

Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
One of the books that I’m currently reading is “Brotherhoods,” by Lawson and Oldham.

It can only be described as the real-life version of “The Godfather.” If you liked Mario Puzo’s version….you’ll love right-out-of-the-headlines history of the mafia ‘Five Families,’ and NYPD detectives who sold out to them!

I found the following description of Anthony “Gaspipe” Casso, former head of the Luchese crime family more than fascinating:

“Psychology books are packed with studies of the personality traits of men like Gaspipe Casso. They often possess a superficial charm and above-average intelligence. They rise to the top of large organizations, even nations. They usually aren’t obviously irrational, at least at the beginning. They are shameless liars, as long as the lie serves their purposes. Among their characteristics are glibness, lack of empathy, an inability to accept responsibility or recognize the impact of their behavior on others- the things that make a narcissist. Casso had a short attention span. He couldn’t make a long-term plan that had any realistic chance of actually happening.”
Lawson and Oldham, “Brotherhoods,” p. 212.

OK…now for the audience participation portion of our show:
Guess who immediately sprang to mind when I read that description?

Hint: the over-boss of an organized crime family even bigger than any of the 'Five Families'!!
yes sociopaths rise to the top of the heap in a world without regulations

maybe you are learning
Another hint? Sure....
"- the things that make a narcissist."

"President Barack Obama used the funeral for Hawaii senator Daniel Inouye to talk about himself. In the short 1,600 word speech, Obama used the word "my" 21 times, "me" 12 times, and "I" 30 times."
Obama Uses Funeral Service to Talk About Himself | The Weekly Standard

I read that yesterday, and it made me want to :puke: as he has to personalize any event to somehow reflect on his ill- perceived awesomeness. It appeals to his bleeding heart worshipers and he knows it. Everything with this narcissist is programed for his base and their continued devotion. and at the expense of the event, he is addressing.
Owe Bama is in love with himself... He hasn't done so bad for a poor boy from Kenya. He's laughing all the way to the National Bank of Kenya.
Another hint? Sure....
"- the things that make a narcissist."

"President Barack Obama used the funeral for Hawaii senator Daniel Inouye to talk about himself. In the short 1,600 word speech, Obama used the word "my" 21 times, "me" 12 times, and "I" 30 times."
Obama Uses Funeral Service to Talk About Himself | The Weekly Standard

I read that yesterday, and it made me want to :puke: as he has to personalize any event to somehow reflect on his ill- perceived awesomeness. It appeals to his bleeding heart worshipers and he knows it. Everything with this narcissist is programed for his base and their continued devotion. and at the expense of the event, he is addressing.

"...his bleeding heart worshipers..."
Excellent targeting!'s the individuals who voted for this failure who deserve vituperation.'s the same characterless voters who gave two terms to the rapist....
..and proclaimed the traitorous murderer "the Liberal Lion of the Senate."

This is what our nation has come to.
yes sociopaths rise to the top of the heap in a world without regulations. maybe you are learning
As usual, you miss the point and you don't understand.

There are ALREADY regulations in place, it's just that Gov'ts and Corporations get SO POWERFUL that they can BUY OFF the Regulators and the Police.

As PC points out, the ones that have bought our gov't and police as well as military, need to have a front man that makes it APPEAR that the people are in charge.

If I were President I'd give an updated "Military Industrial Complex" speech and be assassinated real quick by the powers that be. Any normal, rational American who believes in the Rule of Law and the Constitution would do so.

But the Corporations who run our country can't have someone in charge like that. They need people like PC outlined "...shameless liars, as long as the lie serves their purposes. Among their characteristics are glibness, lack of empathy, an inability to accept responsibility or recognize the impact of their behavior on others".

It's no mistake that Romney was the Nominee for the Republicans, because he would have carried out the orders of the Corporations that finance him: Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan. Just as Obama is doing today.

Sidebar: A good book that outlines all these control mechanisms is "Tragedy and Hope" by Carol Quigley (1966), a GU Professor who taught among others Bill Clinton.
making up lies from the shit you pull out of your asses so you can rationalize hating the government our founders left us is still just pulling shit out of your asses
Knew you would try to change the topic of the book you were reading that implicates white gangsters with a black president(gangster in your racists mind) character trait, and to think you are intelligent to notice the differences, or your version of one size fits all psychoanalytical beliefs of Sigmund Freud.
yes sociopaths rise to the top of the heap in a world without regulations. maybe you are learning
As usual, you miss the point and you don't understand.

There are ALREADY regulations in place, it's just that Gov'ts and Corporations get SO POWERFUL that they can BUY OFF the Regulators and the Police.

As PC points out, the ones that have bought our gov't and police as well as military, need to have a front man that makes it APPEAR that the people are in charge.

If I were President I'd give an updated "Military Industrial Complex" speech and be assassinated real quick by the powers that be. Any normal, rational American who believes in the Rule of Law and the Constitution would do so.

But the Corporations who run our country can't have someone in charge like that. They need people like PC outlined "...shameless liars, as long as the lie serves their purposes. Among their characteristics are glibness, lack of empathy, an inability to accept responsibility or recognize the impact of their behavior on others".

It's no mistake that Romney was the Nominee for the Republicans, because he would have carried out the orders of the Corporations that finance him: Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan. Just as Obama is doing today.

Sidebar: A good book that outlines all these control mechanisms is "Tragedy and Hope" by Carol Quigley (1966), a GU Professor who taught among others Bill Clinton.

"...makes it APPEAR that the people are in charge."

That's a really interesting post, Doc!
In sound a lot like J.L.Talmon....

1. The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

2. Mr. Talmon is concerned with drawing a distinction between “liberal democracy” and “totalitarian democracy,” both of which he sees as arising in the 18th century and coming into collision in the 20th.

“Liberal democracy” regards politics as a matter of trial and error, and political systems as pragmatic contrivances; it is solicitous of individualism and recognizes that there are legitimate areas of human activity outside the realm of the political.

“Totalitarian democracy” preaches absolute truth and a messianic vision of a “pre-ordained, harmonious and perfect scheme of things, to which men are irresistibly driven, and at which they are bound to arrive”; its politics is but one aspect of an all-embracing philosophy. Both “liberal” and “totalitarian” democracy affirm the value of liberty; but for the first, liberty means individual spontaneity, for the second, reconciliation to an absolute, collective purpose—a kind of self-willed slavery, in fact.

Both versions of “democracy” arose in the thinking of the 18th-century philosophes, but “liberal democracy” retreated before the bloody attempt to establish the City of God on earth and took refuge in the matter-of-factness of Anglo-American practice, while “totalitarian democracy” culminated eventually in Stalinism.
« The Rise of Totalitarian Democracy, by J. L. Talmon Commentary Magazine
why do you think it makes you a better person to hate your president?


You guessed it!!!

You guessed it!!!

What gave it away?
Was it "shameless liars"?
"glibness, lack of empathy, an inability to accept responsibility or recognize the impact of their behavior on others-"

or was it

"He couldn’t make a long-term plan that had any realistic chance of actually happening.”

'cmon.....which one was the lead pipe cincher? needed you can select any kewpie doll from the second shelf.....
Good work....but, let's be was easy, wasn't it.
Knew you would try to change the topic of the book you were reading that implicates white gangsters with a black president(gangster in your racists mind) character trait, and to think you are intelligent to notice the differences, or your version of one size fits all psychoanalytical beliefs of Sigmund Freud.

'Cmon, now, drop-draws....

You recognized the gangster's traits, too.....

...didn't you.

And, here's more from

David Freddoso's appropriately named book, “Gangster Government,” p. 12-13.

1. Reaching beyond the federal government’s constitutional powers to guarantee the warranty on your car, fire business executives, or requiring Americans to purchase a commercial product.

2. Intervened in the private sector to dictate how they do business.

3. Politicizing the Department of Justice, endangering the government’s most important domestic function.

4. Appointed to powerful positions individuals who are unworthy of public trust. This includes people who have lied to Congress, cheated on their taxes, abused previous positions of authority, received massive payoffs prior to entering public service. When shady or extreme business dealings have been too egregious for Congress to overlook, Obama has simply bypassed the Senate with recess appointments…even though having a Democratic majority that would approve any reasonably acceptable liberal.

5. Using the claim of transparency, he continues the business-as-usual nature of his administration. He revealed the names of visitors to the White House, while his aides were concealing countless meetings with lobbyists at locations outside of White House ground. “On the agenda over espressos and lattes, according to more than a dozen lobbyists and political operatives who have taken part in the sessions, have been front-burner issues like Wall Street regulation, health care rules, federal stimulus money, energy policy and climate control — and their impact on the lobbyists’ corporate clients. But because the discussions are not taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they are not subject to disclosure on the visitors’ log that the White House releases as part of its pledge to be the “most transparent presidential administration in history.”

Guess whose government?

"Gangster" is a pretty good name for him, huh?
the right hates him so much they constantly make up silly lies about him.

they hate him viscerally and its very apparent
Pretending the right doesnt hate Obama is like claiming the sky never appear blue to the human eye

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