Gingrich threatens to skip debate if no audience participation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Lol...he's so smart, I think he's a shoo-in...not saying I love him, he's not a good conservative, but I think he's figured out how to manage the people and the press:

Mr. Gingrich, a former House speaker, on Tuesday morning threatened not participate in any future debates with audiences that have been instructed to be silent. That was the case on Monday, when Brian Williams of NBC News asked the audience of about 500 people who assembled for a debate in Tampa to hold their applause until the commercial breaks."

Hold their applause...a nice way to effectively *silence* the appearance of support for an un-fave of the lib mob...

Gingrich Threatens to Skip Debates if Audiences Can't Participate -
He's a coward because he wants the audience to be able to respond? If he was a coward, you'd think he'd be worried about that.

The cowards are the liberal mob, who want to prevent people from participating in the debates by showing their support.
He's a coward because he wants the audience to be able to respond? If he was a coward, you'd think he'd be worried about that.

The cowards are the liberal mob, who want to prevent people from participating in the debates by showing their support.
He's a coward because he doesn't want to answer questions. He just wants to attack the press and have a rabid mob cheering him on.
Pffft...that's funny.

I'm trying to figure out how you got that from him not wanting the audience stifled, then I're just making shit up.
Newt wants decorum, except when he doesn't.

All part of the full metal jacketed hypocrisy package.
He won't skip them. NBC will do an about face. They don't want to lose him.
Pffft...that's funny.

I'm trying to figure out how you got that from him not wanting the audience stifled, then I're just making shit up.
The audience is his shield from the media's questions.

You're right, he's smart. But he's also transparent.

And a coward that doesn't want to answer questions.
No it's not, ravtard. He's never had any problem with the press' questions. I'm not sure how clapping protects him from them anyway.
Lol...he's so smart, I think he's a shoo-in...not saying I love him, he's not a good conservative, but I think he's figured out how to manage the people and the press:

Mr. Gingrich, a former House speaker, on Tuesday morning threatened not participate in any future debates with audiences that have been instructed to be silent. That was the case on Monday, when Brian Williams of NBC News asked the audience of about 500 people who assembled for a debate in Tampa to hold their applause until the commercial breaks."

Hold their applause...a nice way to effectively *silence* the appearance of support for an un-fave of the lib mob...

Gingrich Threatens to Skip Debates if Audiences Can't Participate -

The simplistic "gotcha" lines are the only thing he has going for him; He's more like Snooki than Thomas Jefferson or, hell, Gary Hart. His only redeeming quality is the spectacle he will create: think of Roseanne Barr hosting the MTV awards where she opined something like; 'After the awards, there'll be two different types of people: Those who heard about what I did, and those who saw it.'

Kids scrubbing toilets? Really?

Anyway, we get the government we deserve...Gingrich wins; we get what we deserve as a people for not being engaged in public policy. I tend to think Tom Hanks would win if he ran regardless of where he stood on issues. Remember Ahhh-nold? He won.
why is it Newt thinks his ideas cant just stand on their own merit and need whooping and appluase by his cronies?
20 years ago?

Who cares? What does that have to do with whether or not the audience is allowed to applaud at debates?
I don't need to be 'managed' thanks. And I'm not stupid so manipulating me is quite hard. Good luck though. Seriously.... you put that guy up against Obama... You're gonna need all the luck you can get. I'll be the one laughing at y'all in the cheap seats.
I'm undecided on Newt as of this point... but even if it ends up that I don't support him and support another candidate with my primary vote... I would not ever say he's a coward, Ravi... that is just absurd... He's not refusing to answer 'media questions'... I actually think it is good wanting questions/participation from the audience rather than just media filtered questions, reactions, and commentary... I would think that would be better for the potential voters by having questions/comments/applause/feedback coming from all angles and those in attendance
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We'll see how it washes. I guess they silenced the crowd in 2008, too. Probably for the same reason (to shield the public from the response of those present) though most likely to prevent booing of Obama, lol. However, it still set a precedent.
Obama doesn't exactly shine at debate, cg. Newt usually does.
Newt doesn't do so well without the audience approval of his dog whistles. I can understand why he wants audience participation.

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