democrat thing, the republicans want the illegals here to. Yup, even Donald J Trump. Remember way back when the republicans held all the power? Remember all their promises on the issue? Remember how they did absolutely nothing? Notice how illegal aliens STILL are being dumped after a few days on confinement? So no, republicans and democrats will never go after the employers. There is way to much money involved for them to end it. But it would be nice if they did prosicute employers who hire illegals. From Walmart to the little sub contractor who hires illegals should be arrested and fined so harshly that it would likely sink their business.
If they were thought illegal immigration was really a problem and not a money maker in the economy and in political contributions, both parties would support severe penalties including prison sentences in normal prisons (not the nice ones) in general population, but judges would have to be on board also.
This has the same stench all over it as Dems criticizing Trump's wall for not being effective enough. It's clear that they don't actually want to fix the issue, but rather have America invaded by endless hordes of 3rd worlders.

In other words, the diversity is a stench sort of stench.
Fake ID's have been an industry in this country for quite some time. It's difficult for an employer who just wants to run his or her company to deal with intense investigations of every applicant. This is not to say there aren't some that knowingly hire them, but that's difficult to prove in court, and in our country, you are innocent until proven guilty.

Some estimate that there are 11 million illegals in this country. Others put that estimate at 20 million or more. Whatever it is, it's hard to believe all or most are illegally working in this country. They come here for other reasons as well. As mentioned, those who can't find a place to work take care of the kids of a legal family member(s). Many come here to drop anchor babies.

Somebody posted a story on my Facebook timeline about a guy who got busted with a cell phone in jail. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison just for that violation. If that's possible, why isn't it possible to make being here illegally a felony, with a minimum of five years in prison for the first offense? If we can lock up an American for a cell phone for 12 years, we can certainly do the same with illegals.

Fake ID market bypasses anti-fraud measures | TechRadar

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch
This has the same stench all over it as Dems criticizing Trump's wall for not being effective enough. It's clear that they don't actually want to fix the issue, but rather have America invaded by endless hordes of 3rd worlders.

In other words, the diversity is a stench sort of stench.

"Go after the employers" allows a twisted LefTard to pretend he/she has a bit of American left in them...They don't really want to see the Feds go after employers...Remember when the media was covering iCE laying the hammer down and raiding businesses...remember the Leftist cries?
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.

Meanwhile you fight to "surrender our sovereignty" to wetbacks and Mexico. haha
You dumbmotherfuckers can't get out of your own way.

Our "sovereignty" is threatened by Corporate America that loves cheap labor.

Ban H1B workers of the Republican program and jail employers that knowingly hire illegals. Done!

"Corporate America"....WTF?
Here in south Mexifornia, the brown filth capital of the nation, the bulk of illegals work off the books for cousin Gustavo's Tire Shop, Miguel's Lawn Service or Guadalupe's Carniceria...are they the "corporate America" you speak of?
Have we heard a single candidate running for national office say this?
Do any of them intend to "go after the employers" should one become the next POTUS?
Wasn't it the Dems whom rolled out policies to restrict employers from digging too deep on citizenship status? Lets be honest....has "go after the employers" really just become a message board catchphrase that Dems / Lefties hide behind to deflect blame and or to pretend they'd support some action against the invasion?
Democrats created sanctuary cities. Without popular demand/requests despite well being to the detriment of the community and most certainly without American constituents consent. The democrats are killing Democracy. Lets bring it back, guys!

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