George Soros may understand how to manipulate markets, but people are proving more difficult.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Europe may be on the cusp of a nightmare, but it’s not too late to wake up

George says that the EU must double down on the whole unity thing. The problem is, that the people don’t like it. That is the rub. It is like the old joke about the dog food. The President is raging at the staff, wanting to know why they aren’t selling more dog food. They have the best packaging, the best jingle, the best advertising. Why aren’t they selling more. Finally, one fellow raises his hand and says, the Dogs don’t like it.

For the EU to work, the people in it must see themselves as European first, and whatever nationality second. In other words, the French have to give up being French, so they can be European. The same is true of Germans, Italians, Polish, British, and the list goes on and on and on. The problem is that these people see themselves as their Nationality first, and then European a distant second.

Asking the French, or Spanish, or Portuguese to set aside their National Pride for the sake of European unity is asking them to give up everything that they identify with. Their family history, their very language is individual, and regional. Some Languages cross lines, German is spoken in several nations. But so is French.

The problem is that all of those nations are not equal. For one example, I’ll use cars. German Cars are considered to be well designed, well built, and expertly engineered. French cars are considered to be poorly designed, even worse in building, and engineered by idiots. Two countries, very close to one another, and yet, two very different opinions of products. Italian Cars are flamboyant, beautifully styled, and prone to breaking down. Something electrical will break soon. It won’t be long before you are on the side of the road with steam escaping from all the nooks and crannies.

Expecting the Germans to accept that French Cars are just as good as the brands they build, is insane. Especially when you consider how bad French Cars usually are. Do you see any Renault cars running down the road? How about Citroen? You see Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, and many other brands. When I was a boy, a Cousin was working through College, and worked as a Mechanic on Alfa Romero’s. I asked him what that was. He said a pretty car that broke down a lot. He drove a Buick for the record.

So asking the Germans to set aside national pride in the quality of their engineering is like asking someone to give up an arm. No German would do so, and I wouldn’t blame them.

So there is the conundrum. The only way for the EU to work, is for the people to give up Nationalism and their entire history. They won’t do that, no one would. So we are left with problems out the wazoo because while George Soros may think this is best for everyone, the people just don’t agree.

The Dogs just don’t like it.
George is only interested in the money that comes with the EU. This is a man who made a billion dollars overnight betting against the pound sterling.
Europe may be on the cusp of a nightmare, but it’s not too late to wake up

George says that the EU must double down on the whole unity thing. The problem is, that the people don’t like it. That is the rub. It is like the old joke about the dog food. The President is raging at the staff, wanting to know why they aren’t selling more dog food. They have the best packaging, the best jingle, the best advertising. Why aren’t they selling more. Finally, one fellow raises his hand and says, the Dogs don’t like it.

For the EU to work, the people in it must see themselves as European first, and whatever nationality second. In other words, the French have to give up being French, so they can be European. The same is true of Germans, Italians, Polish, British, and the list goes on and on and on. The problem is that these people see themselves as their Nationality first, and then European a distant second.

Asking the French, or Spanish, or Portuguese to set aside their National Pride for the sake of European unity is asking them to give up everything that they identify with. Their family history, their very language is individual, and regional. Some Languages cross lines, German is spoken in several nations. But so is French.

The problem is that all of those nations are not equal. For one example, I’ll use cars. German Cars are considered to be well designed, well built, and expertly engineered. French cars are considered to be poorly designed, even worse in building, and engineered by idiots. Two countries, very close to one another, and yet, two very different opinions of products. Italian Cars are flamboyant, beautifully styled, and prone to breaking down. Something electrical will break soon. It won’t be long before you are on the side of the road with steam escaping from all the nooks and crannies.

Expecting the Germans to accept that French Cars are just as good as the brands they build, is insane. Especially when you consider how bad French Cars usually are. Do you see any Renault cars running down the road? How about Citroen? You see Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, and many other brands. When I was a boy, a Cousin was working through College, and worked as a Mechanic on Alfa Romero’s. I asked him what that was. He said a pretty car that broke down a lot. He drove a Buick for the record.

So asking the Germans to set aside national pride in the quality of their engineering is like asking someone to give up an arm. No German would do so, and I wouldn’t blame them.

So there is the conundrum. The only way for the EU to work, is for the people to give up Nationalism and their entire history. They won’t do that, no one would. So we are left with problems out the wazoo because while George Soros may think this is best for everyone, the people just don’t agree.

The Dogs just don’t like it.
Europe’s never taken kindly to the advice of Jews

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