Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans

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You don’t deny the GOP pedos but ignore them and focus on fantasies about Bill Clinton

Got it
My Republican Party would have beaten the living shit out of someone carrying the Stars and Bars.

My Republican Party supported education and the sciences.

My Republican Party would have shit on anyone supporting Russia.
Republicans always need a group to be scared of and/or protected from.

For a long time it was Russians.
Then it was Arabs
Then it was China and Mexicans.

Now it is gays and trans.
They make an easy target for Republicans. Its easy to hate gays, and take their rights and personal freedoms.

Republicans have made attacking gays their main issue for 2024, with DeSantis leading the anti-gay charge.

Gays and trans target children
But not actually giving a shit about them, their education and healthcare, even their nutrition.
That's what parents are for, not The State.

My Republican Party was pro education, international business, antiracist, and fostering an environment where people could succeed, not just the wealthy.
"My Republican Party"....Don't make me laugh....No republican worth their salt ever believed that that the above list of liberoidal gibsmedats was the responsibility of The State.
So on the one hand you have Republicans actually molesting kids, and on the other you have trannies reading stories on the hope that THEY will become accepted as humans and not be treated badly

And you ignore the molesters and focus on story tellers

Yea… that makes sense
The parents don't want your freaks in classrooms confusing their kids...
But not actually giving a shit about them, their education and healthcare, even their nutrition. As long as they aren't the Gayz.

My Republican Party was pro education, international business, antiracist, and fostering an environment where people could succeed, not just the wealthy.
Case ya havent noticed MR education
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