George Santos: Yes, I Lied About Everything, So What?

The left wants to destroy this country and put us all under globalist rule and these idiot repunks will help them. It is not right against left. It is US against our political elites.

McCarthy's PAC helped Santos nearly as much as the left contributes to rino campaigns.
The left wants to destroy this country and put us all under globalist rule and these idiot repunks will help them. It is not right against left. It is US against our political elites.

McCarthy's PAC helped Santos nearly as much as the left contributes to rino campaigns.

It is us against ourselves.
When there are enough Republicans following McConnell to vote for an Omnibus bill that continues to fund our Border Patrol as long as those funds are not used to keep the the invasion of illegals out, then we continue to be toast!!

The American electorate is at peak stupidity and will continue to seppuku themselves in spades!!
Tighten those seatbelts a few inches more in 2023, as we ain't seen nothing yet.

Happy New Year!!
It is us against ourselves.
When there are enough Republicans following McConnell to vote for an Omnibus bill that continues to fund our Border Patrol as long as those funds are not used to keep the the invasion of illegals out, then we continue to be toast!!

The American electorate is at peak stupidity and will continue to seppuku themselves in spades!!
Tighten those seatbelts a few inches more in 2023, as we ain't seen nothing yet.

Happy New Year!!
Yes the world is going to usual.
Liar Rep.-elect George Santos admits fabricating key details of his bio...

Are the USMB Republicans and other assorted rightwing posters cool w/that?
As a reward for his actions he can become a democrat. He's got the training.
He’s obviously unstable and pathological and the Republican party should do what they can to get him removed, even if it means letting a Democrat take the seat. I have no idea what mechanisms are available to get an elected rep removed. That said, this is the same party that made that weirdo Paul Ryan Speaker.
This is a big "so what".

As long as he votes as he promised, what difference should it make where he worked at, what his religion or his sexual preferences are?
It's hilarious.

Just as Liar Trump deflates like a vintage whoopie cushion, the GOP finds a new face to put on brazen, hypocritical mendacity.

George Santos tweet accusing Biden of being ‘pathological liar’ resurfaces

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"I do solemnly swear..."

That is a mic drop.

Harry "pass the cheddar" Reid admitted he lied and was the Leader of the US Senate.
There are always the feeble, antediluvian whaddaboutisms that can be substituted for relevancy in times of desperation.
There are always the feeble, antediluvian whaddaboutisms that can be substituted for relevancy in times of desperation.
They say recognizing your problem will be the first step in fixing it.

When you clowns start calling out your own for this stuff, then you won't get any 'whataboutisms'. Not that you and your ilk would stop using them.

Harry Reid flat-out lied, paid money to flat-out lie, about Mitt Romney, he admitted he lied, and you were okay with it.

So, just stop.
They say recognizing your problem will be the first step in fixing it.

When you clowns start calling out your own for this stuff, then you won't get any 'whataboutisms'. Not that you and your ilk would stop using them.

Harry Reid flat-out lied, paid money to flat-out lie, about Mitt Romney, he admitted he lied, and you were okay with it.

So, just stop.
While he commands headlines and public attention, George Santos should exploit his supplanting the Cry Baby Loser as the most prominent GOP liar by marketing cheesy cards depicting him as a svelte super-hero.

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"I wonder if I can distract everybody
by whining about FDR."

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