Georgia Governor declares water a gateway drug that leads to voting!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

ATLANTA (The Borowitz Report)—Raising the ante in his ongoing battle with the aqueous substance, Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, has declared water “a gateway drug that leads to voting.”​
“We’ve consulted a lot of studies on this,” he said. “People are much more likely to vote if they are under the influence of water.”​
The governor said that he was considering a number of measures to address water addiction, including stiffer penalties for voting while quenching.​
In his starkest warning, Kemp told those who traffic in the banned liquid, “We’re coming after you,” and promised prison time for anyone combining hydrogen and oxygen in illegal water labs.​

Bore-owitz, even more boring than usual.


ATLANTA (The Borowitz Report)—Raising the ante in his ongoing battle with the aqueous substance, Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, has declared water “a gateway drug that leads to voting.”​
“We’ve consulted a lot of studies on this,” he said. “People are much more likely to vote if they are under the influence of water.”​
The governor said that he was considering a number of measures to address water addiction, including stiffer penalties for voting while quenching.​
In his starkest warning, Kemp told those who traffic in the banned liquid, “We’re coming after you,” and promised prison time for anyone combining hydrogen and oxygen in illegal water labs.​

Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.
Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.

It isn't the most important issue no. The most important issue is giving a state legislature the power to commandeer a County Elections Board when they don't like the results of an election.

The Georgia State Legislature could turn blue in the next several years. If this bullshit stands (it won't) - guess we'll see how YOU like it when Dems do the same damn thing.
Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.

It isn't the most important issue no. The most important issue is giving a state legislature the power to commandeer a County Elections Board when they don't like the results of an election.

The Georgia State Legislature could turn blue in the next several years. If this bullshit stands (it won't) - guess we'll see how YOU like it when Dems do the same damn thing.
What's next free vodka and weed?
Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.

It isn't the most important issue no. The most important issue is giving a state legislature the power to commandeer a County Elections Board when they don't like the results of an election.

The Georgia State Legislature could turn blue in the next several years. If this bullshit stands (it won't) - guess we'll see how YOU like it when Dems do the same damn thing.
No. The MOST important issue is stopping Mail out ballots and Ballot harvesting. Which turned the election. There should be an election DAY. Not an election 2 Months. If Minorities are to stupid or lazy to get to the polls ,tough shit. That is called Freedom of choice. If they are to bone lazy to stand on line for an hour ,they must not CARE about voting.Screw 'em.
Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.

It isn't the most important issue no. The most important issue is giving a state legislature the power to commandeer a County Elections Board when they don't like the results of an election.

The Georgia State Legislature could turn blue in the next several years. If this bullshit stands (it won't) - guess we'll see how YOU like it when Dems do the same damn thing.
What's next free vodka and weed?

Offered no one - EVER
Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.

It isn't the most important issue no. The most important issue is giving a state legislature the power to commandeer a County Elections Board when they don't like the results of an election.

The Georgia State Legislature could turn blue in the next several years. If this bullshit stands (it won't) - guess we'll see how YOU like it when Dems do the same damn thing.
What's next free vodka and weed?

Offered no one - EVER
Again you lie
Funny how you filthy Libs always latch on to the LEAST important issue in any Bill.

It isn't the most important issue no. The most important issue is giving a state legislature the power to commandeer a County Elections Board when they don't like the results of an election.

The Georgia State Legislature could turn blue in the next several years. If this bullshit stands (it won't) - guess we'll see how YOU like it when Dems do the same damn thing.
What's next free vodka and weed?

Offered no one - EVER
Again you lie

Prove it or STFU
Three threads on n this ancient topic, doesn't the retarded OP know how to use the search button?
It's in the Satire's for fun.

Libtards can't do satire, fun, memes or humour.

You’ve never posted satire. I on the other hand do almost daily -
And none of you assholes ever seem to get it :lol:
4 years of listening to Trump has rotted their brains to mush

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