GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed

the way I understand it, mankind has been genetically modifying food in one way or another since we invented agriculture, 10,000 years ago.

not by splicing genes...
once more talking out your ass
what do you not understand?
ever heard of "grafting" it's the oldest form of plant gene slicing there is.
or cross breading in animals or plants?
cross pollination?
all are types of genetic modification...asshat!
People don't eat GM corn.
No they just eat the cows that have eaten the GMO corn, and everything else that was made using GMO Corn to include HFCS.

GMO corn is so cheap (and so worthless) that it's actually used in dry cell batteries? Shit will f*ck you up.

ANd now Monsanto wants to sterilize us with there patented (yes it's patented) GMO corn? It's time for an Occupy Monsanto movement!

All the animals you eat have been eating GM corn for over 16 years now. In that period of time they have reproduced tens of generations deep & are reproducing just fine.

If you are having reproductive issues, you should check the phthalates in your PVC water pipes, plastic bottles, jugs, cups, plates & food wraps. Phthalates from plastic damage the human male reproductive chromosome. This will slow or stop human reproduction in a few generations.

Most of a chickens diet is GMO grains for their entire life. Their life cycle is 3 months. So over 16 years each of them have been reproduced 64 generations on strictly GMO feed. There is no effect on their re-productivity after 64 reproductive cycles. That would be 2,000 years in human reproduction cycles eating GMO foods.
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Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.

The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.

By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.

'We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,' said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.

'We have also created corn plants that make antibodies against the herpes virus, so we should be able to make a plant-based jelly that not only prevents pregnancy but also blocks the spread of sexual disease.'

Contraceptive corn is based on research on the rare condition, immune infertility, in which a woman makes antibodies that attack sperm.

'Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm,' said Hein. 'They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada.'

Normally, biologists use bacteria to grow human proteins. However, Epicyte decided to use corn because plants have cellular structures that are much more like those of humans, making them easier to manipulate.

The company, which says it will not grow the maize near other crops, says it plans to launch clinical trials of the corn in a few months.

GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed | Environment | The Observer

so now we know how mankind dissapears from the face of the earth.
No they just eat the cows that have eaten the GMO corn, and everything else that was made using GMO Corn to include HFCS.

GMO corn is so cheap (and so worthless) that it's actually used in dry cell batteries? Shit will f*ck you up.

ANd now Monsanto wants to sterilize us with there patented (yes it's patented) GMO corn? It's time for an Occupy Monsanto movement!

All the animals you eat have been eating GM corn for over 16 years now. In that period of time they have reproduced tens of generations deep & are reproducing just fine.

If you are having reproductive issues, you should check the phthalates in your PVC water pipes, plastic bottles, jugs, cups, plates & food wraps. Phthalates from plastic damage the human male reproductive chromosome. This will slow or stop human reproduction in a few generations.

Most of a chickens diet is GMO grains for their entire life. Their life cycle is 3 months. So over 16 years each of them have been reproduced 64 generations on strictly GMO feed. There is no effect on their re-productivity after 64 reproductive cycles. That would be 2,000 years in human reproduction cycles eating GMO foods.

Infertility may be becoming more of a man's than a woman's problem, new figures suggest.

Until now, both were level pegging - 40% of cases linked to men, 40% to women and 20% to joint problems.

However, the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology found rates of an IVF treatment typically used to help male infertility have risen.

It said a number of factors including declining sperm quality due to environmental toxins may be involved.

BBC NEWS | Health | Male infertility 'is increasing'

That original interview was 1:05:23 long. Your version is only 0:12:46 long. From 0:12:48 to 0:17:48 minutes in Jerry Rosman admits there was really high mold growth on the problematic corn. His problems simply indicate that mycotoxins were present in the corn. This is a problem with corn harvested with high moisture, not properly dried & stored. He said that had no problem with GMO before of after that batch. Believe me if GMO was the real cause affecting livestock reproduction, the livestock producers would simply stop using it & farmers would not be able to sell it therefore they would never plant it again.

ISU researchers say Bt corn not to blame for the 5 farmers sow problems
The occurrence of a pseudopregnancy most often is related to management or proper pregnancy testing. Another reason may be the presence of estrogen-like compounds produced by Fusarium, a fungus found in corn. Some kinds of Fusarium infect corn kernels and can, under certain conditions, produce mycotoxins.

The ISU researchers said zearalenone, a mycotoxin that acts like estrogen, is the one most often associated with pseudopregnancy. Corn from the five farms studied was tested for the presence of mold spores. On all the farms, pigs were fed a combination of feeds containing Bt and non-Bt corn varieties. Fusarium molds were found, but none of the corn samples contained any detectable zearalenone.
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People don't eat GM corn. Animals eat it mostly after it is processed into DDG feed that kills any bacteria or antibodies.

Phthalates in plastics is what you should be worried about as for damage to human reproduction.

Also at least 7 different weeds have now mutated to resist glyphosate weed killer. GM corn & no-till farming may end due to weed problems. This will impact food production this year & continue to drive up food prices.

We eat the cows and drink the milk from the cows that eat the GMO corn don't we?
the way I understand it, mankind has been genetically modifying food in one way or another since we invented agriculture, 10,000 years ago.

What you're talking is cross pollination whats' being talked about in this thread is genetic modified two different subjects.
People don't eat GM corn. Animals eat it mostly after it is processed into DDG feed that kills any bacteria or antibodies.

Phthalates in plastics is what you should be worried about as for damage to human reproduction.

Also at least 7 different weeds have now mutated to resist glyphosate weed killer. GM corn & no-till farming may end due to weed problems. This will impact food production this year & continue to drive up food prices.

We eat the cows and drink the milk from the cows that eat the GMO corn don't we?

Yes we eat animals that eat the corn or Distillers Dried Grains (DDG) feed from corn ethanol plants. If there was a problem with GMO corn, it would show up in the livestock first. So far they are reproducing normally since 1996 when GMO feed went mainstream. As FireFly pointed out that is 64 reproductive cycles ago in chickens with no problem. That would be about 8 reproductive cycles in cows & 16 reproductive cycles in pigs.

Livestock farmers would stop using feed that hampered reproduction because it would cause them to lose money & put them out of business. Even if it affected the livestock reproduction it would be a huge leap to say eating a reproductively challenged animal will cause you to be reproductively challenged.
the way I understand it, mankind has been genetically modifying food in one way or another since we invented agriculture, 10,000 years ago.

What you're talking is cross pollination whats' being talked about in this thread is genetic modified two different subjects.

Grafting of plants is not different than genetic modification. They both alter the genetics.
the way I understand it, mankind has been genetically modifying food in one way or another since we invented agriculture, 10,000 years ago.

What you're talking is cross pollination whats' being talked about in this thread is genetic modified two different subjects.

Grafting of plants is not different than genetic modification. They both alter the genetics.

Too an extend yes their is some genetic modification to the stock of the plant, there is however no man made GMO in this type of "genetic modification". GMO's are created with pesticides in them.. But I will have too add thanks for making me do some research. You might find this of interest
Heredity - New insights into plant graft hybridization

What you're suggesting is a new concept.
The international corporations are doing two things right now that ought to worry people.

1. They are taking control over the food supply worldwide

2. They are positioning themselves to control the world's water.
What you're talking is cross pollination whats' being talked about in this thread is genetic modified two different subjects.

Grafting of plants is not different than genetic modification. They both alter the genetics.

Too an extend yes their is some genetic modification to the stock of the plant, there is however no man made GMO in this type of "genetic modification". GMO's are created with pesticides in them.. But I will have too add thanks for making me do some research. You might find this of interest
Heredity - New insights into plant graft hybridization

What you're suggesting is a new concept.

Not a new concept. The orange is a hybrid of ancient cultivated origin. Oranges were not nature made. They were likely derived by splicing pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata) trees together. Man has been using genetic modification for a thousand years.

Over the past 30 years they have learned how to directly alter the gene to speed things up.
Grafting of plants is not different than genetic modification. They both alter the genetics.

Too an extend yes their is some genetic modification to the stock of the plant, there is however no man made GMO in this type of "genetic modification". GMO's are created with pesticides in them.. But I will have too add thanks for making me do some research. You might find this of interest
Heredity - New insights into plant graft hybridization

What you're suggesting is a new concept.

Not a new concept. The orange is a hybrid of ancient cultivated origin. Oranges were not nature made. They were likely derived by splicing pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata) trees together. Man has been using genetic modification for a thousand years.

Over the past 30 years they have learned how to directly alter the gene to speed things up.

It's a new acceptable concept as for referencing that grafting is genetic modification. However your referencing one style of man made genetic modification is not bad for human consumption than Monsanto's GMO is
It's a new acceptable concept as for referencing that grafting is genetic modification. However your referencing one style of man made genetic modification is not bad for human consumption than Monsanto's GMO is

The OP article is not about Monsanto. It says the human sterilizing corn is made by Epicyte. It is awaiting approval for growing a trial plot & not being released to the public. However if they do plant a trial plot & the pollen infects other corn it could be bad.

"The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte"

I have yet to see a study of the effects of Monsanto's GMO corn on animal birth rates.
It's a new acceptable concept as for referencing that grafting is genetic modification. However your referencing one style of man made genetic modification is not bad for human consumption than Monsanto's GMO is

The OP article is not about Monsanto. It says the human sterilizing corn is made by Epicyte. It is awaiting approval for growing a trial plot & not being released to the public. However if they do plant a trial plot & the pollen infects other corn it could be bad.

"The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte"

I have yet to see a study of the effects of Monsanto's GMO corn on animal birth rates.

I would whther prefer organic grown by me over store bought food.
It's a new acceptable concept as for referencing that grafting is genetic modification. However your referencing one style of man made genetic modification is not bad for human consumption than Monsanto's GMO is

The OP article is not about Monsanto. It says the human sterilizing corn is made by Epicyte. It is awaiting approval for growing a trial plot & not being released to the public. However if they do plant a trial plot & the pollen infects other corn it could be bad.

"The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte"

I have yet to see a study of the effects of Monsanto's GMO corn on animal birth rates.

I would whther prefer organic grown by me over store bought food.

Organic does not mean safe. Mycotoxins form in organic corn as well as GMO corn. Just make sure you check your suppliers moisture content at harvest time & that their storage facility has heated drying fans. If mycotoxins grow in your corn it will kill your livestock & even you if you inhale a large dose. You can have a lab or your local grain elevator test your corn before you feed it to your animals. Or you can test it on a small group of animals before you feed the whole herd.
The OP article is not about Monsanto. It says the human sterilizing corn is made by Epicyte. It is awaiting approval for growing a trial plot & not being released to the public. However if they do plant a trial plot & the pollen infects other corn it could be bad.

"The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte"

I have yet to see a study of the effects of Monsanto's GMO corn on animal birth rates.

I would whther prefer organic grown by me over store bought food.

Organic does not mean safe. Mycotoxins form in organic corn as well as GMO corn. Just make sure you check your suppliers moisture content at harvest time & that their storage facility has heated drying fans. If mycotoxins grow in your corn it will kill your livestock & even you if you inhale a large dose. You can have a lab or your local grain elevator test your corn before you feed it to your animals. Or you can test it on a small group of animals before you feed the whole herd.

It is safe if I'm growing it.
I would whther prefer organic grown by me over store bought food.

Organic does not mean safe. Mycotoxins form in organic corn as well as GMO corn. Just make sure you check your suppliers moisture content at harvest time & that their storage facility has heated drying fans. If mycotoxins grow in your corn it will kill your livestock & even you if you inhale a large dose. You can have a lab or your local grain elevator test your corn before you feed it to your animals. Or you can test it on a small group of animals before you feed the whole herd.

It is safe if I'm growing it.
might want to check your soil and ground water first before making that claim.

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