Gingrich Calls For Trump To Break The Press


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Newt Gingrich: Trump Should Use The CNN Confrontation As An Excuse To Break The Press

Newt Gingrich, a prominent supporter of President-elect Donald Trump and a Fox News contributor, would like to shatter the influence of an “adversarial” press. And he thinks Trump’s press conference confrontation with CNN reporter Jim Acosta has given the incoming administration the opportunity to dramatically reshape White House press interactions to favor journalists who will treat the president-elect more favorably.

During Trump’s January 11 presser, he lashed out at CNN and demanded the network apologize for a recent report on his alleged ties to Russia, and Acosta repeatedly called out, seeking to ask a question in response. Trump replied by calling CNN “terrible,” castigating Acosta for being “rude,” and declaring, “I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news!” Sean Spicer, who will serve as Trump’s White House press secretary,subsequently told Acosta that he would be removed if he continued to press for a question, and Spicer later demanded that the reporter apologize to the president-elect.

Team Trump’s efforts seem intended to both damage the credibility of CNN and cow other networks into shying away from similarly critical journalism -- as Gingrich put it, to “shrink and isolate” the network. But the Fox News contributor wants the incoming administration to go even further and use the incident as an excuse to “close down the elite press.”

Gingrich laid out this strategy during an interview on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, one of the most pro-Trump venues available. He urged Spicer to learn “a couple of big lessons” from the incident. First and foremost, he suggested that Acosta be banned from reporting on Trump events for 60 days “as a signal, frankly, to all the other reporters that there are going to be real limits” for proper behavior.

More: Gingrich Calls For Trump To Break The Press

Break the press? This reminds me of the old Soviet Union and other dictatorships. Why would any sane patriotic American want to "break the press"?
The Press has raped Gingrich a time or two. Yes, break the press. After all, if the press thinks it can make or break people it should welcome a little confrontation.

If the press can't stand a little competition, they can go out of business. CNN is almost there as it is.
The Press has raped Gingrich a time or two. Yes, break the press. After all, if the press thinks it can make or break people it should welcome a little confrontation.

If the press can't stand a little competition, they can go out of business. CNN is almost there as it is.

Competition? Competition from whom? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Fox News?
Why is Trump ragging on CNN? CNN was vindicated. It has been proven that FBI Director Comey gave Trump a personal briefing on the perversion dossier.
Why is Trump ragging on CNN? CNN was vindicated. It has been proven that FBI Director Comey gave Trump a personal briefing on the perversion dossier.

That can't be dignified with an answer.

Michelle Malkin, Glowzelle, Between To Ferns. Anyone who applies for credentials and meets the criteria. There is no reason to limit the media to a handfull of anti american leftists.
Why is Trump ragging on CNN? CNN was vindicated. It has been proven that FBI Director Comey gave Trump a personal briefing on the perversion dossier.

That can't be dignified with an answer.

Michelle Malkin, Glowzelle, Between To Ferns. Anyone who applies for credentials and meets the criteria. There is no reason to limit the media to a handfull of anti american leftists.

Do you really want to be fed fake news and lies 24/7?
CNN has shown extraordinary bias. It deserves its demotion to tabloid status. This trend started long before Trump. The media only has itself to blame for its irrelevance.
The press broke itself.
CNN has shown extraordinary bias. It deserves its demotion to tabloid status. This trend started long before Trump. The media only has itself to blame for its irrelevance.
The press broke itself.

Bias? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual. They gave Trump a fortune in free air time.
Boy wouldn't it be great to pass a law that only honest news can be published. Who would supervise the honest news to make sure it is honest? Sounds like another job for government,
Boy wouldn't it be great to pass a law that only honest news can be published. Who would supervise the honest news to make sure it is honest? Sounds like another job for government,

We need to maintain a healthy free press.
If the press were to simply unite and give Trump and his people no air time, it isn't the press that would break. You have to remember that Trump's support came largely from people of his own generation. Those aren't, by and large people who consume web-based news. They are people who tune in to something on television to watch the news and eat dinner or lunch, or they catch it while they wait for their tires to be rotated, or whatever.


The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the press.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

First Amendment
It's long overdue that the media arm of the D party gets bitch slapped into another galaxy.

I hope Trump goes for the throat like a pit bull and shakes the press's necks so hard he snaps their backs.
It's long overdue that the media arm of the D party gets bitch slapped into another galaxy.

I hope Trump goes for the throat like a pit bull and shakes the press's necks so hard he snaps their backs.

Yeah, but you want Adolf Trump to protect all your NaziCon news sources. Funny...
Why is Trump ragging on CNN? CNN was vindicated. It has been proven that FBI Director Comey gave Trump a personal briefing on the perversion dossier.

That can't be dignified with an answer.

Michelle Malkin, Glowzelle, Between To Ferns. Anyone who applies for credentials and meets the criteria. There is no reason to limit the media to a handfull of anti american leftists.

Do you really want to be fed fake news and lies 24/7?
We already are.
Why is Trump ragging on CNN? CNN was vindicated. It has been proven that FBI Director Comey gave Trump a personal briefing on the perversion dossier.

That can't be dignified with an answer.

Michelle Malkin, Glowzelle, Between To Ferns. Anyone who applies for credentials and meets the criteria. There is no reason to limit the media to a handfull of anti american leftists.

Do you really want to be fed fake news and lies 24/7?
We already are.

Not me. I get my news from a variety of sources - but certainly not from NaziCon sources such as Alex Jones, Breitbart, and Fox News.

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