Gaza girls turn to fishing to feed family

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories (AFP) – Every morning the two girls wake up before dawn, row their wooden skiff out into Gaza's heavily-patrolled waters, and try to catch enough fish to feed their family.

But Madeleine Kulab, 16, and her sister Reem, 13, have had few other options since their father was struck with palsy 10 years ago, and like many women in Gaza have had to work for wages once earned by men.

The two girls and their brother Kayed, 14, fish up to a nautical mile (two kilometres) off shore and often dive into the deep waters to check their nets.

The children are only able to fish for a couple of hours before school on weekdays, but sometimes they go back out in the evenings.

"I work for an hour or two and then I go to school. I always have my uniform and my school bag with me so I am ready to go," Reem said as the family lit a cooking fire to make breakfast.

The girls know their trade is risky, and at times they have had to ditch their nets and race back to shore at the sound of Israeli gunfire. Both know of fishermen who have been shot and wounded out at sea.

Gaza girls turn to fishing to feed family - Yahoo! News


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