Germany is "very, very close" to independence from oil imports from Moscow , German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said. Great Chance for US LNG


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Germany is "very, very close" to independence from oil imports from Moscow horde , German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said. Great Chance for US LNG. Woah, that's a big decrease in a short amount of time. Well done Germany :thup:

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It was a dumb idea to become dependent on Russian energy imports anyway.
Just like DT told them it was before they laughed.
We don't have a monopoly on idiots running the show
+1, do agree that Moscow empire will collapse without our cash?
Just like the ruble did? India & China will take all the energy Russia can supply & they won't need dollars to buy it. More likely we crash our economy than Russias at this point. But that's all part of the plan
India & China will take all the energy Russia
wet dreams of RT. try to google experts , are you Ivan war- criminal or just UI? if so i got more bad news for you

wet dreams of RT. try to google experts , are you Ivan war- criminal or just UI? if so i got more bad news for you

View attachment 636700
I have no idea what you were trying to say. Try making sense next time.
Ukraine is asking for volunteers. You should go if you feel so strongly.
Maybe you could find a non-Nazi battle group if they have any. Stay away from the biolabs too

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