Georgia Goes To Biden, Election Called Biden Defeats Trump 306-232, Becomes 46th President

Because he was independently wealthy they could not BUY him,

Then why did Trump take more bribes than any president in history? HIs whole admin was scamming and bribe-taking. He was the most disgusting swamp denizen ever. He filled the swamp with more putrid slime than it had ever held before.

Trumps's swamp slime, of course, didn't stay in the swamp. It poured out all over, and the Trump cult swamp denizens followed, taking joy in how the slime protected their reptilian hides from the light of day. That's why they're all so unhappy. Without Trump's protective slime, they'll have to leave the daylight and return to the swamp.

like they bought the Obamas etc.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

The constitutional term for such bribes is "emoluments"
1st post
As previously stated.

Georgia Certifies Biden Win After Accidental Early Call.


Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified election results Friday that formally declared President-elect Joe Biden as the winner in the state.

Biden won the state by more than 12,000 votes. President Donald Trump’s campaign is still entitled to request a recount, because of the narrowness of the result, once the results are certified

Also as previously stated.

1. 45 LOST!!!

2. 45 IS A LOSER!!!!!

3. 45 LOST!!!!!

5. 45 IS A LOSER!!!!!

6. 45 LOST!!!!!

7. 45 IS A LOSER!!!!!

8. 45 LOST!!!!!

9. 45 IS A LOSER!!!!!

10. 45 IS GODDAMN LOSER!!!!!
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United States on Nov. 7. Mr. Biden defeated President Trump after winning Pennsylvania, which put his total of Electoral College votes above the 270 he needed to clinch the presidency.
Like the grinch who stole Christmas? No. It's Trump by a landslide, and Biden will be arrested and charged with high treason if he attempts to take the office of POTUS on a fraudulent and rigged election straight out of Venezuela.

The software contains code written under the direction of Hugo Chávez, former president-for-life of Venezuela.

It was a political party and global investors who attempted....(and may have succeeded) putting a bought politician in office. You cant hold Biden solely responsible. It's an entire shadow organization of organized corporate political meddling and collaboration. Bidens not their first puppet and he won't be their last.
It was a political party and global investors who attempted....(and may have succeeded) putting a bought politician in office. You cant hold Biden solely responsible. It's an entire shadow organization of organized corporate political meddling and collaboration. Bidens not their first puppet and he won't be their last.
I don't rationalize, and I don't compromise. I've had it with their "meddling" as you call it. Biden of course is not solely responsible, but he is responsible for his willing part and complicity in the political charade of the mock election that was held November 3.

Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor has informed us that fraud took place in the aforementioned election.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has told us to prepare for a smooth transition to Trump's second term in office.
Attorney Sidney Powell has informed us of shadowy connections to the regime of Venezuela's former President Hugo Chávez with the election software that was used.

The mainstream media would have us believe that "the pen is mightier than the sword" according to the old proverb, (in that if they repeat a lie often enough, it will become the truth) but that saying is from the point of view of a commissioned military officer issuing written orders, and most likely packing a pistol, concealed or not, to enforce such orders. Those with the swords still do battle and win the war against disarmed and unarmed civilians.

Not to mention " BothWings " there was some strange preaching in a church I used to attend.

The right-wing political sermon from the pulpit, and the left-wing labor union for hard-working Christians with an allowance for abortion and gun control for disobedient family members.
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Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.
5th post
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.

COVID was also raging in February, March, April....etc, etc. Impeachment ended Feb 5th.
So what's the excuse for FU'ing the country the other 9 months?
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.

COVID was also raging in February, March, April....etc, etc. Impeachment ended Feb 5th.
So what's the excuse for FU'ing the country the other 9 months?
In January he ignored Fauci and started shutting it down. He ignored Bidens rice pudding dripping in his drool spicket .In Feb Dickblasio and Pelosi were dancing in the streets dissing Trump. Can you remember even yesterday?
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.

COVID was also raging in February, March, April....etc, etc. Impeachment ended Feb 5th.
So what's the excuse for FU'ing the country the other 9 months?
An election.

Donald Trump told Bob Woodward in their discussion of covid deaths, that, "What will be, will be". This statement pretty well covers Donald Trump's attitude and response to the epidemic. He had an election to win and the virus and the resulting economic consequences stood in his way so he simply ignored it, blamed just about everybody from China to Obama for the epidemic, turned the management of epidemic over to the states and disavowed any responsibility, a terrible mistake that made the health crisis the worst in a hundred years and also led to his losing the election. There is a time when president must actually lead the country, and Trump failed badly and we see the results in the headlines each day.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.

COVID was also raging in February, March, April....etc, etc. Impeachment ended Feb 5th.
So what's the excuse for FU'ing the country the other 9 months?
In January he ignored Fauci and started shutting it down. He ignored Bidens rice pudding dripping in his drool spicket .In Feb Dickblasio and Pelosi were dancing in the streets dissing Trump. Can you remember even yesterday?
Trump tighten restrictions in January on travel from China. He did nothing till the first week of March and that was to assure every one that the virus was under control, which it wasn't, then only days later he declare a national emergency.

If Trump had followed the Pandemic Response Team advice in February which was to begin a partial shut of the country and begin close the borders, the CDC would have been able to produce enough test kits to identify cases, and states would have had time to organized testing and quarantining. The number of cases and deaths would have been in keeping our population size but that didn't happen. The result was the US with 4% of the world's population has had 20% of deaths and this winter will set records for the number of cases and deaths. We will be lucky if we keep the deaths below 400,000 this winter, even with vaccine starting to roll out.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.

COVID was also raging in February, March, April....etc, etc. Impeachment ended Feb 5th.
So what's the excuse for FU'ing the country the other 9 months?
In January he ignored Fauci and started shutting it down. He ignored Bidens rice pudding dripping in his drool spicket .In Feb Dickblasio and Pelosi were dancing in the streets dissing Trump. Can you remember even yesterday?

He didn't shut anything down. In fact, I don't remember him doing anything substantial until he was shown the sidelines on March 13th and Pence was out front.
By then, it was too late.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
you are a pathetic asshole. when you get a brain, get back to us.

Whelp. Georgia officially goes for Biden. The SOS confirms it and Kemp OK's the certification. Ball Game.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
I just thought the golden shower story was neat.
Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with.

Moonbat translation-I don't care what a politician I support actually does. As long as they act like a corporate political hack sleazeball puppet while in office.

I just need a D in office, because that's all I actually care about..beating those icky Republicans.

Biden is a career politician that hasn't done shit in nearly 50 years. Oh wait..he has done somethings.

He was part of a crime bill that woke progs riot about. Biden was part of an administration that provided the largest corporate bailouts the country had ever seen. Another thing Democrats would normally be against. But orange man bad though, am I right? :cuckoo:

Biden is the worst candidate the Democrats have ran in years, and somehow (supposedly) enough of you turds voted for everything you don't like about government..embodied in Commie Joe Potato. :uhoh3:

"Normal news cycle" like the media in this country hasn't been manipulating the news cycle against Trump for the past 4 years.

You care more about not being upset by your lying moonbat news media than you do about what is actually best for you, your family, or the country..You are fucking child.
So very well said.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
Yeah its just because people supported trump. Not the other shitty presidents and congress critters that did bad shit that people yell about every fucking day.
True. It took fake ballots for Biden to win.
15th post
Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with. I don't know what reality you live in but Biden is a career politician and a centrist. He's also a dealmaker. I have a feeling things will not play out as you think they will. But I'm glad you're entering the "acceptance" phase of grief. Not healthy to dwell on a loss.

Dealmaker? Biden ??

Yeah, he's a dealmaker alright....

He made a deal that gave Iran nukes that they point directly at YOU

And he delivered tons of American business interest and trade secrets directly to China. they LOVE him.

C'mon man! Are you really this stupid ??? (Or just another Chinese troll pretending to be an American)
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson
Ok. Johnson was impeached because you could not fire a cabinet member without approval. He did and escaped by 1 vote. A lone Repub for the Dem. Saved.

Clinton was impeached because he lied about so many things about his dealings. Doesn't matter if he shot his load and lied. Plus all the other entanglements. He escaped but lost his license. A disgrace.

Trump was impeached for a perfectly fine conversation to another leader. He rightfully asked about the Biden corruption. The greatest non impeachment impeachment ever.

Covid was ravaging in Jan. You were impeaching. Way to go to FU your country.

COVID was also raging in February, March, April....etc, etc. Impeachment ended Feb 5th.
So what's the excuse for FU'ing the country the other 9 months?
In January he ignored Fauci and started shutting it down. He ignored Bidens rice pudding dripping in his drool spicket .In Feb Dickblasio and Pelosi were dancing in the streets dissing Trump. Can you remember even yesterday?

He didn't shut anything down. In fact, I don't remember him doing anything substantial until he was shown the sidelines on March 13th and Pence was out front.
By then, it was too late.
This is insanity. I post a post and have 20 responses fired at me every hour.I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground. I gotta get outta here.....................Night.........

No matter what the eventual outcome remember this.......

The Left has utterly screwed itself worse than they screwed America.
They were so blinded by the media that they could not see what they were doing to themselves.
They screwed blacks too.

They think they it will be all that much sweeter when they realize where they actually took it.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.

Yet, miracle of miracles, you can't name a single thing that biden will do for you that wasn't already done better.
When the dust settles, you dropped to your knees for a few ultra wealthy who don't give a flip about your or yours.
Basically you voted an emotional ticket. That will come back to bite you too. hard. Wait for it........

It's going to be hilarious watching lefties look like deer caught in the headlights when they realize their candidate didn't love them after all.

Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with. I don't know what reality you live in but Biden is a career politician and a centrist. He's also a dealmaker. I have a feeling things will not play out as you think they will. But I'm glad you're entering the "acceptance" phase of grief. Not healthy to dwell on a loss.
career politicians are what gave us everything we bitch about, you fucking moron.
Biden : "we have systematic racism and too many prisons"
Also Biden : "i created a crime bill to incarcerate blacks for nothing and create more prisons"
And none of them who were incarcerated, were ever clean an articulate until the Barack Obama came along, and this in according to the old race-baiter himself wanta be chief Briben, who was then chosen by his boy toy Barrack to be the token white guy vice president, and this after the racist Briben had shown throughout the years that he was truly the racist, you know just to make it all look good.

Just like Michelle Obama (the Briben sniffers clean an articulate black fairytale guys wife), for whom wasn't proud of America until her husband was elected President, and for whom she had fell victim to the race baiting liars from hell "Barack Obama", and his master Briben for whom are working together to steal the 2020 election by any means nessesary, and this of course for both of their new masters (the globalist cabal), in order to be successful in making America a socialist nation in all of this.

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