Glendora teen swaps old cell phone for Porsche on Craigslist


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I love this. A kid used Craigslist to make a series of trades resulting in a Porsche.


Steven started his lucrative journey when his friend gave him an old cell phone - the sort most people would throw away or shove into a junk drawer.

He traded that phone for a better phone, which he then traded for an i-Pod touch. He traded that for a series of dirt bikes, a MacBook Pro, and a 1987 Toyota 4Runner.

At the time, Steven was just 15 and unable to drive his new acquisition. So he quickly swapped it out for a souped-up off-road golf cart, another more valuable dirt bike, a streetbike, then a series of cars ending with a 1975 Ford Bronco. He spent a few months enjoying each acquisition before determining he was looking for something else.

It was that Bronco that got him the Porsche. Because some older Broncos are considered collectibles, Steven estimated his was worth $15,000.

He got offered all manner of trades - including a locksmith business - for the Bronco. The Porsche, worth about $9,000, was actually a trade down.

Ortiz's love of Craigslist, and a good deal, came long before his interest in bartering.

Glendora teen swaps old cell phone for Porsche on Craigslist - Whittier Daily News
craiglist is a good way to get raped.

I hear Yiukon has an ad over there trying to sell home delivered candy:eusa_whistle:

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