Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Not Just another Middle East Crisis

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Currently eight ships (now nine) from several nations including Turkey are doing just that. These ships, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, have as their goal to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Israel has said that it will not allow this current flotilla to reach Gaza, and it will use military means if necessary to stop the ships.

Two key points are: 1) the Turkish ship will be flying the Turkish flag; and 2) Turkey is a member of NATO. What might happen if Israel were to attack a Turkish flagged vessel carrying humanitarian aid in international waters? The precedent has been established that an attack on one NATO member state will be viewed as an attack on NATO. How would NATO respond to an Israeli attack on a Turkish flagged vessel? Even if the Turkish ship were not flying its flag, how would the world respond to an attack on unarmed vessels carrying humanitarian aid in international waters?

Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Not Just another Middle East Crisis

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GAZA, (PIC)-- The Israeli government has proposed to the Freedom Flotilla to deliver its aid shipment to Gaza Strip via land route, Rami Abdo, member of the European committee to end the siege on Gaza and one of the organizers of the sea convoy, said on Tuesday.

Abdo told the PIC that the offer was absolutely rejected by the organizers and participants.

He meanwhile revealed that two German MPs joined the participants along with two Swedish MPs bringing the total number of official and parliamentary figures to more than 50 and the overall participants to 750 persons from 60 nationalities.

Freedom Flotilla turns down Israeli offer to enter Gaza via land route
Allah says Gaza is for the Jews and Pallies must obey the word of Allah.

Quran 17:104...
And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.
Allah says Gaza is for the Jews and Pallies must obey the word of Allah.

Quran 17:104...
And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.

Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.
Allah says Gaza is for the Jews and Pallies must obey the word of Allah.

Quran 17:104...
And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.

Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.

none of the news reports i've seen on this have told why israel is not allowing these ships to dock in gaza.

have you got any info on what their reasoning is?
Allah says Gaza is for the Jews and Pallies must obey the word of Allah.

Quran 17:104...
And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.

Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.

Allah wants Palestine for the Jews. Allah's word must be obeyed.

Now, you know, retard.
Allah says Gaza is for the Jews and Pallies must obey the word of Allah.

Quran 17:104...

Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.

none of the news reports i've seen on this have told why israel is not allowing these ships to dock in gaza.

have you got any info on what their reasoning is?

Gaza is a terrorist base that has declared war on Israel. Under international law, Israel can block entry of any persons into Gaza.

Now, you know, loser.
Allah says Gaza is for the Jews and Pallies must obey the word of Allah.

Quran 17:104...

Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.

none of the news reports i've seen on this have told why israel is not allowing these ships to dock in gaza.

have you got any info on what their reasoning is?

Israel has always controlled the economy in the West Bank and Gaza. There are restrictions on imports, exports, and travel. Nothing and no one can enter or leave Palestine without the permission of Israel.

In 2005 when Israel "gave" Gaza to the Palestinians the propagandists had a field day. "We left and instead of building their economy they sent rockets." What they do not tell you is that hundreds of tons of Palestinian produce and cut flowers rotted at the dock waiting for weeks to get Israel's permission to ship. This is just one example. Of course Israel maintained the "right" to enter Gaza to kill people and destroy infrastructure at will. This is something they did and still do on a regular basis.

In 2006 Hamas won the majority of seats in parliament giving them the responsibility to form a government. Israel and the US rejected the elected government. Israel tightened the screws on Palestine while the US armed, paid, and trained militias that were nominally under the command of Abbas but were ultimately controlled by US General Keith Dayton.

In 2007 these militias attempted a coup against the elected government in Gaza. Hamas won that battle leaving the elected government in control. This was reported as a coup by Hamas. Few people have the intelligence to ask why Hamas would "violently seize control of Gaza," as the propagandists repeatedly report, when they were already the elected government in power.

Since 2007 Israel has sealed off Gaza. Nothing is allowed into or out of Gaza to build or maintain an economy. Gaza is almost completely dependent on handouts because their economy is destroyed and only a minimal amount of aid is allowed in. This siege is to continue until the loser of the elections but the US puppet, Fatah, regains control of the strip.
Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.

none of the news reports i've seen on this have told why israel is not allowing these ships to dock in gaza.

have you got any info on what their reasoning is?

Israel has always controlled the economy in the West Bank and Gaza. There are restrictions on imports, exports, and travel. Nothing and no one can enter or leave Palestine without the permission of Israel.

In 2005 when Israel "gave" Gaza to the Palestinians the propagandists had a field day. "We left and instead of building their economy they sent rockets." What they do not tell you is that hundreds of tons of Palestinian produce and cut flowers rotted at the dock waiting for weeks to get Israel's permission to ship. This is just one example. Of course Israel maintained the "right" to enter Gaza to kill people and destroy infrastructure at will. This is something they did and still do on a regular basis.

In 2006 Hamas won the majority of seats in parliament giving them the responsibility to form a government. Israel and the US rejected the elected government. Israel tightened the screws on Palestine while the US armed, paid, and trained militias that were nominally under the command of Abbas but were ultimately controlled by US General Keith Dayton.

In 2007 these militias attempted a coup against the elected government in Gaza. Hamas won that battle leaving the elected government in control. This was reported as a coup by Hamas. Few people have the intelligence to ask why Hamas would "violently seize control of Gaza," as the propagandists repeatedly report, when they were already the elected government in power.

Since 2007 Israel has sealed off Gaza. Nothing is allowed into or out of Gaza to build or maintain an economy. Gaza is almost completely dependent on handouts because their economy is destroyed and only a minimal amount of aid is allowed in. This siege is to continue until the loser of the elections but the US puppet, Fatah, regains control of the strip.

Another factually flawed cut and paste job, retard?

Everyone should know that whatever you write, the opposite is correct.

Allah has given Palestine to the Jews and there is no higher authority than Allah...

Quran 17:104
And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.
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none of the news reports i've seen on this have told why israel is not allowing these ships to dock in gaza.

have you got any info on what their reasoning is?

Israel has always controlled the economy in the West Bank and Gaza. There are restrictions on imports, exports, and travel. Nothing and no one can enter or leave Palestine without the permission of Israel.

In 2005 when Israel "gave" Gaza to the Palestinians the propagandists had a field day. "We left and instead of building their economy they sent rockets." What they do not tell you is that hundreds of tons of Palestinian produce and cut flowers rotted at the dock waiting for weeks to get Israel's permission to ship. This is just one example. Of course Israel maintained the "right" to enter Gaza to kill people and destroy infrastructure at will. This is something they did and still do on a regular basis.

In 2006 Hamas won the majority of seats in parliament giving them the responsibility to form a government. Israel and the US rejected the elected government. Israel tightened the screws on Palestine while the US armed, paid, and trained militias that were nominally under the command of Abbas but were ultimately controlled by US General Keith Dayton.

In 2007 these militias attempted a coup against the elected government in Gaza. Hamas won that battle leaving the elected government in control. This was reported as a coup by Hamas. Few people have the intelligence to ask why Hamas would "violently seize control of Gaza," as the propagandists repeatedly report, when they were already the elected government in power.

Since 2007 Israel has sealed off Gaza. Nothing is allowed into or out of Gaza to build or maintain an economy. Gaza is almost completely dependent on handouts because their economy is destroyed and only a minimal amount of aid is allowed in. This siege is to continue until the loser of the elections but the US puppet, Fatah, regains control of the strip.

Another factually flawed cut and paste job, retard?

Everone should know that whatever you write, the opposite is correct.

What exactly would you call incorrect?
Israel has always controlled the economy in the West Bank and Gaza. There are restrictions on imports, exports, and travel. Nothing and no one can enter or leave Palestine without the permission of Israel.

In 2005 when Israel "gave" Gaza to the Palestinians the propagandists had a field day. "We left and instead of building their economy they sent rockets." What they do not tell you is that hundreds of tons of Palestinian produce and cut flowers rotted at the dock waiting for weeks to get Israel's permission to ship. This is just one example. Of course Israel maintained the "right" to enter Gaza to kill people and destroy infrastructure at will. This is something they did and still do on a regular basis.

In 2006 Hamas won the majority of seats in parliament giving them the responsibility to form a government. Israel and the US rejected the elected government. Israel tightened the screws on Palestine while the US armed, paid, and trained militias that were nominally under the command of Abbas but were ultimately controlled by US General Keith Dayton.

In 2007 these militias attempted a coup against the elected government in Gaza. Hamas won that battle leaving the elected government in control. This was reported as a coup by Hamas. Few people have the intelligence to ask why Hamas would "violently seize control of Gaza," as the propagandists repeatedly report, when they were already the elected government in power.

Since 2007 Israel has sealed off Gaza. Nothing is allowed into or out of Gaza to build or maintain an economy. Gaza is almost completely dependent on handouts because their economy is destroyed and only a minimal amount of aid is allowed in. This siege is to continue until the loser of the elections but the US puppet, Fatah, regains control of the strip.

Another factually flawed cut and paste job, retard?

Everone should know that whatever you write, the opposite is correct.

What exactly would you call incorrect?

Where to begin, retard?

Gaza is not a sovereign Arab state and Pallies are not signatories to Hague and Geneva Conventions and Gaza is a terrorist base whose government is in a declared state of war with Israel.

Gazans are in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and UN Resolutions 1368, 1373 and 1566 prohibiting giving safe haven to terrorists as well as several other legal provisions.

That Israel does not simply level the savage Islamo motherfuckers in Gaza and send those animals to hell is a testament to Israeli civility and humanity.
Another factually flawed cut and paste job, retard?

Everone should know that whatever you write, the opposite is correct.

What exactly would you call incorrect?

Where to begin, retard?

Gaza is not a sovereign Arab state and Pallies are not signatories to Hague and Geneva Conventions and Gaza is a terrorist base whose government is in a declared state of war with Israel.

Gazans are in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and UN Resolutions 1368, 1373 and 1566 prohibiting giving safe haven to terrorists as well as several other legal provisions.

That Israel does not simply level the savage Islamo motherfuckers in Gaza and send those animals to hell is a testament to Israeli civility and humanity.

Nice recitation of Israel's bull shit talking points.

Good boy!
What exactly would you call incorrect?

Where to begin, retard?

Gaza is not a sovereign Arab state and Pallies are not signatories to Hague and Geneva Conventions and Gaza is a terrorist base whose government is in a declared state of war with Israel.

Gazans are in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and UN Resolutions 1368, 1373 and 1566 prohibiting giving safe haven to terrorists as well as several other legal provisions.

That Israel does not simply level the savage Islamo motherfuckers in Gaza and send those animals to hell is a testament to Israeli civility and humanity.

Nice recitation of Israel's bull shit talking points.

Good boy!

And, as always, you cannot factually refute me.

Everything you write, the opposite is true.
Where to begin, retard?

Gaza is not a sovereign Arab state and Pallies are not signatories to Hague and Geneva Conventions and Gaza is a terrorist base whose government is in a declared state of war with Israel.

Gazans are in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and UN Resolutions 1368, 1373 and 1566 prohibiting giving safe haven to terrorists as well as several other legal provisions.

That Israel does not simply level the savage Islamo motherfuckers in Gaza and send those animals to hell is a testament to Israeli civility and humanity.

Nice recitation of Israel's bull shit talking points.

Good boy!

And, as always, you cannot factually refute me.

Everything you write, the opposite is true.

I thought you were supposed to refute what I said.
Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all taking part in the Freedom Flotilla.

You are one of the biggest fucking lying **** assholes I've ever seen on this forum. You fucking turd, I cannot pray you die soon enough, animal asshole.

Hamas started the attack on Fatah in 2007 you fucking lying **** moron, every post and point you've made in this thread is a lie. Fucking paid ISM scumbag...
You are one of the biggest fucking lying **** assholes I've ever seen on this forum. You fucking turd, I cannot pray you die soon enough, animal asshole.

Hamas started the attack on Fatah in 2007 you fucking lying **** moron, every post and point you've made in this thread is a lie. Fucking paid ISM scumbag...

Tin Head is not a liar as much as mentally ill. He's to be pitied more than anything.

Thank God he's not your child. That would be a nightmare.
You are one of the biggest fucking lying **** assholes I've ever seen on this forum. You fucking turd, I cannot pray you die soon enough, animal asshole.

Hamas started the attack on Fatah in 2007 you fucking lying **** moron, every post and point you've made in this thread is a lie. Fucking paid ISM scumbag...

[ame=]YouTube - On The Map with Avi Lewis: Gaza Coup d'Etat?[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - U.S. Funding Fatah in Gaza Hard Coup[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - American Sabotage of Palestinian Democracy[/ame]
ei: A setback for the Bush doctrine in Gaza
The Gaza Bombshell | Politics | Vanity Fair
palestinefreevoice: The Gaza " coup" - Complete Statement by Ellen Rosser
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Palestinian democracy...

Fascist Hamas Imposes Sharia
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Imposing Sharia Law In Gaza[/ame]
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