Gingrich fears 'atheist country ... dominated by radical Islamists'


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Gingrich fears 'atheist country … dominated by radical Islamists' – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Hours after declaring Sunday that he expects to be running for president within a month, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he's worried the United States could be “a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists,” in the foreseeable future, according to Politico.

Gingrich was addressing Cornerstone Church, a megachurch in San Antonio, Texas, led by the Rev. John Hagee, an influential leader among American evangelicals. Hagee's endorsement of then-presidential candidate John McCain in 2008 was plagued by controversy.

Gingrich is a funny one. He's knows what he's saying is total bullshit, and he knows that the typical Republican voter will eat it up.

I liked him better when he was going around the country lecturing with Dr. Dean Ornish about the value of a healthy diet.

Newt Gingrich: The Health Nut - TIME
No, he is making a valid point that libtards dont fathom, because their brains are eaten up with liberalism.

Heres the point. A secular country will not take religious fanatics serious. They'll think "No one would die or murder in the name or religion, I mean, come on, fairy tale religion?" And they'll underestimate Islamic radicals.

They'll say we must "tolerate" the radicals. Why? Because the atheists will view the religious fanatics as inferior. As if they haven't evolved enough yet, and feel sorry for them, hence the need to be sympathetic and tolerant of them.

I heard it put will by a friend. Liberals look at bears as the type you see in a Disney movie, or a Nissan Leaf commercial. Harmless, fun, cuddly, fun animals. So when a small black bear mauls a child, they're shocked. "Oh my God!! I can't believe the bear did that!!!" Well, yeah, he's a BEAR FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Same concept. A secular America will tolerate and underestimate radical Islamists. And before long, the cancer will grow to the point that it's too late.

Makes perfect sense to those of us who:

A) Know bears will klll you.
B) Know radical Muslims will too.
But is it more ridiculous to vote for Newt while he says that stuff?

Or to vote for an unknown candidate who simply spews "Hope! Change! Bush is bad!"
No, he is making a valid point that libtards dont fathom, because their brains are eaten up with liberalism.

Heres the point. A secular country will not take religious fanatics serious. They'll think "No one would die or murder in the name or religion, I mean, come on, fairy tale religion?" And they'll underestimate Islamic radicals.

They'll say we must "tolerate" the radicals. Why? Because the atheists will view the religious fanatics as inferior. As if they haven't evolved enough yet, and feel sorry for them, hence the need to be sympathetic and tolerant of them.

I heard it put will by a friend. Liberals look at bears as the type you see in a Disney movie, or a Nissan Leaf commercial. Harmless, fun, cuddly, fun animals. So when a small black bear mauls a child, they're shocked. "Oh my God!! I can't believe the bear did that!!!" Well, yeah, he's a BEAR FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Same concept. A secular America will tolerate and underestimate radical Islamists. And before long, the cancer will grow to the point that it's too late.

Makes perfect sense to those of us who:

A) Know bears will klll you.
B) Know radical Muslims will too.

You made me laugh out loud. :lol: :lol: :lol:
No, he is making a valid point that libtards dont fathom, because their brains are eaten up with liberalism.

Heres the point. A secular country will not take religious fanatics serious. They'll think "No one would die or murder in the name or religion, I mean, come on, fairy tale religion?" And they'll underestimate Islamic radicals.

They'll say we must "tolerate" the radicals. Why? Because the atheists will view the religious fanatics as inferior. As if they haven't evolved enough yet, and feel sorry for them, hence the need to be sympathetic and tolerant of them.

I heard it put will by a friend. Liberals look at bears as the type you see in a Disney movie, or a Nissan Leaf commercial. Harmless, fun, cuddly, fun animals. So when a small black bear mauls a child, they're shocked. "Oh my God!! I can't believe the bear did that!!!" Well, yeah, he's a BEAR FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Same concept. A secular America will tolerate and underestimate radical Islamists. And before long, the cancer will grow to the point that it's too late.

Makes perfect sense to those of us who:

A) Know bears will klll you.
B) Know radical Muslims will too.

You made me laugh out loud. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah. It's not a highly likely scenario. But possible. I first hear the idea of an atheist society being slowly taken by an outside radical religious influence as a sociology undergrad in the 90's. Never thought it'd be discussed mainstream. But it is.
So he fears that our country will be a country with no god that is dominated by people who worship a god.

So he fears that our country will be a country with no god that is dominated by people who worship a god.



It's more like a homeowner, who owns a termite-free home, who doesn't believe in the threat of termites, then having his home overrun with termites because he ignored the threat.

A secular nation doesn't have a religious radical problem. That doesn't mean no individuals are religious and/or radical, just that atheism dominates. Then, slowly, as they deny the threat exists, the threat slowly eats away until it's too late.
Why on earth would a majority atheist nation hand over power to or vote for Muslims?

That makes no sense whatsoever. Gingrich should sell used cars...or snake oil. :lol: :lol:
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Why on earth would a majority atheist nation hand over power to or vote for Muslims?

That makes no sense whatsoever. Gingrich should sell used cars...or snake oil. :lol: :lol:

They wouldn't. Thats why the Muslim Koran says one must slash the throat of anyone who won't obey. It's why they attempt to take over nations with violence, because their way will never be voted in or peacefully transitioned.

THAT mindset you have is exactly what Gingrich is talking about.
No, he is making a valid point that libtards dont fathom, because their brains are eaten up with liberalism.

Heres the point. A secular country will not take religious fanatics serious. They'll think "No one would die or murder in the name or religion, I mean, come on, fairy tale religion?" And they'll underestimate Islamic radicals.

They'll say we must "tolerate" the radicals. Why? Because the atheists will view the religious fanatics as inferior. As if they haven't evolved enough yet, and feel sorry for them, hence the need to be sympathetic and tolerant of them.

I heard it put will by a friend. Liberals look at bears as the type you see in a Disney movie, or a Nissan Leaf commercial. Harmless, fun, cuddly, fun animals. So when a small black bear mauls a child, they're shocked. "Oh my God!! I can't believe the bear did that!!!" Well, yeah, he's a BEAR FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Same concept. A secular America will tolerate and underestimate radical Islamists. And before long, the cancer will grow to the point that it's too late.

Makes perfect sense to those of us who:

A) Know bears will klll you.
B) Know radical Muslims will too.

You made me laugh out loud. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah. It's not a highly likely scenario. But possible. I first hear the idea of an atheist society being slowly taken by an outside radical religious influence as a sociology undergrad in the 90's. Never thought it'd be discussed mainstream. But it is.
A question: is there anything that I could say to you that would turn you away from your faith?
Why on earth would a majority atheist nation hand over power to or vote for Muslims?

That makes no sense whatsoever. Gingrich should sell used cars...or snake oil. :lol: :lol:

They wouldn't. Thats why the Muslim Koran says one must slash the throat of anyone who won't obey. It's why they attempt to take over nations with violence, because their way will never be voted in or peacefully transitioned.

THAT mindset you have is exactly what Gingrich is talking about.

You think the muslims are going to go out and slash the throats of WHO? Atheists? Christians? and they are going to pull this off before they are all rounded up and deported?

That is even crazier than the first version.

Lets see???...... There are 340 million Americans and how many throats get slashed before all hell breaks loose on da scawy muslims? 100...1000...10,000...

If 1000 throats get slashed ALL da muzlyms will be rounded up and deported. Then there will be a shit storm of bombing these muzlym countries possibly including nuclear. The will be bombed into 4th and fifth world countries...:lol: :lol: :lol: Evey cave will be blowed up. They(what is left of them) will all live under rocks and up inside the asses of camels.
Why on earth would a majority atheist nation hand over power to or vote for Muslims?

That makes no sense whatsoever. Gingrich should sell used cars...or snake oil. :lol: :lol:

They wouldn't. Thats why the Muslim Koran says one must slash the throat of anyone who won't obey. It's why they attempt to take over nations with violence, because their way will never be voted in or peacefully transitioned.

THAT mindset you have is exactly what Gingrich is talking about.

You think the muslims are going to go out and slash the throats of WHO? Atheists? Christians? and they are going to pull this off before they are all rounded up and deported?

That is even crazier than the first version.

Lets see???...... There are 340 million Americans and how many throats get slashed before all hell breaks loose on da scawy muslims? 100...1000...10,000...

If 1000 throats get slashed ALL da muzlyms will be rounded up and deported. Then there will be a shit storm of bombing these muzlym countries possibly including nuclear. The will be bombed into 4th and fifth world countries...:lol: :lol: :lol: Evey cave will be blowed up. They(what is left of them) will all live under rocks and up inside the asses of camels.
Wingnuts frame all of these issues as if America is made up of complete pussies who will roll over for Islamists.

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