Gilligans Island -- I have questions!!

Mary Ann or Ginger?

That is the only Gilligan's Island question that matters.....

It ranks right up there with Chili - Beans or no Beans? ;)

And beans. no-bean chili is good for chili dogs and nothing else.

There, just answered two of life’s pressing questions for you
It was about as believable as Lost In Space.

DANGER...DANGER Will Robinson!


I have QUESTIONS!!!!

1. Why couldn't they be found? Don't boats and ships have beacons on them or location devices?
2. WHY were two millionaires on a private "for hire" tour boat instead of their own yacht??
3. Why did two millionaires bring several trunks of clothes for a 3 hour tour???
4. Why was a movie star wearing a sequined gown on a boat tour?
5. Why weren't all the smoke from the fires they made for heat and cooking ever seen by fishermen, cruise ships, or naval vessels?
6. If they were close enough to get a clear radio signal on that small transistor radio, SOMEBODY HAD to have seen them from one of the other islands or flying over, or crusing by.
7. How did their clothes stay so fresh and new?
8. Where did all the other clothes they wore come from?
9. WHY would a professor bring his LAB EQUIPMENT on a 3 hour cruise?
10. WHY was Maryanne SO FREEKING ADORABLE????

Because it's not real. It's fake. It's fiction. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Soon as you start trying to drag reality into something fictional thats a sure sign you need to stop because you've ceased to enjoy it. If you let reality invade something intended to enjoy and escape reality then you're not enjoying it anymore. Not every single thing needs to be cross examined and picked apart.

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