Global Vitamins: Marketing/Dodgeball


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modern globalization presentation inspired by Syriana.

How is globalization different from colonialization?



"ISIS was coordinating its response to the very successful and peace-forging 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang (South Korea). The Olympics were being monitored by the Trump Administration, since it was a potential peace-grounding between South Korea and incendiary nuclear-embroiled neighbour North Korea. ISIS wanted to remind the world that the Winter Olympics had not solved the enduring and nagging political eyesore of Israel-Palestine."


"Meanwhile, in parts of the world, there were cheering parades for the nation of Norway (winner of the most gold medals in the Winter Olympics), the U.S. city of Philadelphia (underdog-victors in the Super Bowl), and the nation of Switzerland (since tennis-great Roger Federer won the 2018 Australian Open, claiming his record-shattering 20th Grand Slam title!). Media coverage for sports reflected a modern interest in marketing-based approaches to networking and politico-culture (e.g., Al Jazeera TV)."


"U.S. President Donald Trump was embroiled in all kinds of terrible politico-cultural controversies stemming from incendiary remarks about race and pluralism and capitalism he made in the press. 'TrumpUSA' had advocates but many many critics and naysayers who believed America had foolishly and hastily elected a token inflated celebrity-president who might generate another rendition of 'charm-school Reaganomics' --- i.e., 'Trumponomics'(!). As Trump dealt with these criticisms, writers and philosophers pondered the possibility of a sociocultural backlash to modernism tech-networking wizardry (e.g., NASDAQ, eTrade) manifest in paganism-oriented naturalism pedagoguery (e.g., Wicca), so Hollywood (USA) was busy making all kinds of netherworld-mysticism Harry Potter franchise-films --- e.g., Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."


"Would American youngsters continue to embrace culture-symbolic modernism educational totems such as Highlights Magazine and Sesame Street, or would capitalism and anti-capitalism backlash create strange and potentially complex youth-oriented fascination with pedestrianism-graphic entertainment (e.g., MTV) and tech-toy escapism (e.g., Facebook)? This really was a 'great tribulation' of Biblical proportions, so the entire world was curious to find out if the arts and sciences in modern civilization offered sufficient 'democratic stimulation'."


"Social critics suggested that the best way to embrace modernism in a globally-digestible manner was to market robotics and A.I. themed storytelling/movies. Transformers (Hasbro) became a popular A.I. fantasy-adventure film-and-media franchise, offering youngsters models/toys of Machiavellianism-educational robot-warriors such as Cyclonus (a wolfish pirate) who symbolized governance inventiveness. Now, the Trump Administration would have to coordinate geopolitical propaganda with Israel-Palestine historianship, and the only 'referee' was (for good or bad!) CNN."





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