Girl Calls 911 in Panic Over Elf on Shelf


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A 7-year-old New Jersey girl called 911 in a panic when she did something that she thought would get her in trouble with Santa.

Isabelle LaPeruta of Old Bridge contacted cops after she accidentally touched her Elf on the Shelf -- a no-no, according to the popular children's book, because the Christmas magic goes away from the home.
Girl Calls 911 in Panic Over Elf on Shelf

And she will never live down that story. She will be in her 70s and it will still be told.
Never heard of that particular Christmas belief, but I feel sorry for the kid.
Throw her in jail for wasting everyones time, then spank her for being a bad girl, and take away her Christmas presents. Thatll teach her for touching the elf. She ruined Christmas!

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