Gaza v Israel: Head Count

Duhhhhhh. Communication equipment is a logical and legal target in conflicts - always - and for very obvious reasons. Everyone, and that includes your good self and all other terrorist supporting filth, should be condemning Hamas for putting civillians in danger deliberately in the hope of some juicy material for their pallywood production industry. It didn't quite work out for them this time - boo hoo.
You can only target military elements, not civilian ones.

Repeating the same garbage over and over, won't make it true, loinboy.
Hamas turned the journos building into a target - deliberately but they didn't manage to get the journos killed and have only a few useful idiots like you to sing their song for them. You are making a fool out of yourself, dhimmi.
You can target any buidling upon which Hamas has sited its communication kit or weapons. You should be condemning Hamas for deliberately using journalists as fodder for their propaganda machine, but, as usual, you give your terrorist buddies a free pass in your hysterical haste to attack Israel.
Wrong. You cannot target civilian infrastructure. Your personal feelings towards Hamas, doesn't change the fact that they are the legal government in Gaza and have every right in the world to do what they have to do to take care of their citizens.

Israel does not have the right to target anything they want.
Repeating the same garbage over and over, won't make it true, loinboy.
Hamas turned the journos building into a target - deliberately but they didn't manage to get the journos killed and have only a few useful idiots like you to sing their song for them. You are making a fool out of yourself, dhimmi.
It's not garbage, it's the law.

You're just too irresponsible to accept that. So you keep acting like the emperor has new clothes.
You can target any buidling upon which Hamas has sited its communication kit or weapons. You should be condemning Hamas for deliberately using journalists as fodder for their propaganda machine, but, as usual, you give your terrorist buddies a free pass in your hysterical haste to attack Israel.
Wrong. You cannot target civilian infrastructure. Your personal feelings towards Hamas, doesn't change the fact that they are the legal government in Gaza and have every right in the world to do what they have to do to take care of their citizens.

Israel does not have the right to target anything they want.

Siting communication equipment and or weapons on a building during conflict changes the nature of the building. I'm pretty sure you DO get this, loiboy, but you are desperately clutching at straws and making an idiot of yourself because you have to continue to back up all your nonsense rather than lose face. Well, far be it for me stop you making such a good job of being a useful idiot for terrorist Hamas :clap2:
Carry on :lol:
Repeating the same garbage over and over, won't make it true, loinboy.
Hamas turned the journos building into a target - deliberately but they didn't manage to get the journos killed and have only a few useful idiots like you to sing their song for them. You are making a fool out of yourself, dhimmi.
It's not garbage, it's the law.

You're just too irresponsible to accept that. So you keep acting like the emperor has new clothes.

No, that would be you, as usual, loinboy.
"Outside insurgents" who would not have been present in Iraq if Dick and Dubya had not launched Operation Iraqi Liberation. Just as Israel is the Occupying Power in Palestine, the US as Occupying Power in Iraq is solely responsible for those "anti-democratic forces" who gag on democracy when it's shoved down their throats by illegal aliens with really big guns.
So, Georgie Boy, when the Islamists in the countries who have had and those who are still having an Arab Spring don't get their way and start killing everyone who opposes them, are you going to start blaming the U.S because these Islamists don't really want democracies in their countries?
That depends on where your Islamists are getting their guns, Hossie.
The Arab Spring was, and is, an uprising against Arab dictators kept in power by US made weapons.
If all political conflict is rooted in inequality, which side are Arab, Jewish, and US elites on?
Yours or mine?

Until they do, Israel will target their launchers.
Israel, has no legal or moral right to inflict an occupation on Gaza.
The victims of the kosher killers have a human right to resist their occupiers.
No occupation; no problem.

Israel has the right to target the rocket launchers that Hamas places in civilian areas for the purpose of launching rockets at Israeli civilian areas.
Occupying powers have no rights, only responsibilities.
When Israel ends the occupation of Palestine, then it acquires rights.

Israel has the right to target the rocket launchers that Hamas places in civilian areas for the purpose of launching rockets at Israeli civilian areas.
Occupying powers have no rights, only responsibilities.
When Israel ends the occupation of Palestine, then it acquires rights.

Israel has the right to target the rocket launchers that Hamas places in civilian areas for the purpose of launching rockets at Israeli civilian areas.

You mean Palestinians have the right to fire rockets on enemy invaders.
Occupying powers have no rights, only responsibilities.
When Israel ends the occupation of Palestine, then it acquires rights.

Israel has the right to target the rocket launchers that Hamas places in civilian areas for the purpose of launching rockets at Israeli civilian areas.

You mean Palestinians have the right to fire rockets on enemy invaders.

Stop supporting Hamas war crimes.
Israel has the right to target the rocket launchers that Hamas places in civilian areas for the purpose of launching rockets at Israeli civilian areas.

You mean Palestinians have the right to fire rockets on enemy invaders.

Stop supporting Hamas war crimes.
When are you planning to stop supporting war?

"Many of the founders of the main branch of Zionism, socialist Zionism, those that built a Jewish presence in Palestine that eventually led to the creation of Israel, would be—if today they still believed what they wrote–in the opposition to what Israel is becoming: a warrior state that is a negation of everything they advocated originally."

The Enigma of Israel » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
You mean Palestinians have the right to fire rockets on enemy invaders.

Stop supporting Hamas war crimes.
When are you planning to stop supporting war?

"Many of the founders of the main branch of Zionism, socialist Zionism, those that built a Jewish presence in Palestine that eventually led to the creation of Israel, would be—if today they still believed what they wrote–in the opposition to what Israel is becoming: a warrior state that is a negation of everything they advocated originally."

The Enigma of Israel » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
When will you stop supporting the murder of Israelis and Muslims alike by Hamas firing missiles from Muslim child-populated launch sites?
Palestinians have a human right to oppose Israel's occupation of their homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals; the Jews have no such right to inflict their occupation upon a civilian population.
Palestinians have a human right to oppose Israel's occupation of their homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals; the Jews have no such right to inflict their occupation upon a civilian population.

Israel doesn't occupy homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals in Gaza.

Gazan rockets fired at civilian areas are a war crime.
Palestinians have a human right to oppose Israel's occupation of their homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals; the Jews have no such right to inflict their occupation upon a civilian population.

Israel doesn't occupy homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals in Gaza.

Gazan rockets fired at civilian areas are a war crime.

Todd georgie employs a very broad definition of the term OCCUPY As to homes and work places ----it is true that Israel tries to restrict the delivery of baby brain smashing
bomb making materials to the HOMES and WORKPLACES AND SCHOOLS and MOSQUES of
Gaza-----since they exert a "CONTROL" that is --in a sense LIKE OCCUPATION As to the HOSPITALs Israel does create stress induced illnesses in the Gazans ----what with their
alarm systems that get kids into shelters and the WRETCHED iron dome which frustrates
the allah given right of the gazans to blow the brains out of heads of Israeli children-----ISRAEL INTRUDES ON GAZANS IN EVERY WHICH WAY------try to grasp the concepts
which georgie so eloquently describes
Palestinians have a human right to oppose Israel's occupation of their homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals; the Jews have no such right to inflict their occupation upon a civilian population.

Israel doesn't occupy homes, workplaces, schools, mosques, and hospitals in Gaza.

Gazan rockets fired at civilian areas are a war crime.

Todd georgie employs a very broad definition of the term OCCUPY As to homes and work places ----it is true that Israel tries to restrict the delivery of baby brain smashing
bomb making materials to the HOMES and WORKPLACES AND SCHOOLS and MOSQUES of
Gaza-----since they exert a "CONTROL" that is --in a sense LIKE OCCUPATION As to the HOSPITALs Israel does create stress induced illnesses in the Gazans ----what with their
alarm systems that get kids into shelters and the WRETCHED iron dome which frustrates
the allah given right of the gazans to blow the brains out of heads of Israeli children-----ISRAEL INTRUDES ON GAZANS IN EVERY WHICH WAY------try to grasp the concepts
which georgie so eloquently describes
Plus, Tinmore is the only person in the world who classifies 6-month old Israeli babies as "enemy combatants."

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