Gary Johnson predicts weed will be legal nationwide in 4 years


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Johnson is the Libertarian candidate.

I say he is full of it.........................................
Johnson is the Libertarian candidate.

I say he is full of it.........................................

He is full of it.

For Obama's 2008 campaign, I donated money, I went to rallies to show support, I knocked on doors in VA, and on election night I joined thousands in D.C. who descended on the White House to celebrate and sing “Na, Na, Na, Na, Good bye” to President Bush. I went to sleep that night excited about a new direction for this country that would include me as a recognized medical cannabis patient.

In fewer then fours years of President Obama, we have seen more raids on dispensaries than during the Bush Administration’s entire eight-year tenure. The Obama Administration has taken property from landlords, threatened local officials, forced the release of patient records, used the Internal Revenue Service to bankrupt legitimate dispensaries, told banks to purge medical cannabis clients, evicted patients from low-income housing, and denied a petition to recognize the well-established medical value of cannabis.

Now as President Obama approaches the vote on his reelection, I and other medical cannabis patients are finding it impossible to renew our support.
Medical Cannabis: Voices from the Frontlines » Blog Archive » Wake Up Obama: Cannabis Patients Vote!



4/20/2012 Denver--Colorado

"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
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Johnson was speaking to a reporter from The Seattle Times.

nuff said....................
If not legal at least non-criminal.

No one has ever died from smoking weed

You'll find that both liberals and conservatives agree that Marijuana should be legalized--but you must remember the POWER of one industry in this country that is also the number 1 lobbyist against the legalization of marijuana and also medical marijuana--and that would be the Pharmaceutical industry in this country.
If not legal at least non-criminal.

No one has ever died from smoking weed

You'll find that both liberals and conservatives agree that Marijuana should be legalized--but you must remember the POWER of one industry in this country that is also the number 1 lobbyist against the legalization of marijuana and also medical marijuana--and that would be the Pharmaceutical industry in this country.

And they hate competition...
If not legal at least non-criminal.

No one has ever died from smoking weed
People have died from driving under the influence of weed though.

I like weed.
This however proves that Johnson is an idiot.

There are more people each year that die from over the counter aspirin each year than caused by marijuana related accidents. There has never been an incident where anyone was sent to an emergency room for an overdose of marijuana nor has died from the use of it.

So your comparison is non-sense look at the alcohol related driving deaths we see every single day--and then tell me why alcohol is legal?
If not legal at least non-criminal.

No one has ever died from smoking weed

You'll find that both liberals and conservatives agree that Marijuana should be legalized--but you must remember the POWER of one industry in this country that is also the number 1 lobbyist against the legalization of marijuana and also medical marijuana--and that would be the Pharmaceutical industry in this country.

Naah the illegal drug dealers. And the religious right.

Just like in KY if an area wants to vote to go "wet" the bootleggers spend lots to fiight it.
They and the churches are hand in hand on that.
If not legal at least non-criminal.

No one has ever died from smoking weed
People have died from driving under the influence of weed though.

I like weed.
This however proves that Johnson is an idiot.

There are more people each year that die from over the counter aspirin each year than caused by marijuana related accidents. There has never been an incident where anyone was sent to an emergency room for an overdose of marijuana nor has died from the use of it.

So your comparison is non-sense look at the alcohol related driving deaths we see every single day--and then tell me why alcohol is legal?

Your argument is flawed. So alcohol causes deaths on the highway and it is legal now you want to add stoned drunks on the highway???
If not legal at least non-criminal.

No one has ever died from smoking weed

You'll find that both liberals and conservatives agree that Marijuana should be legalized--but you must remember the POWER of one industry in this country that is also the number 1 lobbyist against the legalization of marijuana and also medical marijuana--and that would be the Pharmaceutical industry in this country.

And they hate competition...

They have good reason to fear the legalization of marijuana. More and more evidence is coming out that it helps with depression--pain--chrone's disease--MS--of course cancer patients, etc. etc.

Now think about the billions in lost profits to the Pharm industry--if someone could grow a plant in their backyard--and wipe out 1/2 of medicine cabinet? That's why they are the number 1 lobbyist against legalization.
People have died from driving under the influence of weed though.

I like weed.
This however proves that Johnson is an idiot.

There are more people each year that die from over the counter aspirin each year than caused by marijuana related accidents. There has never been an incident where anyone was sent to an emergency room for an overdose of marijuana nor has died from the use of it.

So your comparison is non-sense look at the alcohol related driving deaths we see every single day--and then tell me why alcohol is legal?

Your argument is flawed. So alcohol causes deaths on the highway and it is legal now you want to add stoned drunks on the highway???

I am asking you if you're so concerned about deaths on our highways--why don't you spend your time making alcohol ILLEGAL? The high between Acohol and Marijuana is completely different. A DRUNK--will get behind a wheel of a car--even though they can't walk. Someone that is stoned on Marijuana is too paranoid to drive that car--they realize their physical and mental limitations and will wait it out until they feel comfortable again to drive. And this is why you don't see many marijuana related car accidents.

Ask any cop about that. Who would they rather bust--someone who is drunk- and more than likely violent during an arrest-or some guy standing on the corner smoking a joint--who is going to be passive and go along quietly.
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Johnson is moonbeam...........

Preaching to the choir in Seattle.
Many who drink also smoke pot.
It is not a one or the other thing.

Me I am abbie nermal and have the bitter gene alcohol tastes terrible so no drinky fer me.
Many who drink also smoke pot.
It is not a one or the other thing.

Me I am abbie nermal and have the bitter gene alcohol tastes terrible so no drinky fer me.

There are millions in this country that prefer pot over alcohol. And we're not talking looser's either--I am talking about doctors--lawyers and professionals that will use pot at home just to relax with.

Yes there are also millions that use alcohol and pot--but the benefit to smoking pot while they're drinking is that they drink much LESS.

Pot has a tendency to make people very hungry--and the only overwhelming majority of pot smokers are very well known for raiding refrigerators.
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Many who drink also smoke pot.
It is not a one or the other thing.

Me I am abbie nermal and have the bitter gene alcohol tastes terrible so no drinky fer me.

There are millions in this country that prefer pot over alcohol. And we're not talking looser's either--I am talking about doctors--lawyers and professionals that will use pot at home just to relax with.

Yes there are also millions that use alcohol and pot--but the benefit to smoking pot while they're drinking is that they drink much LESS.

Pot has a tendency to make people very hungry--and the only known side effect to marijuana is that someone may raid their refrigerator.

LOL I am a lifelong pot smoker. since I was 16 and I am now OLD.
Pot has more side effects than the munchies.
Very slow reactions, fuzzed up brain (which I like) and probably more bad reactions on the body as well. And makes one a bit dangerous to themselves around machinery and such.

If we had a simple way like a breathalizer to detect level of pot intozication I would be all for it being legalized.
Set a maximum level for while driving just like alc and go for it.

It can also make marginal workers totally unacceptable.

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