German poll: "Israel" is an aggressive state

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
BERLIN,(PIC)-- A poll in weekly Stern magazine, conducted by Forsa pollsters, finds that majority of Germans think that Israel is an aggressive state.

The survey came in contrast with the German government's supportive position to Israel. The poll was conducted shortly before President Joachim Gauck's visit to Israel and occupied West Bank May 28-31.

The Forsa poll found 59 percent of Germans considered Israel as an “aggressive state", up 10 percent compared to 2009. Some 60 percent disagreed with the statement that Germany owed a special obligation to Israel after the Holocaust, while 65 percent said that Germany ought to recognize a Palestinian state.

The survey found 70 percent of Germans agree with the statement that Israel pursues its interests without consideration for other nations, up 11 percent compared to 2009.

German poll: "Israel" is an aggressive state
BERLIN,(PIC)-- A poll in weekly Stern magazine, conducted by Forsa pollsters, finds that majority of Germans think that Israel is an aggressive state.

The survey came in contrast with the German government's supportive position to Israel. The poll was conducted shortly before President Joachim Gauck's visit to Israel and occupied West Bank May 28-31.

The Forsa poll found 59 percent of Germans considered Israel as an “aggressive state", up 10 percent compared to 2009. Some 60 percent disagreed with the statement that Germany owed a special obligation to Israel after the Holocaust, while 65 percent said that Germany ought to recognize a Palestinian state.

The survey found 70 percent of Germans agree with the statement that Israel pursues its interests without consideration for other nations, up 11 percent compared to 2009.

German poll: "Israel" is an aggressive state
Gee I wonder what they think of Muslims and Palestinians in particular? Germany has been traditionally very pro Israel for a long time now, something you omitted in your BS post about a BS poll, from a Palestinian false site.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel'

Dozens of protestors gather outside German Foreign Ministry, urge Merkel to endorse Palestinian statehood bid
Assaf Uni
Published:* 09.20.11, 22:09

Dozens of Palestinian protestors gathered Tuesday outside Germany's Foreign Ministry in Berlin in order to slam what they characterized as a pro-Israel stance adopted by the local government.
The demonstrators demanded that Berlin endorse the upcoming Palestinian statehood bid. At this time, Germany is one of only three countries that appear set to oppose the Palestinian move at the Security Council.
The protest, organized by the Palestinian Authority's mission in the German capital, included chants in favor of the two-state solution, an end to Israeli occupation and recognition of Palestinian sovereignty.,7340,L-4125110,00.html
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BERLIN,(PIC)-- A poll in weekly Stern magazine, conducted by Forsa pollsters, finds that majority of Germans think that Israel is an aggressive state.

The survey came in contrast with the German government's supportive position to Israel. The poll was conducted shortly before President Joachim Gauck's visit to Israel and occupied West Bank May 28-31.

The Forsa poll found 59 percent of Germans considered Israel as an “aggressive state", up 10 percent compared to 2009. Some 60 percent disagreed with the statement that Germany owed a special obligation to Israel after the Holocaust, while 65 percent said that Germany ought to recognize a Palestinian state.

The survey found 70 percent of Germans agree with the statement that Israel pursues its interests without consideration for other nations, up 11 percent compared to 2009.

German poll: "Israel" is an aggressive state
Gee I wonder what they think of Muslims and Palestinians in particular? Germany has been traditionally very pro Israel for a long time now, something you omitted in your BS post about a BS poll, from a Palestinian false site.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel'

Dozens of protestors gather outside German Foreign Ministry, urge Merkel to endorse Palestinian statehood bid
Assaf Uni
Published:* 09.20.11, 22:09

Dozens of Palestinian protestors gathered Tuesday outside Germany's Foreign Ministry in Berlin in order to slam what they characterized as a pro-Israel stance adopted by the local government.
The demonstrators demanded that Berlin endorse the upcoming Palestinian statehood bid. At this time, Germany is one of only three countries that appear set to oppose the Palestinian move at the Security Council.
The protest, organized by the Palestinian Authority's mission in the German capital, included chants in favor of the two-state solution, an end to Israeli occupation and recognition of Palestinian sovereignty.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Governments tend to be more pro-Israel than the people.
BERLIN,(PIC)-- A poll in weekly Stern magazine, conducted by Forsa pollsters, finds that majority of Germans think that Israel is an aggressive state.

The survey came in contrast with the German government's supportive position to Israel. The poll was conducted shortly before President Joachim Gauck's visit to Israel and occupied West Bank May 28-31.

The Forsa poll found 59 percent of Germans considered Israel as an “aggressive state", up 10 percent compared to 2009. Some 60 percent disagreed with the statement that Germany owed a special obligation to Israel after the Holocaust, while 65 percent said that Germany ought to recognize a Palestinian state.

The survey found 70 percent of Germans agree with the statement that Israel pursues its interests without consideration for other nations, up 11 percent compared to 2009.

German poll: "Israel" is an aggressive state
Gee I wonder what they think of Muslims and Palestinians in particular? Germany has been traditionally very pro Israel for a long time now, something you omitted in your BS post about a BS poll, from a Palestinian false site.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel'

Dozens of protestors gather outside German Foreign Ministry, urge Merkel to endorse Palestinian statehood bid
Assaf Uni
Published:* 09.20.11, 22:09

Dozens of Palestinian protestors gathered Tuesday outside Germany's Foreign Ministry in Berlin in order to slam what they characterized as a pro-Israel stance adopted by the local government.
The demonstrators demanded that Berlin endorse the upcoming Palestinian statehood bid. At this time, Germany is one of only three countries that appear set to oppose the Palestinian move at the Security Council.
The protest, organized by the Palestinian Authority's mission in the German capital, included chants in favor of the two-state solution, an end to Israeli occupation and recognition of Palestinian sovereignty.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Governments tend to be more pro-Israel than the people.
Thats because the people in general tend to be much more pro Israel, than Pro Palestine or pro Muslim. Just the facts m'am. There is a huge wave of anti Muslim sentiment sweeping all over Europe now. Govt's are passing one anti Islam legislation after another. They are fed up with Muslims. Why didn't you post polls about those? Truth hurts.
Gee I wonder what they think of Muslims and Palestinians in particular? Germany has been traditionally very pro Israel for a long time now, something you omitted in your BS post about a BS poll, from a Palestinian false site.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel'

Dozens of protestors gather outside German Foreign Ministry, urge Merkel to endorse Palestinian statehood bid
Assaf Uni
Published:* 09.20.11, 22:09

Dozens of Palestinian protestors gathered Tuesday outside Germany's Foreign Ministry in Berlin in order to slam what they characterized as a pro-Israel stance adopted by the local government.
The demonstrators demanded that Berlin endorse the upcoming Palestinian statehood bid. At this time, Germany is one of only three countries that appear set to oppose the Palestinian move at the Security Council.
The protest, organized by the Palestinian Authority's mission in the German capital, included chants in favor of the two-state solution, an end to Israeli occupation and recognition of Palestinian sovereignty.

Palestinians rally in Berlin: 'Germany is pro-Israel' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Governments tend to be more pro-Israel than the people.
Thats because the people in general tend to be much more pro Israel, than Pro Palestine or pro Muslim. Just the facts m'am. There is a huge wave of anti Muslim sentiment sweeping all over Europe now. Govt's are passing one anti Islam legislation after another. They are fed up with Muslims. Why didn't you post polls about those? Truth hurts.

Not really. I am not Muslim and this is not a religious conflict. So in reality it is irrelevant.
Governments tend to be more pro-Israel than the people.
Thats because the people in general tend to be much more pro Israel, than Pro Palestine or pro Muslim. Just the facts m'am. There is a huge wave of anti Muslim sentiment sweeping all over Europe now. Govt's are passing one anti Islam legislation after another. They are fed up with Muslims. Why didn't you post polls about those? Truth hurts.

Not really. I am not Muslim and this is not a religious conflict. So in reality it is irrelevant.

Not a religious conflict? my god you must be joking.:eusa_eh:
Governments tend to be more pro-Israel than the people.
Thats because the people in general tend to be much more pro Israel, than Pro Palestine or pro Muslim. Just the facts m'am. There is a huge wave of anti Muslim sentiment sweeping all over Europe now. Govt's are passing one anti Islam legislation after another. They are fed up with Muslims. Why didn't you post polls about those? Truth hurts.

Not really. I am not Muslim and this is not a religious conflict. So in reality it is irrelevant.
Ha ha. Tinmore thinks this is not a religious conflict. That is so fucking stupid, I don't even know where to start to educate this ignorant nincompoop.
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Thats because the people in general tend to be much more pro Israel, than Pro Palestine or pro Muslim. Just the facts m'am. There is a huge wave of anti Muslim sentiment sweeping all over Europe now. Govt's are passing one anti Islam legislation after another. They are fed up with Muslims. Why didn't you post polls about those? Truth hurts.

Not really. I am not Muslim and this is not a religious conflict. So in reality it is irrelevant.

Not a religious conflict? my god you must be joking.:eusa_eh:
He's not joking. He's either a shameless liar, or one of the most stupid ignorant people you have met. Or both.
Europe's Identity Crisis Fuels Rising Anti-Muslim Sentiment

LONDON (Oct. 16) -- Since the end of World War II Germany has prided itself on being a beacon of tolerance, removed from the petty hatreds that once tore Europe apart. But according to a national survey released this week, a new form of ugly xenophobia -- this time focused on Muslims, who make up around 5.5 percent of the population -- is gaining mass acceptance. More than 55 percent of those polled by researchers from the University of Leipzig declared that Arabs weren't pleasant people -- up from 44 percent in 2003 -- and 58 percent said the practice of Islam should be "considerably restricted."

Islamophobia isn't only on the rise in Germany. A powerful and populist strain of anti-Muslim sentiment is now taking hold across Europe -- boosting support for far-right groups, and putting mainstream politicians on the defensive.

The Sweden Democrats party -- which started out as a neo-Nazi movement -- last month entered parliament for the first time, winning 5.7 percent of the vote on the back of campaign ads that featured burqa-clad Muslim women knocking aside white Swedish pensioners and grabbing their state benefits. In the Netherlands, the anti-Islam Freedom Party of Geert Wilders -- who believes the "fascist" Koran should be banned, along with immigration from Muslim countries -- gained a record 24 seats in the June elections. And in Britain, thousands of hooligans from the English Defence League -- which claims to be against extremist Islam, and boasts that its membership includes Jews and Sikhs -- regularly stages marches in largely Muslim urban areas, shouting anti-Islamic slogans and intimidating local residents.

This stricter focus on Islam has helped these groups win over voters who don't consider themselves racist, but -- in the wake of 9/11 and the bomb attacks in London and Madrid -- are concerned about the perceived threat of radical Islam. "It's no longer politically acceptable to be openly racist," Jonathan Githens-Mazer, co-director of the European Muslim Research Centre at England's Exeter University, told AOL News. "But in secular Europe, it is politically acceptable to be anti-Muslim. For many far-right movements, this is a very convenient schtick that ensures they're no longer accused of being fascists, and allows them to turn their intolerant views into a more electorally palatable form."
Anti-Muslim sentiment on the rise in Europe

By Mick O'Reilly, Senior Associate Editor
April 18, 2012

"Islamophobia in Europe does seem to correlate to the financial crisis," Prof Jorgen Neilsen, head of the Centre of European Islamic Thought at Copenhagen University, told Gulf News yesterday.

"There's a real feeling of scape-goating," he said. "It's very difficult and complicated to rouse public opinion against the real sinners which are globalisation and the rise of India and China, and the gradual move in Europe from national sovereignty to the European Union."

In France, over the past couple of years, there's been a heated debate, for example, over women's dress and whether they should be allowed to wear the burqa," Nielsen noted. "That debate feeds into the threat from the far-right and will likely recede after the presidential elections."

He noted, though, that pre-existing laws in France adequately covered security concerns over wearing the burqa and that the debate and subsequent passing of the burqa ban fed into the need of the far right.

"In Denmark, there's been a pretty nasty and vicious debate, particularly since the cartoon affair of 2005 and 2006, over Islam," he said, "with both sides taking a very active and vicious stance." Across Europe, Nielsen said anti-Muslim sentiment seems to grow through social and political expediency.

"You can go around Europe and tick off the boxes, depending on where and when you are," he said, adding that at present, Hungary and Bulgaria are in the throes of a vicious debate over Islam.

"I don't think Norway is all that different from the rest of Europe," he said. "It does have a hard-line right wing nationalistic party which before the Breivik killings was predicted to form the government."
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Thats because the people in general tend to be much more pro Israel, than Pro Palestine or pro Muslim. Just the facts m'am. There is a huge wave of anti Muslim sentiment sweeping all over Europe now. Govt's are passing one anti Islam legislation after another. They are fed up with Muslims. Why didn't you post polls about those? Truth hurts.

Not really. I am not Muslim and this is not a religious conflict. So in reality it is irrelevant.

Not a religious conflict? my god you must be joking.:eusa_eh:

It is not the stereotypical religious conflict.

The standard religious conflict propaganda states that it is the Muslims attacking Christians and Jews.

However, in this conflict the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

You can call it a religious conflict if you wish.
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Not really. I am not Muslim and this is not a religious conflict. So in reality it is irrelevant.

Not a religious conflict? my god you must be joking.:eusa_eh:

It is not the stereotypical religious conflict.

The standard religious conflict propaganda states that it is the Muslims attacking Christians and Jews.

However, in this conflict the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

You can call it a religious conflict if you wish.
Ha ha ha. This conflict is all about Jewish presence and control in that region. For the same reason Muslims are at war with Lebanese Christians or want Spain back because at one point in time it was part of the "Islamic nations". If Israel was run by Muslims there would be no conflict to talk about. Which is why when the Jordanians and Egyptians controlled Gaza and West Bank for 20 years from 1948 on, nobody on either side uttered the word "Palestine" or "Palestinians". In fact most Arab leaders at the time were quoted ridiculing the thought of an Arab Palestine nation or an Arab Palestinian people.

This is all about Muslim hatred and intolerance. It is and never was about a Palestine or stolen lands. The five wars that was fought by Israel against groups of Arab nations, was never to create this fictional Palestine.

Truth hurts.
Not a religious conflict? my god you must be joking.:eusa_eh:

It is not the stereotypical religious conflict.

The standard religious conflict propaganda states that it is the Muslims attacking Christians and Jews.

However, in this conflict the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

You can call it a religious conflict if you wish.
Ha ha ha. This conflict is all about Jewish presence and control in that region. For the same reason Muslims are at war with Lebanese Christians or want Spain back because at one point in time it was part of the "Islamic nations". If Israel was run by Muslims there would be no conflict to talk about. Which is why when the Jordanians and Egyptians controlled Gaza and West Bank for 20 years from 1948 on, nobody on either side uttered the word "Palestine" or "Palestinians". In fact most Arab leaders at the time were quoted ridiculing the thought of an Arab Palestine nation or an Arab Palestinian people.

This is all about Muslim hatred and intolerance. It is and never was about a Palestine or stolen lands. The five wars that was fought by Israel against groups of Arab nations, was never to create this fictional Palestine.

Truth hurts.

Of course that did not address my post.
Just about every German I have talked to the past year are mostly pro-Israel.On the downside, most of the ones I talked to think Obama is the greatest thing since they started putting rhubarb in cans.

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