Germany: Government Official Warns Jews Against Wearing Kippah


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Old things new again.

The German government’s commissioner for Antisemitism has warned Jews living in Germany against wearing Kippah, or the Jewish skullcap, in public. “I can’t advise Jews to wear Kippah at all times and everywhere in Germany. I have to say this with regret,” Felix Klein, who heads the German government’s Antisemitism office, told German newspaper group Funke.

Felix Klein: Antisemitismusbeauftragter warnt Juden vor Tragen der Kippa - WELT
Strange that the Jews get attacked for wearing the kippah but Muslims can freely wear any peculiar clothing ,including the hijab and don't get attacked.

In fact there is probably more hatred and dislike of resident Muslims in Germany, than there is antisemitism against the Jews

The answer is simple- the Germans are terrified of their Muslims, both physically and for politically correct reasons, you are not allowed to discriminate against these invaders, they are above the law in Europe.
Strange that the Jews get attacked for wearing the kippah but Muslims can freely wear any peculiar clothing ,including the hijab and don't get attacked.

In fact there is probably more hatred and dislike of resident Muslims in Germany, than there is antisemitism against the Jews

The answer is simple- the Germans are terrified of their Muslims, both physically and for politically correct reasons, you are not allowed to discriminate against these invaders, they are above the law in Europe.
The Germans imported the Muslims so they could finish things.
Somebody tell me why we in the US refer to this garment as a yarmulke? Where did this word come from?

Note that the Germans - not timid folks by any means - pre-emptively bow down to ANTICIPATED Muslim reaction to this harmless display of jewishness.

What other religion inspires such fear?
Strange that the Jews get attacked for wearing the kippah but Muslims can freely wear any peculiar clothing ,including the hijab and don't get attacked.

In fact there is probably more hatred and dislike of resident Muslims in Germany, than there is antisemitism against the Jews

The answer is simple- the Germans are terrified of their Muslims, both physically and for politically correct reasons, you are not allowed to discriminate against these invaders, they are above the law in Europe.
so it is ….
The answer is simple- the Germans are terrified of their Muslims, both physically and for politically correct reasons, you are not allowed to discriminate against these invaders, they are above the law in Europe.

Muslims have already real power in Germany, what can the government do against riots of more as 10m mostly youth Muslims?
In five, later in seven years Germany proclaims Islam officially the leading religion, in eight accepts Sharia law and in ten becomes an Islamic state
No one can change nothing, the country is done, politically and economically, without cheap Russian natural resources (gone for ever) and having a huge amount of Islamic fundamentalist it has no smallest chance
Germany against wearing Kippah,
and compere it with THE POGROMS 🇷🇺 IN MOSCOW ULUS, Which means that German democratic state do just FINE , IN THIS very DIFFICULT SITUATION

Muslims have already real power in Germany, what can the government do against riots of more as 10m mostly youth Muslims?
In five, later in seven years Germany proclaims Islam officially the leading religion, in eight accepts Sharia law and in ten becomes an Islamic state
No one can change nothing, the country is done, politically and economically, without cheap Russian natural resources (gone for ever) and having a huge amount of Islamic fundamentalist it has no smallest chance
any comment on this ?


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