Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
ironically, almost every other christian denomination urge people to stay out of cults like the mormon church.
LOL. Jesus was as political as they came. The famous quote of "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" doesn't mean that you simply give in to government. It meant that the rule of law is to be followed when it conforms to God's law. "he never sided with manmade solutions" uhm yeah. You're completely wrong about that. He taught that people had to make changes in themselves and work with others who believed to do the right thing.

He tells us to seek justice for His glory. Love for your neighbor, however, requires that we seek justice for others. Abiding injustice in ignorance or apathy for another is not consistent with love for them. Love for our neighbors should transcend charity and evangelism but should seek justice and mercy for them as well.

Inasmuch as we have power and possibilities, in person, in the church, in the voting booth, in the market place, in the law, we should act and give to love God and love our neighbors.

These very clearly are not merely instructions to individuals throughout the New Testiment, but to communities of believers, accountable and submissive to each other. We are called Christ’s body, His second incarnation on the Earth. This second incarnation is not manifest in individuals; it is manifest in the Church. In fact, we see time and again in the Bible where God’s prophets and apostles admonish the community, either Israel or the Church to seek after the vulnerable and weak, as a community, community responses to community ills. It is the Church’s job to give glory to God, and to do so by loving our neighbors.

If your only concern is salvation, then we may talk merely about individuals. If we are talking about God’s will being manifest on Earth, for His glory and to participate in reconciling the world to Him, then we have work to do together, even collectively.

Plymco, I'm absolutely against anyone offering judgment on the validity of another's beliefs and belief structure (aka church, faith community) etc.

The comment makes it seem like I would be a slave to whatever Hollywood liberals say. I'm not a liberal. I'm a slightly left-leaning centrist.

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