Geologist warn of 2018 as Years of monster quakes


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Geophysicists who studied seismic activity over the past 117 years report 2018 could be shaping up as a year of monster earthquakes – especially around the equator. Why? The signal that causes the alarm from a historical pattern, they say, is the slowing of the Earth’s rotation. The new study, presented at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, in Seattle, is published in Geophysical Research
Geologists Warn Of 2018 as “Year of Monster Quakes”

Oh isn't it lovely , well what the hell else is new

(By Michael Snyder) Why is the west coast shaking so violently? According to the latest data from Earthquake Track, there have been 698 earthquakes in California within the past 30 days. By the time that you read this article, that number will undoubtedly have changed. In recent days I have felt such an urgency to write about the seismic activity on the west coast, and I am quite concerned that so few people seem to be paying attention to what is happening. As I have covered previously, scientists tell us that when seismic activity
California Rocked By 698 Earthquakes Within The Past 30 Days



So dam when is it coming there have been a lot of quakes, and tons of Volanoes are popping off even one caused flights to shut down yesterday or so because it was so bad.
Do weak global stresses synchronize earthquakes?
  • R. Bendick,

  • R. Bilham


Insofar as slip in an earthquake is related to the strain accumulated near a fault since a previous earthquake, and this process repeats many times, the earthquake cycle approximates an autonomous oscillator. Its asymmetric slow accumulation of strain and rapid release is quite unlike the harmonic motion of a pendulum and need not be time predictable, but still resembles a class of repeating systems known as integrate-and-fire oscillators, whose behavior has been shown to demonstrate a remarkable ability to synchronize to either external or self-organized forcing. Given sufficient time and even very weak physical coupling, the phases of sets of such oscillators, with similar though not necessarily identical period, approach each other. Topological and time series analyses presented here demonstrate that earthquakes worldwide show evidence of such synchronization. Though numerous studies demonstrate that the composite temporal distribution of major earthquakes in the instrumental record is indistinguishable from random, the additional consideration of event renewal interval serves to identify earthquake groupings suggestive of synchronization that are absent in synthetic catalogs. We envisage the weak forces responsible for clustering originate from lithospheric strain induced by seismicity itself, by finite strains over teleseismic distances, or by other sources of lithospheric loading such as Earth's variable rotation. For example, quasi-periodic maxima in rotational deceleration are accompanied by increased global seismicity at multidecadal intervals.

Plain Language Summary
Large earthquakes appear to synchronize globally, in the sense that they are organized in time according to their renewal properties, and occur in groups in response to very low stress interactions.

I see nothing there that says 2018.

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