Glen Beck

anybody who watches beck is as crazy as he is. that guy is a complete dumbass, the only person i watch on fox news atm is o'reilly.
Beck seems to be coming around, now if he will just stop cheerleading the liberal foreign policy, he'd be the best on TV.

He says some good things, but I notice he only says "I'm a Libertarian..." right before he praises some kind of government control.
I'm still on the fence re Glenn Beck. His scholarship seems to be pretty good, he's funny, he's smart, he's willing to tell it like it is, and that makes him fun to watch or listen to. But when he gets on one of his screeds about the total destruction of the economy and the demise of the Republic, he sounds a bit extreme.

He was so stifled (and buried) on CNN, that he didn't really have much chance to be himself. He hasn't been with Fox all that long, so I'll just keep tuning in once in awhile and enjoy his guest appearances on some of the other shows. He'll either win me over or he won't.

(P.S. Libertarians, especially the more conservative ones, aren't opposed to necessary laws to prevent our doing violence to each other. Libertarianism isn't synonymous with anarchy.)
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I'm still on the fence re Glenn Beck. His scholarship seems to be pretty good, he's funny, he's smart, he's willing to tell it like it is, and that makes him fun to watch or listen to. But when he gets on one of his screeds about the total destruction of the economy and the demise of the Republic, he sounds a bit extreme.

He was so stifled (and buried) on CNN, that he didn't really have much chance to be himself. He hasn't been with Fox all that long, so I'll just keep tuning in once in awhile and enjoy his guest appearances on some of the other shows. He'll either win me over or he won't.

(P.S. Libertarians, especially the more conservative ones, aren't opposed to necessary laws to prevent our doing violence to each other. Libertarianism isn't synonymous with anarchy.)

No, we're not opposed to laws preventing violence, and we're certainly not all anarchists. But we do advocate that the government needs to get out of the business of regulating activities that do no harm to anybody else, such as smoking weed. After claiming he was a Libertarian, Glenn Beck went on to mock a guest he had on that was talking about the benefits of legalizing marijuana. He's better than some in the media, but he's definitely not a Libertarian.
I'm still on the fence re Glenn Beck. His scholarship seems to be pretty good, he's funny, he's smart, he's willing to tell it like it is, and that makes him fun to watch or listen to. But when he gets on one of his screeds about the total destruction of the economy and the demise of the Republic, he sounds a bit extreme.

He was so stifled (and buried) on CNN, that he didn't really have much chance to be himself. He hasn't been with Fox all that long, so I'll just keep tuning in once in awhile and enjoy his guest appearances on some of the other shows. He'll either win me over or he won't.

(P.S. Libertarians, especially the more conservative ones, aren't opposed to necessary laws to prevent our doing violence to each other. Libertarianism isn't synonymous with anarchy.)

No, we're not opposed to laws preventing violence, and we're certainly not all anarchists. But we do advocate that the government needs to get out of the business of regulating activities that do no harm to anybody else, such as smoking weed. After claiming he was a Libertarian, Glenn Beck went on to mock a guest he had on that was talking about the benefits of legalizing marijuana. He's better than some in the media, but he's definitely not a Libertarian.

Well, I don't think all Democrats walk in lockstep with each other; I don't think all Republicans walk in lockstep with each other; and I don't expect all Libertarians to agree with me on every issue or point and i do consider myself more libertarian (little "L") than anything else. I would have to see a lot more evidence that legalizing pot would be an overall positive thing before agreeing that it should be legalized. The reason is that say alcohol clears the system within a specified number of hours making it simple to determine if a person is impaired by alcohol should it be necessary to know that. Marijuana stays in the system for up to 30 days or so making it extremely difficult to establish a deifnitive test to determine if a person is impaired.

So.......IF.....those who want to use marijuane legally are willing to turn in their drivers' licenses and refrain from using any dangerous tools or equipment of any kind, then I would agree to go ahead and legalize it.

For now, my guideline on that is the fact that most recovering addicts don't want any kind of recreational drugs legalized. That's good enough for me for now.
The other day I am cleaning up my library and came across Gordon Allport's 'The Nature of Prejudice,' while some of the terms are dated, it is over 50 years old, Glenn Beck can be found on many pages. The narrow minded moralism, the good-bad thinking, the certainty, the groupthink, and externalization that Beck demonstrates is clearly an example of the prejudiced mind/person. He is the personification of the agitator demagogue, a person who does not think deeply but quickly categorizes. Sad person, and sadder still he has a voice on a major TV network.

For any (conservative) wingnuts with an open mind I suggest. I realize that is an oxymoron.

[ame=] The Nature Of Prejudice: 25th Anniversary Edition: Gordon W. Allport: Books[/ame]

TV Blowhard Barks at Iran: Let’s Hold CNN Accountable
The Mad Corporate World of Glenn Beck |
Group think? Not even close when it comes to Beck. Narrow minded moralism? Nope, he's far too libertarian for that. Good-bad thinking, I'll give you. People of conviction can identify good and bad and know the difference between the two. Not sure what you mean by externilization unless it is practical application which I think must be the standard test in order for all critical thinking to be valid. Prejudiced? I haven't seen that much in Glenn Beck though I certainly have seen a lot of it in some who presume to judge him.

What is your criteria for the kind of person worthy to have a voice on national television or radio?
More nutbags for the right to follow blindly , just great.

The man is a loser.
“Why do we have these weapons? Why have we developed these weapons if we're afraid to use them? And I got news for you: I'm afraid to use them because I know exactly what would happen. Everybody would come out of the woodwork saying how horrible we are and we're despicable human beings and now we're using nuclear weapons. I think we need to change the name of the weapon. I think we just need to come up with some sort of politically correct name. Something, I don't know -- this isn't it, but like a butterfly bomb. Aw, look, it's like a little butterfly. We could paint it all psychedelic colors; everybody in San Francisco would be like, "Aw, ain't that like a little butterfly?" Vaporization. I think we'd have a better chance of dropping it. ”

A glen beck quote.

I have never listened to Randi Roads
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Glen Beck is going to have a program today about the FM and FM debacle.. I won't miss it. :clap2:
Group think? Not even close when it comes to Beck. Narrow minded moralism? Nope, he's far too libertarian for that.

Groupthink, have you ever seen Beck with someone he agrees with, watch his Palin interview. His appearance is weird when a fellow wingnut joins him as he is constantly oh and ahhing. A devoted audience for a commentator who talks as he does is groupthink, as most people could not tolerate his simplistic imbecility. Groups believe things and what Beck says is hard for most (I hope) just to listen to.

Can you seriously listen to this piece and consider the man balanced. 'Muscle' 'attacking' 'information changes' huh? 'Socialist indoctrination' come on, this is plain stupid and calling it something else defies the definition of stupid.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck on Bill O'Reilly[/ame]

Good to see others see him as I do.

[ame=]YouTube - Why Does Glenn Beck Hate America?[/ame]

GB hates 911 families

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions"[/ame]

I also think libertarian is a narrow minded political ideology as it assumes 'freedom' will bring utopia. Really no different than other utopian ideologies in my mind. But that is another discussion.
Bullshit! Olberman and Maddow are unstable,,, jeez. oh and don't forget Tweety.
Fuck tweety I hate him.

Now go look at Glen Becks life.

Then go look at Olbermans and Maddows life.

Glen Beck is insane.

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