Germany Considers a 19% Meat Tax to Combat Global Warming

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Germany Considers a 19% Meat Tax to Combat Global Warming
Eric Worrall / 2 days ago August 8, 2019

Monks Hot Dog, author Mark H. Anbinder

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Anyone here believe that global warming zealots want to stop at 19%?

Germany may introduce ‘meat tax’ to protect the environment

Currently meat has reduced tax rate of 7 per cent but politicians say it should increase to 19

Phoebe Weston Science Correspondent @phoeb0
1 day ago

Germany could introduce a “meat tax” to protect the climate and improve animal welfare.

Currently meat in the country has a reduced tax rate of seven per cent but the Social Democrat party and the Greens are arguing that this should increase to the standard 19 per cent, with additional revenue spent on improving animal welfare.

“I am in favour of abolishing the VAT reduction for meat and earmarking it for more animal welfare,” Friedrich Ostendorf, agricultural policy spokesperson for the Greens told The Local website.

He said it mad “no sense” that meat was taxed at seven per cent while oat milk is taxed at 19 per cent.

Read more: Germany may introduce 'meat tax' to protect the environment

While most people think of Germans as wealthy, there is a lot of poverty in Germany. According to a DW article in 2018, around 20% of Germans are struggling to pay their bills and heat their homes. This new meat tax if passed will simply add to their already intolerable burden.

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Germany Considers a 19% Meat Tax to Combat Global Warming
Eric Worrall / 2 days ago August 8, 2019

Monks Hot Dog, author Mark H. Anbinder

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Anyone here believe that global warming zealots want to stop at 19%?

Germany may introduce ‘meat tax’ to protect the environment

Currently meat has reduced tax rate of 7 per cent but politicians say it should increase to 19

Phoebe Weston Science Correspondent @phoeb0
1 day ago

Germany could introduce a “meat tax” to protect the climate and improve animal welfare.

Currently meat in the country has a reduced tax rate of seven per cent but the Social Democrat party and the Greens are arguing that this should increase to the standard 19 per cent, with additional revenue spent on improving animal welfare.

“I am in favour of abolishing the VAT reduction for meat and earmarking it for more animal welfare,” Friedrich Ostendorf, agricultural policy spokesperson for the Greens told The Local website.

He said it mad “no sense” that meat was taxed at seven per cent while oat milk is taxed at 19 per cent.

Read more: Germany may introduce 'meat tax' to protect the environment

While most people think of Germans as wealthy, there is a lot of poverty in Germany. According to a DW article in 2018, around 20% of Germans are struggling to pay their bills and heat their homes. This new meat tax if passed will simply add to their already intolerable burden.

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Them Germans are pretty violent when they get drunk, just look what the did back in the 1930's. Now get them drunk and not be able to eat their weinershnitzels and WWIII is just around the corner.
Germany Considers a 19% Meat Tax to Combat Global Warming
Eric Worrall / 2 days ago August 8, 2019

Monks Hot Dog, author Mark H. Anbinder

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Anyone here believe that global warming zealots want to stop at 19%?

Germany may introduce ‘meat tax’ to protect the environment

Currently meat has reduced tax rate of 7 per cent but politicians say it should increase to 19

Phoebe Weston Science Correspondent @phoeb0
1 day ago

Germany could introduce a “meat tax” to protect the climate and improve animal welfare.

Currently meat in the country has a reduced tax rate of seven per cent but the Social Democrat party and the Greens are arguing that this should increase to the standard 19 per cent, with additional revenue spent on improving animal welfare.

“I am in favour of abolishing the VAT reduction for meat and earmarking it for more animal welfare,” Friedrich Ostendorf, agricultural policy spokesperson for the Greens told The Local website.

He said it mad “no sense” that meat was taxed at seven per cent while oat milk is taxed at 19 per cent.

Read more: Germany may introduce 'meat tax' to protect the environment

While most people think of Germans as wealthy, there is a lot of poverty in Germany. According to a DW article in 2018, around 20% of Germans are struggling to pay their bills and heat their homes. This new meat tax if passed will simply add to their already intolerable burden.

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They already pay triple what we do for electricity. Why think so small?
Tax their meat (and beer) until they pay triple there too.
Germany Considers a 19% Meat Tax to Combat Global Warming
Eric Worrall / 2 days ago August 8, 2019

Monks Hot Dog, author Mark H. Anbinder

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Anyone here believe that global warming zealots want to stop at 19%?

Germany may introduce ‘meat tax’ to protect the environment

Currently meat has reduced tax rate of 7 per cent but politicians say it should increase to 19

Phoebe Weston Science Correspondent @phoeb0
1 day ago

Germany could introduce a “meat tax” to protect the climate and improve animal welfare.

Currently meat in the country has a reduced tax rate of seven per cent but the Social Democrat party and the Greens are arguing that this should increase to the standard 19 per cent, with additional revenue spent on improving animal welfare.

“I am in favour of abolishing the VAT reduction for meat and earmarking it for more animal welfare,” Friedrich Ostendorf, agricultural policy spokesperson for the Greens told The Local website.

He said it mad “no sense” that meat was taxed at seven per cent while oat milk is taxed at 19 per cent.

Read more: Germany may introduce 'meat tax' to protect the environment

While most people think of Germans as wealthy, there is a lot of poverty in Germany. According to a DW article in 2018, around 20% of Germans are struggling to pay their bills and heat their homes. This new meat tax if passed will simply add to their already intolerable burden.

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They already pay triple what we do for electricity. Why think so small?
Tax their meat (and beer) until they pay triple there too.

all over the globo homo left wing world and even the UN the calls to stop eating meat are getting louder and louder
The typical nonsense. The idiots from the left political spectrum in Germany (SPD, Grüne, die Linke) call always for new taxes and try to forbid the people to do what they like to do. It would be much more effective in Germany to reduce the VAT for everything what has to do with alternative energy and the storage of this energy.
... Them Germans are pretty violent when they get drunk, just look what the did back in the 1930's. Now get them drunk and not be able to eat their weinershnitzels and WWIII is just around the corner.

Not "weinerschnitzels" the name is "Wiener Schnitzel".

Statim e somno, quem plerumque in diem extrahunt, lavantur, saepius calida, ut apud quos plurimum hiems occupat. lauti cibum capiunt: separatae singulis sedes et sua cuique mensa. tum ad negotia nec minus saepe ad convivia procedunt armati. diem noctemque continuare potando nulli probrum. crebrae, ut inter vinolentos, rixae raro conviciis, saepius caede et vulneribus transiguntur. sed et de reconciliandis invicem inimicis et iungendis adfinitatibus et adsciscendis principibus, de pace denique ac bello plerumque in conviviis consultant, tamquam nullo magis tempore aut ad simplices cogitationes pateat animus aut ad magnas incalescat. gens non astuta nec callida aperit adhuc secreta pectoris licentia loci; ergo detecta et nuda omnium mens. postera die retractatur, et salva utriusque temporis ratio est: deliberant, dum fingere nesciunt, constituunt, dum errare non possunt.
Tacitus (~50-120 AD)


all over the globo homo left wing world and even the UN the calls to stop eating meat are getting louder and louder

The people here eat in average indeed much to much meat. But that's their decision and not the decision of anyone else. The traditional way to eat meat was once in Germany two times a week: Sunday and Thursday. All other days were traditionally without meat. Friday was a day of fasting - a day where the people often ate fish. Sustainable fish farming is by the way without alternative; overexplotation should become a crime worldwide.

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The typical nonsense. The idiots from the left political spectrum in Germany (SPD, Grüne, die Linke)

There is not any real difference between any MS party in Germany.
They all are left and NWO servants

CDU/CSU & FDP are ready to build a coalition even with Greens or Lefts to avoid participation of AFD on government.
See coming election in the East Germany
The typical nonsense. The idiots from the left political spectrum in Germany (SPD, Grüne, die Linke)

There is not any real difference between any MS party in Germany.

MS party? What's that?

They all are left and NWO servants

NWO servants?

CDU/CSU & FDP are ready to build a coalition even with Greens or Lefts to avoid participation of AFD on government.
See coming election in the East Germany

The AfD is a dead Nazi-party. To work together with them or to vote for them means to vote for dead structures. A similiar problem on the left side is the political party "Die Linke". All other political parties should have not any problem to coalate with each other.

And "Trump" is a dead structure too, I would say. When he will be gone many people will need a lot of brooms and dustpants ("made in China", I guess) to start to clear the disasters he had left.

One of the worst problems of the USA - as far as I can see - is your "the winner takes it all" maxime. You should also produce more political competition. Always only two political parties - one more stupid as the next one - boring, isn't it? On the other side is a fragmentation with to many little parties also not good.

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