Get in line. It's for your own good-apparently.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
How do you like the new world order? You’re not going to get an analysis here from an expert on geopolitics. If you were born in the early days of the great medical discoveries that released the human race from the clutches of contagious viral diseases like Polio and lethal microorganisms that ushered streptococcal and staphylococcal infections leading to fatal pneumonia, you can put your hand over your heart and devote a few seconds of thankful silence to Dr. Jonas Salk and researcher Alexander Fleming apparently.

If you are in the group that recalls the mid 1950’s with long lines of eight-year-olds waiting tearfully in the corridors of school buildings hearing the distant, bloodcurdling screams of classmates bear-hugged to the bosom of a linebacker-sized nurse while being skewered by a doctor with a needle the size of Roman sword, give thanks. This is why you lived a childhood without crutches. This is why your children were healthy and this is why you have those wonderful grandchildren.

The new world order has been good to us in that respect. But are we really out of the test tube? You know what I’m talking about. It’s been rattling around in the back of your mind for years. If you’re an idiot stop reading here.

Has it become clear to you that television, another marvel of the 1950’s, is loaded with vacuous content that makes you stupid instead of more intelligent?

Is it apparent that television advertising is bribing doctors and addicting the population to powerful drugs that convert them to Pavlovian stooges?

Have you questioned why we build all of our largest cities on coastlines leaving them vulnerable to the forces of nature capable of sweeping them away in an instant?

Why are we even constructing cities so densely populated that the buildings reach to the sky with no safe escape?

Who or what is leading us to harvest a world population that is hurtling to 10 billion?

Why are we allowing ourselves to blindly march into a petri dish lead by pied pipers taking away our minds with gadgets?

Nothing is for nothing. What the hell are we giving up for this? Could it be self-determination?

Are we even worth saving?

You won’t find the answers to these questions here. Maybe it’s time we all started looking for those answers-or we can just get in line and wait for our reward.
Have you considered painting yourself the victim of a vast conspiracy is stupidity revealed?

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