George Soros $ For Hillary Meant to Drive Off Her Middle Supporters?

Given Sanders is further left, was this a trick to hurt Hillary?

  • Yes, it would make sense that Soros would back the stronger LGBT advocate

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, Soros believes Hillary was the stronger LGBT advocate between the two.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I mean George Soros is a very clever rich man with an agenda. So it kind of makes you wonder why he would back the candidate with less strength in supporting his agenda. I think Sanders and Soros got together on this one?

Desperate George Soros pumps $6 million into Hillary SuperPAC

Instead of "Desperate" the title in the link above should replace that with "Clever"..

Just have to wonder. The left think tanks would know the middle rejects the gay agenda; and a move like this would hurt Hillary in the primaries...driving those voters over to Trump. And the timing...just close enough to Hillary's bid in the South... I expect more headlines advertising the connection as the campaigns slug it out in SC..

Clever, if true. Hillary would really be in a pinch. After all, she can't come out and say "no, I don't really support the gay agenda". Sanders' people would know she couldn't do that. And at the same time they know that her openly embracing the LGBT agenda will cost her votes in the primaries from the large swath of democrats secretly opposed to the gay marriage/jailing Kim Davis thing.

My hat's off to the cleverness. If this is what Soros's donation was all about they really did a number on her with this catch-22.

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The Washington Times - Monday, February 1, 2016
Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $6 million to the leading super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, according to new figures filed with the Federal Election Commission Sunday night. George Soros donates $6 million to Hillary Clinton super PAC

Right out there big and bold: "Hey everyone! Hillary took LGBT money!!"

And the link of Hillary openly declaring that her intent is to continue Obama's legacy could be a pitfall given extenuating circumstances: (Jennings is the gay education czar Obama appointed). I believe the CPUSA means "communist party of the united states of america"....

While Jennings praised a communist pervert, his boss, President Barack Obama, was mentored by one. Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was under FBI surveillance and a security risk because of his CPUSA membership. Davis wrote a biographical novel, Sex Rebel, about having sex with children and engaging in other forms of bizarre sexual activity.... George Soros in Bed with NAMBLA, Homosex Part One

Well, a book like that (and people connected to such an author) is sure to be a big hit in the South!

Mr. Soros' peculiar moral values, political views, and ideological preferences would be immaterial without the money that he can spend promoting and imposing them. The bulk of that money-currently estimated at not less than seven billion dollars-was earned in the minus-sum game of currency and stock speculation, contributing nothing to the creation of wealth and making millions of ordinary people poorer in the process. His offshore Quantum Fund-legally headquartered in Curacao, beyond U.S.-government supervision-specializes in speculative investments to take advantage of deliberately induced political and economic weaknesses of different countries and regions. ... he famously made a billion dollars in one day by betting against the Bank of England and the pound sterling. In July 1997, he contributed to the Southeast Asian financial crisis by shorting the Thai baht. In early 2000, he supposedly suffered losses on tech stocks, but some analysts now suggest that the burn of the NASDAQ was controlled and that Soros helped to start the fire. George Soros, Postmodern Villain

Hey, he's just a good old fashioned Wallstreet capitalist! But what does he DO with all that money?

(same link vv)
Over the past five years, the Soros network has given a successful start to previously nonexistent "gay" activism in almost all of its areas of operation. The campaign for "LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] Rights" is directed from Budapest, where Miriam Molnar's 1999 policy paper published by OSI defined the "problem" as discrimination and the low level of acceptance, visibility, and political representation of LGBT's. It was necessary either "to convince the society to accept LGBT people as equal and let the society make pressure [sic] to the politicians (through media) to change laws" or "to convince the politicians that LGBT people are equal and that they need help in convincing the rest of the society." The overall goals were to generate discussion about LGBT identity within the community, to make them visible and "create a positive image," and to establish regular forums of discussion with other groups in the region. Specific tasks included the development of websites in English with subsites in local languages, the establishment of task forces that would react to all "homophobic" media outbursts in one "Pink Book," and the organization of two-week summer schools for teachers that would "provide training about discrimination of [sic] LGBT people

Hmmm wonder if any of his payroll bloggers post here? Their abusive talking points do appear rehearsed and the attacks feel gang-like....? Has he selectively compiled a cult-army to enact his agendas and pet causes?

(same link vv)
There is not one patriot (Russian, Croat, Latvian, Serb, Rumanian, Hungarian) or one practicing Christian on Soros' payroll. In all postcommunist countries, Soros relies on the sons and daughters of the old communist establishment, who are less likely to be tainted by any atavistic attachments to their native soil, culture, and traditions....Soros has revealed (in Underwriting Democracy) that his Open Society foundations will help create an international web, at the heart of which will be the computerized base of personal data that will enable Western multinationals to find the local candidates they need...Hoi polloi are force-fed the daily fare of OSI agitprop by "the Soros media"-the term now exists in over a dozen languages-from the Gazeta Wyborcza in Warsaw to Danas (Today) in Serbia, the Monitor in Montenegro, the Markiza TV channel in Bratislava, and Vreme weekly and the B-92 electronic media conglomerate in Belgrade. They invariably parrot Soros' views and ambitions, reflected by the agenda of the local Soros foundation at home and, in world affairs, by the International Crisis Group (ICG), largely financed by Soros and run by his appointees.

Wonder if Rachael Maddow knows Soros?

And what an endorsement he brings Hillary. Roughly half of the people who might vote for Hillary in the primaries would be scared away if they knew the tentacles which just wrapped around her neck by the declaration of a Soros "pat on the back"..$$$ And golly dontcha know? That would put Sanders ahead in the primaries and seal up his nomination. Especially if it was by a landslide against Hillary..

As Gilles d'Aymery noted two years ago, Soros is not just the power behind the Open Society Institute, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the International Crisis Group:

"[L]ike an immense Jules Verne octopus, [he] extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of these various groups [it is possible] not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America."
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