George Blake, notorious cold war double agent and traitor to the West, dies aged 98


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
First , I don't blame the Russian or Chinese for these double agents, blame must start at the source. Even to this day, some of the same people follow poor decision makers and leaders. Agencies in Canada chase rabbits and manfacture threats and the only beneficiaries are the low performing police and their families. Men like George Blake will always be the end result, as PR and optics replace talent and patriotism. The more optics trumps facts, the more you will find such people switch sides.

I wish America would wake up and remember what your best agencies used to represent. Take other nations best and brightest, especially from allies, and silence the squeaky noise coming from some of their least impressive. We need America to succeed. if not, what is the benefit of citizens helping the Western system? The end result will be a forgone conclusion.

This is when the British were exposed for their desire to reward the "Old Boys Club", if I recall, they recruited primarily through Cambridge and there were plenty of loose lips and enemies of capitalism in these systems. He was caught, imprisoned and if my memory serves correct it was a British couple that housed him when he was on the lam, until his Russian comrades could smuggle him out. In an interview the British couple were quite proud of themselves for helping this man who sent dozens of Western spies to their graves.

The former British spy and Soviet Union double agent George Blake has died at the age of 98.

The RIA news agency reported that Blake died in Russia, citing the country’s SVR foreign intelligence agency. “We received some bitter news – the legendary George Blake passed away,” it said.

Blake was the last in a line of British spies to operate secretly for the Soviet Union, exposing the identities of hundreds of western agents across eastern Europe in the 1950s and humiliating the intelligence establishment when his work was discovered at the height of the cold war.

Some of the agents Blake exposed were executed as a result of his treason, making him one of the most notorious double agents of the era, alongside the ring of double agents known as the Cambridge Five.

When Blake’s cover was blown in 1961, he was sentenced to 42 years’ imprisonment in London’s Wormwood Scrubs. He escaped in 1966 with the help of other inmates and two activists, and was smuggled out of the UK in a camper van.
Guy was a douche bag who got hundreds of agents killed.

Hope he suffered loads of pain when he died. What a POS.

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