Giant Rat Killed With Pitchfork At Brooklyn's Marcy Houses


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Giant Rat Killed With Pitchfork At Brooklyn's Marcy Houses


A gigantic, white rat was killed after being speared with a pitchfork at the Marcy Houses in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn.

Jose Rivera, a Housing Authority worker, was clearing a rat hole when three of the mutants popped out, The New York Daily News reports, but he was only able to nab one. It appears to be almost three feet long, including the tail.

Naomi Colon, head of the Marcy Houses Tenant Association, told the News there have been sightings of the humongous rats for at least six years.

Residents described some horrifying confrontations with the rodents to

“In one day eight big size rats were killed,” said a Marcy Houses resident who declined to be named for fear of reprisal from city or property management. They were found in and around the buildings of the Nostrand-Myrtle avenue section of the property and have been seen on the playground. “They come out at night and the daytime,” said another resident who also did not want to provide a name.
Even before the mega-rats appeared, residents say the infestation of average rats was a problem. One resident recently described a frantic scene in which rats began scrambling across the nearby playground: “Adults had to grab children and run because a lot of rats came on the playground. The kids were screaming.”

Giant Rat Killed With Pitchfork At Brooklyn's Marcy Houses (PHOTO)
How do rats get that big?

When they have a very good and adequate food supply they can get that big.


Rats on my grandparents farm got almost that big, from eating grain in the huge storage bins.
The wild cats that they had, helped to keep the population down, but the cats had many scars and ears bitten off from those huge mutants.
How do rats get that big?

When they have a very good and adequate food supply they can get that big.

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Rats on my grandparents farm got almost that big, from eating grain in the huge storage bins.
The wild cats that they had, helped to keep the population down, but the cats had many scars and ears bitten off from those huge mutants.

Jesus thats scarey, those things are almost as big as dogs.
The dumb chic who ran away from home all stuck at the bus station loses her glasses and mistakes a giant sewer rat for a cat. TFF
We have rats almost that size sometimes... One year, I had opossums running through my house. I got the huge spring rat traps and the rats were so big that the traps would not kill them, they dragged the traps around until they died in them. Once, I had so much blood to clean up it looked as though I had slaughtered an animal in my livingroom. Obviously living in the woods is not for the faint of heart... Send in the CATS would be my suggestion....
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omg my husband says the flooding will chase the rats to high ground and then the hell will will be like 'ben

I always heard New York had a problem with rats but I always thought it was exaggerated, apparently not. That rat is HUGE!
Man vs Wild, Survivorman, and the Duel Survivor two, if out in the wilderness and caught that sucker, would call it "dinner"..... :eek:
We have rats almost that size sometimes... One year, I had opossums running through my house. I got the huge spring rat traps and the rats were so big that the traps would not kill them, they dragged the traps around until they died in them. Once, I had so much blood to clean up it looked as though I had slaughtered an animal in my livingroom. Obviously living in the woods is not for the faint of heart... Send in the CATS would be my suggestion....

By cats do you mean tigers? cause regular size cats would get served up by these big ass rats here.
if you live near water you always have to contend with norway or warf rats....huge suckers....combine that with barns holding grain and you get massive ones

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