GMO's just got a lot more frightening with approval of new Monsanto product


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
GMO’s Just Got a Lot More Frightening with Approval of New Monsanto Product - Waking Times
Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they’ll be genetically engineered to be in your food, thanks to Monsanto’s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and breed them right into the crops themselves. Using a process called RNA

Big money and Corporate power can always cover up the true deaths and illness their product and or creations can cause. Money is more important to them than you or your children's lives will ever be.
GMO’s Just Got a Lot More Frightening with Approval of New Monsanto Product - Waking Times
Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they’ll be genetically engineered to be in your food, thanks to Monsanto’s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and breed them right into the crops themselves. Using a process called RNA

Big money and Corporate power can always cover up the true deaths and illness their product and or creations can cause. Money is more important to them than you or your children's lives will ever be.

The process in called RNA interference. That was an unfortunate place to cut off the quote. :)
Excellent news!

The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic chemicals like Round Up

Ummm...Round Up is an herbicide.

Using a process called RNA interference, Monsanto’s RNAi plant will supposedly kill pesky rootworms when they come along to chomp on them-

Killing rootworms would require a pesticide.
I love scare articles that don't understand the difference.
This wouldn't reduce the need for Round Up.

To attempt to use this technology at this current stage of understanding would be more naïve than our use of DDT in the 1950s.

It would be less naïve than our discontinuing use of DDT.

We also heavily subsidize genetically modified corn to be used not as food, but as a gasoline additive.

Yeah, we need to end the ethanol mandate.
A stupid idea whose time has passed.

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