Glory Trumps Honor: Did ex Navy Seal Violate National Security 4 Book Profit?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Glory Trumps Honor: Did ex Navy Seal Violate Sworn Oath and National Security 4 Book Profit?

I'd like to think not, but in these times with ex military and others swiftboating Presidential nominees and sitting Presidents, honor has obviously been in short supply. In the past when CIA agents and others went on secret missions, the secrets that they held went to the grave with them. The CIA even has a wall dedicated to these honorable men and women, in the lobby of CIA Headquarters.

Unsung heroes: CIA remembers those lost in covert operations

We have this bogus smear attack video on President Obama by ex military and ex intelligence people, all for ideological bullshit. And now we have an ex Navy Seal who was on the mission that killed Osama bin Laden writing a book without approval of the government (what secrets have been compromised?).

trust me, this bothers current and ex military and intelligence people who are not playing politics making garbage videos...

Brandon Webb, a former Navy SEAL and writer, told ABC News that Owen may be compromising one of America’s most elite and secretive commando groups, even if he used a pseudonym and changed the names of the other team members.

“Operational security is at play here regardless of whether or not any classified information has been disclosed in this memoir,” he said, noting that even innocuous details could be enough to put other team members at risk. “This is not a good day for SEAL Team Six. An individual has compromised their ethos and mantra that the deed is more important than the glory.”
SEAL’s Bin Laden Raid Book Stirs Controversy - ABC News

What is wrong with this generation?
He's a self-serving asshole. I wonder if he plans on sharing the book profits with the other SEALs on that raid? However, if they have any honor they wouldn't accept it.
Glory Trumps Honor: Did ex Navy Seal Violate Sworn Oath and National Security 4 Book Profit?

I'd like to think not, but in these times with ex military and others swiftboating Presidential nominees and sitting Presidents, honor has obviously been in short supply. In the past when CIA agents and others went on secret missions, the secrets that they held went to the grave with them. The CIA even has a wall dedicated to these honorable men and women, in the lobby of CIA Headquarters.

Unsung heroes: CIA remembers those lost in covert operations

We have this bogus smear attack video on President Obama by ex military and ex intelligence people, all for ideological bullshit. And now we have an ex Navy Seal who was on the mission that killed Osama bin Laden writing a book without approval of the government (what secrets have been compromised?).

trust me, this bothers current and ex military and intelligence people who are not playing politics making garbage videos...

Brandon Webb, a former Navy SEAL and writer, told ABC News that Owen may be compromising one of America’s most elite and secretive commando groups, even if he used a pseudonym and changed the names of the other team members.

“Operational security is at play here regardless of whether or not any classified information has been disclosed in this memoir,” he said, noting that even innocuous details could be enough to put other team members at risk. “This is not a good day for SEAL Team Six. An individual has compromised their ethos and mantra that the deed is more important than the glory.”
SEAL’s Bin Laden Raid Book Stirs Controversy - ABC News

What is wrong with this generation?

The GOP released their film about Obama this week, lame, so lame, same ol shit, like the last three years.
He's a self-serving asshole. I wonder if he plans on sharing the book profits with the other SEALs on that raid? However, if they have any honor they wouldn't accept it.

After the CIA gets through with him those book profits will be spent on lawyer time.
Guess that would depend on what's in the book. If he shared classified info, he's looking at charges of 20 years to life, $200k in fines, or both.

It also brings up a question of ethics for Faux news (not so surprising) and AP (1 eyebrow raised) for releasing this guy's real name. Is this a publicity thing?
Guess that would depend on what's in the book. If he shared classified info, he's looking at charges of 20 years to life, $200k in fines, or both.

It also brings up a question of ethics for Faux news (not so surprising) and AP (1 eyebrow raised) for releasing this guy's real name. Is this a publicity thing?

The guy obviously sought advise. He would probably hold up the American people and national security with a defense seeking a judgement of recovery based on looking into what is in government files and media sources for stories and more...

He's covered from prosecution.

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