Germany Evicts Poor and Elderly to Make Room for Muslim Refugees


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

The not-so-secret secret about all this is that on ly one group gains from all this, aside from the refugees themselves. That group is the corporations that will hire the cheap foreign labor and who have, therefore, twisted the arms of the government leaders to allow these refugees in despite the fact that so many of their own people will be literally thrown out into the street.

Why doesn't their media cover this more? Why doesn't our media cover this story but instead focuses on all the suffering refugees instead? Because the same corporations that own the profiteering corporations also own the media corporations as well.

What the Germans are experiencing with Muslim refugees, the US is experiencing with our illegal immigrants. The corporations need their profits and so they compel politicians to ignore the law and look the other way as somewhere between 11 million and 30 million illegals displace the poor working class and H1-B visa holders displace our native born STEM degreed citizens.

That so many are supporting Trump when he talks about immigration despite all his slip ups should be a sign of how outraged the public has become and it is only going to get worse because no matter what the election results are the corporations will have their criminal profiteering way for a long time to come.

Now you know why honest servants of the public like Petreaus gets sudden intrusive searches of his home and office, while Hillary a craven slave to these corporations gets one more chance after another, and Jeb Bush is getting hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from the same people backing Hillary.

Both these candidates are being elected with corporate money so they can railroad US citizens while they steal, exploit and profiteer at will with no government oversight whatsoever.

And Hillary and Jeb are only the tip of the proverbial ice berg.
Syrian refugees gonna starve...

UN Agency Forced to Cut Food Aid to 200,000 Syrian Refugees
SEPT. 4, 2015 — The cash-strapped World Food Program has had to drop one-third of Syrian refugees from its food voucher program in Middle Eastern host countries this year, including more than 200,000 in Jordan who stopped receiving food aid in September, a spokeswoman said Friday.
The sharp cutbacks come at a time when growing numbers of desperate Syrians who initially found refuge in neighboring countries are trying to reach Europe. Since 2011, more than 4 million Syrians fled their country's civil war, most settling in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. Abeer Etefa, a WFP regional spokeswoman, said the world must do more to support refugees in the regional host countries or face increasing migration. "This is a crisis that has been brewing in the region for five years," she said. "Now it is getting the attention of the world because it moved one step further from the region to Europe. We have to help people where they are or they will move."

The U.N. agency has been distributing food vouchers to refugees since the beginning of the Syria crisis, but is facing increasing funding gaps. "Since the beginning of this operation, it has been hand to mouth," said Etefa. "It is nerve-wracking for the refugees and the staff." She said the agency needs $236 million to keep the program — even in its scaled-back version — funded through November. No major donors have come forward, she said. Since the beginning of the year, the agency reduced the number of voucher recipients in the regional host countries from 2.1 million to around 1.4 million and sharply reduced the value of the vouchers. The maximum is now $14 per person per month for urban refugees in Lebanon and Jordan.

Etefa said the agency tries to give priority to the most vulnerable refugees, including single mothers. This month, refugees in Jordan faced the biggest cuts. Jordan hosts about 630,000 Syrian refugees, including more than half a million in communities and the rest in camps. As of September, 211,000 of 440,000 urban refugees who had been receiving some food aid lost their benefits, Etefa said. Those living in the camps continue to receive food vouchers.

With conditions in the host countries worsening, thousands of Syrian refugees have been trying to reach Europe, many attempting treacherous sea voyages. On Friday, a man whose family died when a small rubber boat capsized on the way from Turkey to Greece buried his wife and two sons in their hometown in Syria. The haunting image of one of the sons, 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, washed up on a Turkish beach focused the world's attention on the wave of migration fueled by war and deprivation. Earlier this week, the U.N. warned that 40 percent of children from five conflict-scarred Middle Eastern countries, including Syria, are not in school, and that losing this generation will lead to more militancy and migration.

See also:

The Latest: EU hopes to redistribute 120000 migrants
September 4,`15 — The latest news as tens of thousands of migrants pour into countries across Europe. All times local (CET):
8 p.m.

A European Union official says the EU’s plan to distribute an additional 120,000 migrants across the 28-nation bloc includes relocating 54,000 migrants from Hungary. The call for additional sharing of migrants is expected to be key point in European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s address to the European Parliament next Wednesday. It comes on top of the EU plan this spring to relocate 40,000 migrants, which is now deemed insufficient. An EU official, who asked not to be identified because the proposal still has to be made, said the plan would also redistribute 50,400 migrants from Greece and 15,600 from Italy.

7:45 p.m.

Turkey’s state-run news agency says four suspected human traffickers detained in connection with the drowning of 12 migrants face charges of smuggling and involuntary manslaughter. The Anadolu Agency says the four, including a Syrian national, were being questioned Friday by a court in the Turkish resort town of Bodrum. The 12 who drowned included the 3-year-old Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi, whose haunting image highlighted the plight of migrants. He died along with 5-year-old brother and their mother when their small rubber boat capsized as it headed for Greece. The three were buried Friday in Kobani, northern Syria — the hometown they had fled. Twenty-four other Syrians, including five children, swam to shore after their boat capsized off Bodrum, Anadolu said.

6:35 p.m.

The number of migrants flowing into Europe is staggering this year. The International Organization for Migration says more than 364,000 migrants have arrived in Europe so far — and over 2,800 have died along the way, most in the sea crossing from North Africa. Greece and Italy have been the hardest-hit nations, seeing over 245,000 and nearly 117,000 arrive respectively, the vast majority by sea. Hungary said more than 163,000 migrants had crossed its land border.

6:15 p.m.

Hungarian authorities say a migrant has died at the train station in Bicske, collapsing as he fled a train where he had been stuck for two days with about 500 other migrants. The man was among about 350 migrants who broke through a riot police cordon in the northern town to head west to Austria. In a standoff, the migrants had refused to go to a Hungarian processing center and police had refused to let the train travel on to Austria. Medics tried to revive him. The National Ambulance Emergency Service said the man was about 50 and his precise cause of death was not yet known.

6:00 p.m.
Syrian refugees gonna starve...

UN Agency Forced to Cut Food Aid to 200,000 Syrian Refugees
SEPT. 4, 2015 — The cash-strapped World Food Program has had to drop one-third of Syrian refugees from its food voucher program in Middle Eastern host countries this year, including more than 200,000 in Jordan who stopped receiving food aid in September, a spokeswoman said Friday.
The sharp cutbacks come at a time when growing numbers of desperate Syrians who initially found refuge in neighboring countries are trying to reach Europe. Since 2011, more than 4 million Syrians fled their country's civil war, most settling in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. Abeer Etefa, a WFP regional spokeswoman, said the world must do more to support refugees in the regional host countries or face increasing migration. "This is a crisis that has been brewing in the region for five years," she said. "Now it is getting the attention of the world because it moved one step further from the region to Europe. We have to help people where they are or they will move."

The U.N. agency has been distributing food vouchers to refugees since the beginning of the Syria crisis, but is facing increasing funding gaps. "Since the beginning of this operation, it has been hand to mouth," said Etefa. "It is nerve-wracking for the refugees and the staff." She said the agency needs $236 million to keep the program — even in its scaled-back version — funded through November. No major donors have come forward, she said. Since the beginning of the year, the agency reduced the number of voucher recipients in the regional host countries from 2.1 million to around 1.4 million and sharply reduced the value of the vouchers. The maximum is now $14 per person per month for urban refugees in Lebanon and Jordan.

Etefa said the agency tries to give priority to the most vulnerable refugees, including single mothers. This month, refugees in Jordan faced the biggest cuts. Jordan hosts about 630,000 Syrian refugees, including more than half a million in communities and the rest in camps. As of September, 211,000 of 440,000 urban refugees who had been receiving some food aid lost their benefits, Etefa said. Those living in the camps continue to receive food vouchers.

With conditions in the host countries worsening, thousands of Syrian refugees have been trying to reach Europe, many attempting treacherous sea voyages. On Friday, a man whose family died when a small rubber boat capsized on the way from Turkey to Greece buried his wife and two sons in their hometown in Syria. The haunting image of one of the sons, 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, washed up on a Turkish beach focused the world's attention on the wave of migration fueled by war and deprivation. Earlier this week, the U.N. warned that 40 percent of children from five conflict-scarred Middle Eastern countries, including Syria, are not in school, and that losing this generation will lead to more militancy and migration.

See also:

The Latest: EU hopes to redistribute 120000 migrants
September 4,`15 — The latest news as tens of thousands of migrants pour into countries across Europe. All times local (CET):
8 p.m.

A European Union official says the EU’s plan to distribute an additional 120,000 migrants across the 28-nation bloc includes relocating 54,000 migrants from Hungary. The call for additional sharing of migrants is expected to be key point in European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s address to the European Parliament next Wednesday. It comes on top of the EU plan this spring to relocate 40,000 migrants, which is now deemed insufficient. An EU official, who asked not to be identified because the proposal still has to be made, said the plan would also redistribute 50,400 migrants from Greece and 15,600 from Italy.

7:45 p.m.

Turkey’s state-run news agency says four suspected human traffickers detained in connection with the drowning of 12 migrants face charges of smuggling and involuntary manslaughter. The Anadolu Agency says the four, including a Syrian national, were being questioned Friday by a court in the Turkish resort town of Bodrum. The 12 who drowned included the 3-year-old Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi, whose haunting image highlighted the plight of migrants. He died along with 5-year-old brother and their mother when their small rubber boat capsized as it headed for Greece. The three were buried Friday in Kobani, northern Syria — the hometown they had fled. Twenty-four other Syrians, including five children, swam to shore after their boat capsized off Bodrum, Anadolu said.

6:35 p.m.

The number of migrants flowing into Europe is staggering this year. The International Organization for Migration says more than 364,000 migrants have arrived in Europe so far — and over 2,800 have died along the way, most in the sea crossing from North Africa. Greece and Italy have been the hardest-hit nations, seeing over 245,000 and nearly 117,000 arrive respectively, the vast majority by sea. Hungary said more than 163,000 migrants had crossed its land border.

6:15 p.m.

Hungarian authorities say a migrant has died at the train station in Bicske, collapsing as he fled a train where he had been stuck for two days with about 500 other migrants. The man was among about 350 migrants who broke through a riot police cordon in the northern town to head west to Austria. In a standoff, the migrants had refused to go to a Hungarian processing center and police had refused to let the train travel on to Austria. Medics tried to revive him. The National Ambulance Emergency Service said the man was about 50 and his precise cause of death was not yet known.

6:00 p.m.

I truly pity those people, but ISIS has infiltrated them for sure and to let them throughout Europe without vetting them is suicidal. They need to be put on Greek islands, rent them from cash strapped Greece, and get aid to feed them. But don't let them flow freely all over Europe.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.

How does this relate to Hitler in your view?

I think Hitler would not have made room for refugees, so your response doesn't add up in my view.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.

You sure picked the right handle, but odious fits you even better.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.

You sure picked the right handle, but odious fits you even better.
Do you even know what Odium means? Lol Most don't.
OP, interesting story but provide a link. We need to know where this information is coming from

The 'leaders' of these refugees are political radicals as can be seen from their rejection of food and water. They want the Western media to show their children suffering so they can get sympathy and actually meeting the needs of their own children is not a consideration to them.

Dare Europeans let this nearly one million swarm with such so-called leaders infest their nations? Is it plausible that ISIS has not infiltrated the whole mass of people migrating 'for a better life'?
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.
German Jews were not German?
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.
German Jews were not German?
Antisemites like Odium are of the opinion that Jews do not adopt their host nation and are an ethnic group that is alien to its host nation and plays a predatory role there.
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.
German Jews were not German?
Jews are loyal only to their race. Have you ever seen the list of countries/nations jews have been tossed out of? Its well over 100. Ever seen what learned men have said about Jews? Martin Luther? Ben Franklin? Ulysses S Grant? Henry Ford?
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.
German Jews were not German?
Jews are loyal only to their race. Have you ever seen the list of countries/nations jews have been tossed out of? Its well over 100. Ever seen what learned men have said about Jews? Martin Luther? Ben Franklin? Ulysses S Grant? Henry Ford?
Which is why so many American Jews support Obama on Iran and couldn't care less about Israel?
Hilter rears his ugly head once again. Wasn't aware he was reincarnated.
Yeah only Hitler thought of the poor and elderly of his are nothing but a troll and a dumb one at that.How about YOU open your door to some invaders you little maggot.

So Hitler didn't send the poor and elderly Jews to the death camps then?
He was German. Jews were not. Jews are ONLY loyal to other jews not the nation they live in. To bad he didn't finish the fucking job.
German Jews were not German?
Antisemites like Odium are of the opinion that Jews do not adopt their host nation and are an ethnic group that is alien to its host nation and plays a predatory role there.
Other than the stupid part about anti semites you are 100% correct. That's the truth. Or maybe I can act like you and blame ALL those nations that kicked Jews out for them being the bad guy eh? Its NEVER the jews fault.

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