Game over: Conservatism has won over Liberalism. It's over. WE won.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I haven't been on this site much for the whole last summer. Kinda just observing the news, letting stuff play out. There has absolutely been a culture war in this nation for the last few decades between far left ideals, far right ideals, and the middle. It's been categorized as Liberal vs Conservative, with moderates confused in the middle.

Well, I can say this for certain: Conservatism has won:clap2:

How so? I'll explain.

- The reality of our economy, not Obama's fault, not Bush's fault, not any one persons fault, but reality is globalization was inevitable with the spread of technology and education through the world, and the economic power of American individuals is slowly shrinking. What does that mean? Well...

- Unions are a dying fad. They were never sustainable, and we are now seeing that. The pension of 1 worker must be supported by 25-40 others. That 25-40 must be supported by 1,000, and so on. The end result is going to end up being a "survival of the fittest" in the job market. You will be paid and employed based on what you can offer to the company. Period. The unproductive and lazy will be left behind. Hard work wins over laziness. Win for consertavism. Just work hard and you'll be fine. Outwork the others.

- Citizens are gonna have to make ends meet with less. Thats reality. Our nation is bankrupt. We aren't going back to the booming late 90's, early 00's. Reality set in. So, starving artists are gonna have to get real jobs. People are gonna have to SAVE. People are gonna have to be innovative, rely on their FAMILY to get by. The strongest family structures will succeed, as they'll thrive off each other. The weakest one's will fail. It MUST be stressed to all people how important the family structure is, and how important thrift and saving is. Again, conservatism wins.

- People are not going to have their guns taken away. Obvious win.

At the core of true conservatism, the biggest treasure is the freedom to thrive. Having a strong family, self reliance and self protection, and knowing that one's success is going to be deeply tied to one's intellect, work ethic and ability to produce. That is the direction we are headed. Those who want to be a "child" until they are 27, that want government handouts to take care of all their needs, that want to relish in all the vices of society, are gonna be left behind. We are entering an era of self-reliance, independence and family.

The people who have always lived by true conservative values are the ones who will thrive in the new and coming reality. Conservatism wins. And to all our liberal countrymen, learn how to stop crying foul, pick up some work boots, stop making entitlement demands, and just be thankful for what you got and work your butt off trying to earn what you don't. Cuz the gubamint ain't gonna save you.
Game over: Conservatism has won over Liberalism. It's over. WE won.
Maybe you oughta run-out (really-quickly....before you forget) & get yourselves a sign made!!!!


(Used-ones will work, as well.)​
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bucs90, youre such a glenn beck pawn. go buy another copy of his book and make him that much richer off of profiting off pawns like you.
those are just tired philosophies. no real solutions. no legislation. no ideas. what about when social security tanks? what about when our natural resources disappear within 50 years at current consumption rates? these are real problems that civilization must deal with in the near future.
Borrowing $Trillions from China to charge free healthcare to the masses is not the answer. TARP & Stimulii didn't work either b/c Wall Street thinks they can make mo money in China. I can't wait until China nationalizes all the factories moved there (stupid greedy whores)
exactly, just criticizing other non-republican policies that didnt work, while offering no solutions themselves.
I haven't been on this site much for the whole last summer. Kinda just observing the news, letting stuff play out. There has absolutely been a culture war in this nation for the last few decades between far left ideals, far right ideals, and the middle. It's been categorized as Liberal vs Conservative, with moderates confused in the middle.

Well, I can say this for certain: Conservatism has won:clap2:

How so? I'll explain.

- The reality of our economy, not Obama's fault, not Bush's fault, not any one persons fault, but reality is globalization was inevitable with the spread of technology and education through the world, and the economic power of American individuals is slowly shrinking. What does that mean? Well...

- Unions are a dying fad. They were never sustainable, and we are now seeing that. The pension of 1 worker must be supported by 25-40 others. That 25-40 must be supported by 1,000, and so on. The end result is going to end up being a "survival of the fittest" in the job market. You will be paid and employed based on what you can offer to the company. Period. The unproductive and lazy will be left behind. Hard work wins over laziness. Win for consertavism. Just work hard and you'll be fine. Outwork the others.

- Citizens are gonna have to make ends meet with less. Thats reality. Our nation is bankrupt. We aren't going back to the booming late 90's, early 00's. Reality set in. So, starving artists are gonna have to get real jobs. People are gonna have to SAVE. People are gonna have to be innovative, rely on their FAMILY to get by. The strongest family structures will succeed, as they'll thrive off each other. The weakest one's will fail. It MUST be stressed to all people how important the family structure is, and how important thrift and saving is. Again, conservatism wins.

- People are not going to have their guns taken away. Obvious win.

At the core of true conservatism, the biggest treasure is the freedom to thrive. Having a strong family, self reliance and self protection, and knowing that one's success is going to be deeply tied to one's intellect, work ethic and ability to produce. That is the direction we are headed. Those who want to be a "child" until they are 27, that want government handouts to take care of all their needs, that want to relish in all the vices of society, are gonna be left behind. We are entering an era of self-reliance, independence and family.

The people who have always lived by true conservative values are the ones who will thrive in the new and coming reality. Conservatism wins. And to all our liberal countrymen, learn how to stop crying foul, pick up some work boots, stop making entitlement demands, and just be thankful for what you got and work your butt off trying to earn what you don't. Cuz the gubamint ain't gonna save you.

Yep, Cons finally win by shoving Mexico down our throats. I notice for all the chest pounding, Darwin's theory seems to be taking an even toll. Those $600,000. mansions are selling for $200,000. today, and CEOs have a new Colman home with flaps on the windows. Those big black Escalades Cads are sporting sport wheels and jumping down in the ghetto streets. Life is great for some, and poor for others.
Conservatism won?


When did abortion get outlawed? When did gays get kicked out of the military? When did prayer get put back in school? When did Social Security get privatized? When did Medicare disappear?
Conservatism won?


When did abortion get outlawed? When did gays get kicked out of the military? When did prayer get put back in school? When did Social Security get privatized? When did Medicare disappear?

the problem is those aren't conservative values. the loons aren't conservative at all.. they're reactionary extremists.

and no, they haven't won.

they're just loons.
I haven't been on this site much for the whole last summer. Kinda just observing the news, letting stuff play out. There has absolutely been a culture war in this nation for the last few decades between far left ideals, far right ideals, and the middle. It's been categorized as Liberal vs Conservative, with moderates confused in the middle.

Well, I can say this for certain: Conservatism has won:clap2:

How so? I'll explain.

- The reality of our economy, not Obama's fault, not Bush's fault, not any one persons fault, but reality is globalization was inevitable with the spread of technology and education through the world, and the economic power of American individuals is slowly shrinking. What does that mean? Well...

- Unions are a dying fad. They were never sustainable, and we are now seeing that. The pension of 1 worker must be supported by 25-40 others. That 25-40 must be supported by 1,000, and so on. The end result is going to end up being a "survival of the fittest" in the job market. You will be paid and employed based on what you can offer to the company. Period. The unproductive and lazy will be left behind. Hard work wins over laziness. Win for consertavism. Just work hard and you'll be fine. Outwork the others.

- Citizens are gonna have to make ends meet with less. Thats reality. Our nation is bankrupt. We aren't going back to the booming late 90's, early 00's. Reality set in. So, starving artists are gonna have to get real jobs. People are gonna have to SAVE. People are gonna have to be innovative, rely on their FAMILY to get by. The strongest family structures will succeed, as they'll thrive off each other. The weakest one's will fail. It MUST be stressed to all people how important the family structure is, and how important thrift and saving is. Again, conservatism wins.

- People are not going to have their guns taken away. Obvious win.

At the core of true conservatism, the biggest treasure is the freedom to thrive. Having a strong family, self reliance and self protection, and knowing that one's success is going to be deeply tied to one's intellect, work ethic and ability to produce. That is the direction we are headed. Those who want to be a "child" until they are 27, that want government handouts to take care of all their needs, that want to relish in all the vices of society, are gonna be left behind. We are entering an era of self-reliance, independence and family.

The people who have always lived by true conservative values are the ones who will thrive in the new and coming reality. Conservatism wins. And to all our liberal countrymen, learn how to stop crying foul, pick up some work boots, stop making entitlement demands, and just be thankful for what you got and work your butt off trying to earn what you don't. Cuz the gubamint ain't gonna save you.

fcukking brilliant bro..............brilliant post.

Hope you dont mind if I jump in and put a bit of an exclamation point on things.............after all, I do get sort of giddy about rubbing salt in the wound!!!:lol::lol:


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