George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

Imbecile, he was found not guilty because Florida law allows an individual to resort to deadly force against someone if they have a reasonable belief that person is trying to kill or gravely injure them.

And here’s the best part which also exposes how ignorant you are — the verdict speaks to Zimmerman defending what he believed was life threatening, it doesn’t reveal who started the physical altercation.

You really have no clue about any of this.

He was found not guilty (acquitted actually) because the incompetent prosecutor tried to prove 2nd degree. They couldn't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt because this wasn't 2nd degree. Some legal experts have stated they should have started with manslaughter which was possibly obtainable.

Zimmerman verdict: Legal experts say prosecutors overreached

The jury's verdict to acquit George Zimmerman in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, a case that became a referendum on race and gun laws for many across the nation, did not turn on how those issues played out in court, legal experts said Sunday.

Instead, they said, the acquittal can probably be blamed on mistakes by prosecutors in bringing a murder charge they could not prove.


Rose said prosecutors might have succeeded had they charged Zimmerman from the start with manslaughter or assault. "Then you would be arguing that he was a wannabe cop who stepped over the line and did something stupid. That is very different than trying to prove he stalked Trayvon Martin with an intent to harm him."
There might be merit to that, though probably not. And while I agree he was overcharged with 2nd murder, the jury could have found him guilty of manslaughter but chose not to.

maybe because it wasnt based on the evidence they saw that you didnt see
Nope, can’t be that since I watched the trial and saw the same evidence they were presented.
sure you did,,,
compared to you I am brilliant,,,

Six words and three grammatical errors. Sure you are, uh-huh. Just keep telling yourself that.

thats all you have left is bullshit school teacher complaints,,,

and after all that a thug is dead and the world is a better place for it
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

Your major cities aren't "too dark to see" ever , even at night. If you want to go someplace which is "too dark to see" if you have to leave the city lights and go someplace like Potter County PA or the woods of West Virginia. Between all of the street lights, house lights, car lights, never 100% dark
compared to you I am brilliant,,,

Six words and three grammatical errors. Sure you are, uh-huh. Just keep telling yourself that.

thats all you have left is bullshit school teacher complaints,,,

and after all that a thug is dead and the world is a better place for it
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

to dark to see is based on a persons POV,,,
in one sentence you say the police told him and another it was a dispatcher???

which one is it???

What? LMAO I'm telling you a fact that Zimmerman's lawyers didn't dispute he was told by police not to pursue. That's all you need to know. smh


It's irrelevant. BOTH SIDES agree police told him not to pursue. Everyone agrees - except for you. LOL

then why wasnt he arrested for that???

it is against the law to not follow police instructions,,,at least thats what I've been told

Because the prosecutor got caught up in all the media hype and race baiting and went for 2nd degree murder which they never had a prayer of proving. Based on the article I posted earlier, manslaughter was the best they could hope for.

There were no grounds for manslaughter many thought just because Trayvon was black there must be something illegal about his death....the law is very clear on the justifiable use of deadly force in a self-defense case. Z met all the qualifications for the justified use of deadly force.

The media driven desire to find Z guilty of something deluded many...most of them thinking Trayvon was that l2 yr. old..... of which the propaganda machines plastered the nation with --the picture of trayvon when he was l2 ...ridiculous...even obama was tricked....'oh if I had a son he would look like trayvon'....basing that statement on the picture of the l2 yr old...he like most thought that was how trayvon really looked when he met his fate.

Of course the bottom line it was huge effort to further the agenda of 'black victimhood' enabled by naive white folk who buy into all that b.s. Just a charade and nothing more....since then a lot of people have woken up to the fact of fake news and how the msm is saturated with it.
Are kidding me? That's one of the main points of the whole ordeal. Zimmerman admits he's following Martin and police tell him to stop.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance. ..fucking [unintelligible]

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah

Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.

you are such a dumbass you cant read your own post,,,

dispatch is not the police,,,,

youre obvious delusions clearly make you unqualified to comment on anything but lego movies,,,

You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.
There were no grounds for manslaughter many thought just because Trayvon was black there must be something illegal about his death....the law is very clear on the justifiable use of deadly force in a self-defense case. Z met all the qualifications for the justified use of deadly force.


It was the Sacred Cow Status of the young black male in America that Z violated. If you kill a young black male for ANY reason, you will face a cup of overwhelming grief from the liberal media, prosecutors and politicians. Assumed guilty, just like if you killed cattle in the streets of Bombay.
As I mentioned, even Zimmerman's Lawyers didn't dispute Zimmerman was told by police not to pursue. They argue once POLICE told him not to pursue, Zimmerman walked to his car.

One of the prosecution's key arguments is that Mr. Zimmerman chose to follow Mr. Martin after a police dispatcher told him not to.

Defense lawyers say that once the police told Mr. Zimmerman not to follow Mr. Martin, he had turned around and was returning to his car. At that point, Mr. Martin confronted him, they maintain.

Key Disputes in the Zimmerman Trial
in one sentence you say the police told him and another it was a dispatcher???

which one is it???

What? LMAO I'm telling you a fact that Zimmerman's lawyers didn't dispute he was told by police not to pursue. That's all you need to know. smh


It's irrelevant. BOTH SIDES agree police told him not to pursue. Everyone agrees - except for you. LOL

then why wasnt he arrested for that???

it is against the law to not follow police instructions,,,at least thats what I've been told

Another ignorant fool reveals his stupidity(not you the one above you)...unfriggin believable...well not really...most liberals fall into that category....o.k. many times has this been revealed already? Numerous but the ignorant never seem able of keeping up.

It is illegal not to follow police instructions.....however......Z was not given any police instructions....the dispatcher merely told Z....we do not need you to do that...meaning follow Trayvon....however the dispatcher had no authority to order Z to do anything...still yet he replied in the affirmative...o.k. And stopped attempting to follow trayvon....all he did was walk a short ways in which Trayvon had run off to....ever tried to follow someone you cannot see? Trayvon was out of took him like 20 seconds to get to the house he was staying at. All verified and testified to in Court.

Also...........Zimmermans lawyers and everyone else was the dispatcher who merely made a suggestion is all on tape and has been posted on here. Geez....what idiots.
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you are such a dumbass you cant read your own post,,,

dispatch is not the police,,,,

youre obvious delusions clearly make you unqualified to comment on anything but lego movies,,,

You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.
There were no grounds for manslaughter many thought just because Trayvon was black there must be something illegal about his death....the law is very clear on the justifiable use of deadly force in a self-defense case. Z met all the qualifications for the justified use of deadly force.


It was the Sacred Cow Status of the young black male in America that Z violated. If you kill a young black male for ANY reason, you will face a cup of overwhelming grief from the liberal media, prosecutors and politicians. Assumed guilty, just like if you killed cattle in the streets of Bombay.

Exactly...that is why the police now steer clear of black areas as much as possible...they know if they have to shoot one ...even in self defense....they will spend a lot of time under has gotten completely out of hand....the nation is being ripped apart by all these claims of racism....Lincoln foresaw it and that is why he wanted to ship them all back to where they came from.
Yes, life experience.

thats not proof,,because my life experience says different

Please why do you think these young boys on the street are so bold, if most of them didn't have a gun they would run like a kicked dog.

we arent talking about street thugs,,,and

do you read you comments before posting???
you should,,,

TM didnt have a gun and didnt run away,,,instead he turned and confronted Z

I know that, my point was that the coward had the gun which was Zimmerman.

how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.
You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.

hehheh first i heard that one....anyhoweeee.....I agree he did not knowingly put himself in harms way....this was his many of you think it would be reckless to walk around in your own Z had experience with these punks ....they always he probably realized there might be some risk...but he was not a fearful sort

But no....he was not concerned about being trapped in his vehicle...he got out to try and see if Trayvon was still hanging around or had actually left the scene and then to try and see a house number so he could tell the police who were on the way ....his exact location.

None of this is that complicated....but with the media lying to folks a lot of coinfusion was generated.
thats not proof,,because my life experience says different

Please why do you think these young boys on the street are so bold, if most of them didn't have a gun they would run like a kicked dog.

we arent talking about street thugs,,,and

do you read you comments before posting???
you should,,,

TM didnt have a gun and didnt run away,,,instead he turned and confronted Z

I know that, my point was that the coward had the gun which was Zimmerman.

how do you know he was a coward???

he was out there doing his job which kinda proves otherwise,,,
No, he wasn’t doing his job. His job was to stay out of harm’s way.

Ridiculous....Yes...I say a...........ridiculously stupid post. Would you say the same about cops, the military? Anyone trying to catch a criminal or to help the police apprehend a criminal?

I hope you are not white...that would be very embarassing.

Anyhow....what Z was doing was being a good citizen and neighbor....I pity your neighbors.
you are such a dumbass you cant read your own post,,,

dispatch is not the police,,,,

youre obvious delusions clearly make you unqualified to comment on anything but lego movies,,,

You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Lots of folks that try to help police put themselves in harms talk like that is a crime...and being a coward you probably think it is against the law or at least should be....look this is a free country...if a citizen wants to help the police that is his perogative and if it means putting himself in harms way he is free to make that decision...what would you say about someone who rushes into a house on fire to save someone? Would you also denigrate them for putting themselves in harms way?

As an American I find your attitude cowardly and extremely nauseating.

Would you be offended If ask if you are a negro?

Six words and three grammatical errors. Sure you are, uh-huh. Just keep telling yourself that.

thats all you have left is bullshit school teacher complaints,,,

and after all that a thug is dead and the world is a better place for it
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

Your major cities aren't "too dark to see" ever , even at night. If you want to go someplace which is "too dark to see" if you have to leave the city lights and go someplace like Potter County PA or the woods of West Virginia. Between all of the street lights, house lights, car lights, never 100% dark
Sanford, Florida is not a major city and there were no street lights behind the condos as there is no street there; which is why Zimmerman got out of his car to continue his pursuit on foot.

And worse for you, every eye witness who saw them fighting, said it was dark. At least one saying it was “pitch black.”

That would be Zimmerman following Trayvon into harm’s way, which police told him not to do.

Six words and three grammatical errors. Sure you are, uh-huh. Just keep telling yourself that.

thats all you have left is bullshit school teacher complaints,,,

and after all that a thug is dead and the world is a better place for it
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

to dark to see is based on a persons POV,,,
So is “very dark.” So what’s the difference between the two?
they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,

As I mentioned, even Zimmerman's Lawyers didn't dispute Zimmerman was told by police not to pursue. They argue once POLICE told him not to pursue, Zimmerman walked to his car.

One of the prosecution's key arguments is that Mr. Zimmerman chose to follow Mr. Martin after a police dispatcher told him not to.

Defense lawyers say that once the police told Mr. Zimmerman not to follow Mr. Martin, he had turned around and was returning to his car. At that point, Mr. Martin confronted him, they maintain.

Key Disputes in the Zimmerman Trial
in one sentence you say the police told him and another it was a dispatcher???

which one is it???

What? LMAO I'm telling you a fact that Zimmerman's lawyers didn't dispute he was told by police not to pursue. That's all you need to know. smh


It's irrelevant. BOTH SIDES agree police told him not to pursue. Everyone agrees - except for you. LOL

I may have replied to this one .....anyhow are absolutely is all on tape and it has been posted on this thread.....Z never talked to the police until they arrived shortly after trayvon was killed....Z was communicating with a dispatcher who had no authroity to order him to do anything and even if she had tried to give him a order...he was not legally bound to follow it.

Anyhoweeee .....this has been posted numerous times and verified....all the dispatcher said to Z about following trayon.........and I quote..........."We do not need you to do that" got it.....merely a suggestion.

Still yet...Z replied in the affirmative....'OK" and stopped attempting to follow cannot follow someone whom you are unable to most he was attempting to follow trayvon.....more of a search than see if trayvon was still hanging around or had left the scene entirely...which he had...ran to where he was staying with his father...a short 80 yds. away and it took him like 20 secs. this all came out in court.
Because the prosecutor got caught up in all the media hype and race baiting and went for 2nd degree murder which they never had a prayer of proving. Based on the article I posted earlier, manslaughter was the best they could hope for.

That's a kind way of putting it, really. In actuality, if the prosecutor had charged Z with manslaughter, his Leftist base would have burned the town down. They would have considered such a move to be racist.

I agree 100%. From the moment the charge of 2nd degree was made it was obvious the prosecution was appeasing a mob. Pretty sure I even argued back then to let them burn the town down. The law is the law and prosecution cannot be swayed by public opinion. It's no different than Marilyn Mosby in the Freddie Gray trial. She sounded more like a social justice warrior than a prosecutor armed with facts. Likewise, she failed to get a conviction.
thats all you have left is bullshit school teacher complaints,,,

and after all that a thug is dead and the world is a better place for it
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

to dark to see is based on a persons POV,,,
So is “very dark.” So what’s the difference between the two?
Because the prosecutor got caught up in all the media hype and race baiting and went for 2nd degree murder which they never had a prayer of proving. Based on the article I posted earlier, manslaughter was the best they could hope for.

That's a kind way of putting it, really. In actuality, if the prosecutor had charged Z with manslaughter, his Leftist base would have burned the town down. They would have considered such a move to be racist.

I agree 100%. From the moment the charge of 2nd degree was made it was obvious the prosecution was appeasing a mob. Pretty sure I even argued back then to let them burn the town down. The law is the law and prosecution cannot be swayed by public opinion. It's no different than Marilyn Mosby in the Freddie Gray trial. She sounded more like a social justice warrior than a prosecutor armed with facts. Likewise, she failed to get a conviction.

True ....the most outrageous thing about this whole affair was how obama tried to prejudice the case against declaring if i had a son he would look like trayvon....there should have been a congressional hearing about that.
No, it shows your posts reveal you’re not as smart as you lie to yourself about.

You know, kind of like I demonstrate how dark it was by quoting a witness who was there who said it was very dark, and you’re such an idiot, you ask me 2 more times after that how I know it was dark. :cuckoo:

You’re a flaming idiot who simply can’t admit that to himself. I can live with that. :mm:
they said it was to dark to see,,,not very dark,,,

and besides I have the not guilty verdict to back me up

Oh? And what does your brain tell you the difference is between “too dark to see” and “very dark?”

to dark to see is based on a persons POV,,,
So is “very dark.” So what’s the difference between the two?
Because the prosecutor got caught up in all the media hype and race baiting and went for 2nd degree murder which they never had a prayer of proving. Based on the article I posted earlier, manslaughter was the best they could hope for.

That's a kind way of putting it, really. In actuality, if the prosecutor had charged Z with manslaughter, his Leftist base would have burned the town down. They would have considered such a move to be racist.

I agree 100%. From the moment the charge of 2nd degree was made it was obvious the prosecution was appeasing a mob. Pretty sure I even argued back then to let them burn the town down. The law is the law and prosecution cannot be swayed by public opinion. It's no different than Marilyn Mosby in the Freddie Gray trial. She sounded more like a social justice warrior than a prosecutor armed with facts. Likewise, she failed to get a conviction.

True ....the most outrageous thing about this whole affair was how obama tried to prejudice the case against declaring if i had a son he would look like trayvon....there should have been a congressional hearing about that.

I agree. That was a completely irresponsible statement by Obama. Zimmerman didn't have his trial yet. So that statement makes it even harder to find an unbiased jury.

Second degree murder? NO WAY. Not even close. Manslaughter to some degree (Involuntary)? I think so, hence my stance here.
You're an idiot. The dispatcher is in communication with police and Zimmerman constantly relaying information. It was never in doubt that Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin. Go read all the material on the case and get back to us. This is embarrassing for you.

Dispatchers are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information.[1] A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information and coordinate their operations. Essentially, the dispatcher is the "conductor" of the force, and is responsible for the direction of all units within it.[2]

but they still are not the police and have no authority as such

They are coordinating operations for the police and they understand what Zimmerman should and should not be doing. Why would the dispatcher say "WE" don't need yo to do that? Who is we? smh Ridiculous. Nice try though.

they still are not the police and have no authority as such,,,,
So? Zimmerman was already told by the police not to put himself in harm’s way when he was trained for the Neighborhood Watch program. Wandering off into a dark area to trail a suspect was the very definition of putting himself into harm’s way.

Z wasn't knowingly putting himself in harm's way. He left his SUV so he wouldn't be trapped inside.
He was never trapped inside his vehicle. Had he felt that way, he could have simply driven off. Zimmerman fans say the dumbest shit, I tell ya.

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