Gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO. W

Gluten-free - the human animal's eaten gluten all this time but only recently has it become known to be bad for us? I don't buy it.

GMOs - given the use of hormones, antibiotics, etc in livestock isn't geneticly modifying animals to be more resistant to diseases that can cross-species into people better than needing the antibiotics and such in the first place?

Eat animals which are produced by massive inbreeding already. Only need one rooster with good genes to impregnate hens, one bull, etc. But we have a problem eating 'clones?'

Think a lot of the objection to food comes from ignorance of how food is produced. Not like it's real good for you anyway. Want good food you have to grow it, raise it, or hunt it yourself. Anything at the store is about as far from 'good' as you can get.
Was an ultra strict vegan for about six weeks before it was either give it up or kill myself. :) Shopping took 3 times as long reading labels for prohibited ingrediants. Tofu is disgusting just because of the texture of tofu hotdogs. Wanna to puke just touching it. :) And after a childhood being raised with a dad who was a butcher, I knew I liked meat too much.

Veganism is indeed much healthier, but if you're not raised with it it's more like torture. :)

Vegan diets are not very healthy. It's really difficult to get all the nutrients needed with a vegan diet. A vegetarian diet that includes some animal by-products such as dairy products and eggs is a good diet. Personally, I still think eating meat is a good idea.

The big mistake people make is not thinking through what it means in terms of nutrients. They think they can stop eating meat and just eat more fruit. You have to consider the loss of protein and find other sources. It takes thought and planning. But really, any healthy diet requires the same thing.
Was an ultra strict vegan for about six weeks before it was either give it up or kill myself. :) Shopping took 3 times as long reading labels for prohibited ingrediants. Tofu is disgusting just because of the texture of tofu hotdogs. Wanna to puke just touching it. :) And after a childhood being raised with a dad who was a butcher, I knew I liked meat too much.

Veganism is indeed much healthier, but if you're not raised with it it's more like torture. :)

Vegan diets are not very healthy. It's really difficult to get all the nutrients needed with a vegan diet. A vegetarian diet that includes some animal by-products such as dairy products and eggs is a good diet. Personally, I still think eating meat is a good idea.

The big mistake people make is not thinking through what it means in terms of nutrients. They think they can stop eating meat and just eat more fruit. You have to consider the loss of protein and find other sources. It takes thought and planning. But really, any healthy diet requires the same thing.

No shortage of protein in vegan-approved foods. Claim that vegans are missing nutrients is nonsense. Are multi-vitamins for one thing.
Thing that was most noticeable and unpleasant switching to the vegan diet was gas. OMG! Didn't occur to me all the fruits n veggies and such would do that. Gets better afetr your body adapts a bit but initially oh man, forget about going to work or class or being social. :)

"Free of yeast, wheat, gluten, sugar, salt, dairy, egg, shellfish; animal products, byproducts or derivatives."

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