General Norman Schwarzkopf Dead

A great American and the kind of General we so desperately need today.

I'd trade you one Stormin' Norman for a hundred David Petraeus'.
Solid General who provided his President, his country and most of all - his soldiers a job well done. He was, in every since of the word, a true General...non-political, practical with a burning drive to win.
We have no such General today.
A guy who did the best he could, but had his legs cut out from under him.

We didn't finish what we started in 1991. Because our leaders feared that if we deposed Saddam at that time, another Islamic state in the Middle East would rise.

When you go to war, finish the darned thing. He knew it, too, he just didn't say anything about it.

Like Patton, who KNEW we'd have to confront the Soviets sooner or later, he KNEW we were far from finished with Iraq. But he did his job and followed his orders. They made him "pull up short", for lack of a better term.

We never learn from history. Even our own. Obliterate the enemy, take over their land for a while, put it on a paying basis, then give it back to the people. Like Japan and West Germany.

The people living there, as well as US, will end up better off in the long run.

Should have just overran the place.

That all being said, if we used our REAL power, none of it ever would have happened. If we had told OPEC when it first formed "Five bucks a barrel - take it or leave it", about a week with the spickets turned off would have done the trick.

We spend trillions on our military, yet never really use it properly and if we were smarter, never would NEED to.

The power of the American economy could rule the world without firing a shot. If we only unleashed it.

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