GHW Bush 92 hospitalized again

Flu and pneumonia related to it kills many, many old people.

Looks like GHW's days are numbered.
Very sad. Very decent human being.
Very sad. Very decent human being.

You are kidding me, right??????? GH Bush is one of the most despicable human beings to ever exist on this planet. I was once a supporter of his and his whole Nazi family until I woke up and now the stench of what I did? I doubt that I will ever be able to wash it off. He played a HUGE part in the assassination of JFK and played a part in the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. He and Bill" drop trou" Clinton ran the cocaine operation that was being flown into Mena, Arkansas that funded the Contras......he is a traitor of the highest order.
I also do not like or respect the man.

Soon he will meet God and need to explain why he killed millions of Iraqis.

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