Global elite concerned about "truth".


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
The secretive Bilderberg elite are worried about the 'post-truth' world

LOL... as if anyone at NBC has any concept of "truth"...

An Apparatchik said:
Meanwhile, scandals involving allegations of the mass use of social media to influence elections also relates to a blurring of objective fact and fiction — hence the "post-truth" world the Bildergroup group will discuss. Post-truth, which was Oxford English Dictionary's word of the year in 2016, is an adjective defined by the dictionary compiler as "relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opnion than appeals to emotion and personal belief."

OK... Since when have leftists EVER used objective facts to manipulate public opinion?

When it comes to elitist, global collectivist sociopaths, if they're lamenting the fact they're losing influence over the proles it's a good thing.

Wait. Don't post anything more till I can go get my tinfoil hat. I want to get the full effect of what you have to say.
objective facts are less influential in shaping public opnion than appeals to emotion and personal belief
Shouldnt they have been discussing this generations ago?

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