Gingrich's reason for continuing to take votes from Santorum is what?


Feb 14, 2011

We are staying in this race, because I believe it is going to be impossible for a moderate to win the general election.

Is he implying that he has a chance to win? LOL. Where does he think he would get a thousand more delegates?

Or is he acknowledging that if he got out, not all of his supporters would automatically switch to Santorum? Some would go to Romney and hasten the end of this process. And he can't let that happen.

Even though Santorum is the only one with a chance to beat Romney now, Santorum doesn't have much of a chance, so what is the point of prolonging this?

Seriously ... what does Gingrich think he will accomplish by staying in this race, other than continuing the death by a thousand cuts which the GOP is suffering now.
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Gingrich is a hypocritical dick. I don't know how many times it will take before people realize he is a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of person.

We are staying in this race, because I believe it is going to be impossible for a moderate to win the general election.

Is he implying that he has a chance to win? LOL. Where does he think he would get a thousand more delegates?

Or is he acknowledging that if he got out, not all of his supporters would automatically switch to Santorum? Some would go to Romney and hasten the end of this process. And he can't let that happen.

Even though Santorum is the only one with a chance to beat Romney now, Santorum doesn't have much of a chance, so what is the point of prolonging this?

Seriously ... what does Gingrich think he will accomplish by staying in this race, other than continuing the death by a thousand cuts which the GOP is suffering now.

Two things Gingrich is probably concluded at this point

1) Romney is going to get the nomination, regardless. If the GOP establishment has to cheat, they'll do it, but that's the result.

2) Romney will get his ass handed to him by Obama. Because he's the weakest GOP nominee since Alf Landon.

3) After the election is over, and we are going to need an "also ran" to criticize everything Obama does in his second term, there's Newt, ready to appear on any TV show that will have him. And since he can make his point without calling anyone a slut, a lot of TV shows will happily have him.

You see, Gingrich has already succeeded beyond his goals in this fight. His goal was to replace "Disgraced Ex-Speaker of the HOuse" with "Serious Presidential Contender" as his epitath. He's done this.
Exactly how is it bad for a Nomination process to actually take time to pick a winner bad? Or would you rather the Republicans do as the Dems are doing this year and just anoint Someone as the Nominee?
It's cute watching Santorum fans who earnestly believe their candidate can win the general.
Exactly how is it bad for a Nomination process to actually take time to pick a winner bad? Or would you rather the Republicans do as the Dems are doing this year and just anoint Someone as the Nominee?

It's not that it's taking it's time.

It's that it is trying to shove a pre-determined result onto an electorate that doesn't want to go there.

Left to their own devices, GOP voters would never nominate Mitt Romney. They pretty thoroughly rejected him in 2008.

But the party establishment was bent on making him the nominee whether the voters wanted it or not. This has been the most negative and awful campaign I've seen in 32 years of following these things.
I can't see any reason. It's not like he's going to raise his profile to generate higher speaking fees or get a TV job.....that would be good reasons for Santorum to stay in. It's probably just eggo.
If Santorum can't get the votes without Newt dropping out, he doesnt deserve them.
Seriously ... what does Gingrich think he will accomplish by staying in this race, other than continuing the death by a thousand cuts which the GOP is suffering now.

As noted, much of it is ego.

And he didn’t get into the race to win, he got into the race ‘stop Romney.’ And that seems to be what he’s going to do, even if it means reelecting Obama to do it.

Exactly how is it bad for a Nomination process to actually take time to pick a winner bad? Or would you rather the Republicans do as the Dems are doing this year and just anoint Someone as the Nominee?

This makes no sense.

It’s not ‘wrong’ for a party to allow its sitting president to run for reelection unopposed.

We are staying in this race, because I believe it is going to be impossible for a moderate to win the general election.

Is he implying that he has a chance to win? LOL. Where does he think he would get a thousand more delegates?

Or is he acknowledging that if he got out, not all of his supporters would automatically switch to Santorum? Some would go to Romney and hasten the end of this process. And he can't let that happen.

Even though Santorum is the only one with a chance to beat Romney now, Santorum doesn't have much of a chance, so what is the point of prolonging this?

Seriously ... what does Gingrich think he will accomplish by staying in this race, other than continuing the death by a thousand cuts which the GOP is suffering now.

The PROBLEM is--it is now mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for Rick Santorum to win the nomination. The Wall Street Journal stated this today--along with political talking heads--that he would need a miracle for Santorum to win the nomination at this time. He really needed Ohio to stay in the running and he lost it to Romney. While he may win a couple of more states in the south and midwest--they won't amount to many delegates--and Romney will secure the west--most of the mid-west and the northwest of this country. And we're coming up on winner take all states.

Santorum is ineligible for many delegates in upcoming states because he didn't meet state requirements. Illinois for example. His ballot access is also being challenged in Indiana--because he fell short in one district on the amount of signatures required.
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If he can't run a frickin campaign and get on the ballot, he sure as hell can't run the frickin country.
It's not like he's been encumbered with public office as of late.
Jeez. What a lousy work ethic.
Gingrich is a hypocritical dick. I don't know how many times it will take before people realize he is a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of person.

This is an amazing "observation" on your part.

Not only did you describe Newt Gingrich, but you also singlehandedly described the ENTIRE Democrat Party and every other bed-wetting leftist in this forum!
If he can't run a frickin campaign and get on the ballot, he sure as hell can't run the frickin country.
It's not like he's been encumbered with public office as of late.
Jeez. What a lousy work ethic.

Here's the number crunching on why Rick Santorum has no chance at winning the nomination.
Frontloading HQ’s Josh Putnam crunches the numbers and finds that under the most optimistic scenario, Rick Santorum is limited to a delegate haul of 1,075, which falls somewhat short of the 1,144 needed to win the nomination.

Putnam notes that you could goose that even further and assume big wins for Santorum in the remaining primaries. Even still, the most he could win is 1,152 delegates. By contrast, Mitt Romney’s minimum 1,162 delegates while his maximum extends to 1,341 delegates.

In other words—at this point—it’s mathematically impossible for Santorum to win the nomination through delegate accumulation. Of course, there’s always the question of a brokered convention. But as Putnam points out, of the people to win the nomination through negotiation, Santorum is at the bottom of the list:

The bottom line here is that Romney has enough of a delegate advantage right now and especially coming out of today’s contests that it is very unlikely that anyone will catch him, much less catch him and get to 1144. The latter seems particularly far-fetched given the above scenarios. And that is a problem in this race. Well, a problem for Gingrich and Santorum anyway. If all either of them can take to voters is an argument that all they can do is prevent Romney from getting to 1144, then neither has a winning strategy. That sort of strategy has a half life; one that will grow less effective as, in this case, Romney approaches 1144.

Complicating this scenario even further for Gingrich and Santorum is the fact that if neither can get to 1144 or even close to it, neither is all that likely to be the candidate to emerge as the nominee at any – unlikely though it may be – contested convention.
Rick Santorum Can't Win
Gingrich won't stop running until he has attempted and failed to bring down Romney and will then soon after dropping out run as a indepent if Romney wins.
The PROBLEM is--it is now mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for Rick Santorum to win the nomination. The Wall Street Journal stated this today--along with political talking heads--that he would need a miracle for Santorum to win the nomination at this time. He really needed Ohio to stay in the running and he lost it to Romney. While he may win a couple of more states in the south and midwest--they won't amount to many delegates--and Romney will secure the west--most of the mid-west and the northwest of this country. And we're coming up on winner take all states.

Santorum is ineligible for many delegates in upcoming states because he didn't meet state requirements. Illinois for example. His ballot access is also being challenged in Indiana--because he fell short in one district on the amount of signatures required.

Well, that's the problem, isn't it? The GOP Establishment knew the rank and file didn't want Romnuts and shoved him down our throats anyway. And if you have to keep people off ballots or change the rules on delegate allocation or whatever else it takes, so be it.

Fact is, if Romney were worth having as a nominee, he'd have wrapped this up by now. McCain had this thing wrapped up by now in 2008. Bush had this wrapped up in 2000.

If Republicans aren't thrilled with Romney now, they won't be any more excited in November.
Gingrich's reason for continuing to take votes from Santorum is what?

to sell more copies of his latest book?

We are staying in this race, because I believe it is going to be impossible for a moderate to win the general election.

Is he implying that he has a chance to win? LOL. Where does he think he would get a thousand more delegates?

Or is he acknowledging that if he got out, not all of his supporters would automatically switch to Santorum? Some would go to Romney and hasten the end of this process. And he can't let that happen.

Even though Santorum is the only one with a chance to beat Romney now, Santorum doesn't have much of a chance, so what is the point of prolonging this?

Seriously ... what does Gingrich think he will accomplish by staying in this race, other than continuing the death by a thousand cuts which the GOP is suffering now.


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