Gingrich Surge is GODS GIFT to Mitt Romney


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
It toughens him up for Obama.

If he had won South Carolina - the worst thingthat could have happened to him. Would have coasted. This way he shows he is a fighter.

He WILL be the GOP nominee.
They're both a gift, all wrapped up with a bright shiny BLUE bow for President Obama to open and eviscerate.
I have no clue who will be the nominee at this point. Only 3 states have voted.
Is it Romneys fault he is smart, handsome, successfull - could do worse
It toughens him up for Obama.

If he had won South Carolina - the worst thingthat could have happened to him. Would have coasted. This way he shows he is a fighter.

He WILL be the GOP nominee.

Actually, it shows what a weak candidate Romney is.

Remember, Romney's not running because he's a movement leader or because of his great accomplishments in Government. His selling point is that he's "Electable".

Except that the only person he ever really beat in an election was Jan Swift.

But he's lost elections and caucuses to Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum (!) and now, Newt Gingrich. If you want to put in straw polls, he's also lost to Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann. He had the oppurtunity to run against Devall Patrick, but he wussed out and didn't even try.

Losing to Gingrich is not something to be proud of. I like Newt, but even I admit he has flaws, and the only reason why he's a frontrunner at all is because so many Republicans don't like or trust Romney.

He might become the nominee because the party establishment will bully him to the position. But he'll make McCain look like Reagan by comparison.
I don't care who the nominee is...I just want to enjoy the process for as long as possible. I'd love to see every state's primary actually matter! Why are we allowing a handful of states to choose our candidate?? Let it go on, as long as possible - a brokered convention would be the ultimate. The media will focus entirely on the republicans - even negative press is better than no press. Obama will continue to be the incompetent, irrelevant, stick figure he's been since day one. We'll get a stronger candidate, who's pro's and con's are all out in the open. It's a "no-lose" proposition for conservatives.
I'm a conservative who wants a balanced budget, so I like Ron Paul... The rest can sing and dance but they can't balance a budget. Notice how they never get asked how they would specifically balance the budget and get followed up on it? Newt says he will do it by cutting 500-700 billion in fraud… Aww gee, if it were only that easy Newt, lol.
It toughens him up for Obama.

If he had won South Carolina - the worst thingthat could have happened to him. Would have coasted. This way he shows he is a fighter.

He WILL be the GOP nominee.

Actually, it shows what a weak candidate Romney is.

Remember, Romney's not running because he's a movement leader or because of his great accomplishments in Government. His selling point is that he's "Electable".

Except that the only person he ever really beat in an election was Jan Swift.

But he's lost elections and caucuses to Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum (!) and now, Newt Gingrich. If you want to put in straw polls, he's also lost to Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann. He had the oppurtunity to run against Devall Patrick, but he wussed out and didn't even try.

Losing to Gingrich is not something to be proud of. I like Newt, but even I admit he has flaws, and the only reason why he's a frontrunner at all is because so many Republicans don't like or trust Romney.

He might become the nominee because the party establishment will bully him to the position. But he'll make McCain look like Reagan by comparison.

Don't be so sure. Obama only won in 2008 because he spent ($740.6 million) more than three times as much as McCain did ($227.7 million). From Sept. 1 through Nov. 24, Obama outspent McCain by a margin of 4 to 1. Obama wasn't a strong candidate, just a filthy rich candidate. If McCain had been able to spend as much as Obama, we'd be wondering who President McCain will be running against for his second term now. If either Newt or Romney can spend as much as Obama does this time around, America will have a Republican president next year.

Spending Doubled as Obama Led Billion-Dollar Campaign (Update1) - Bloomberg

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