G-8 summit leaders shift to growth, not austerity


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Leaders of the world's wealthiest nations opened the door Saturday to more government spending in Europe as way to revive the continent's struggling economy, shifting away from the idea that the only way to recovery was through strict fiscal austerity.

Meeting at the Group of Eight summit at Camp David, President Obama and his fellow leaders said they were committed foremost to creating jobs and growth, a shift, at least in emphasis, from previous gatherings dominated by German efforts to reduce high government debt through drastic fiscal reform.

In a joint statement, the leaders said they would promote investment in education and infrastructure, as they also sought to rein in government debt. Obama, who has pushed for additional fiscal stimulus in the United States, said the new agreement affirmed the course his administration pursued during the financial recession at home. He said the move toward economic stimulus bolstered Europe's chances of surviving the crisis.

Read more: G-8 summit leaders shift to growth, not austerity
Famously in America, The law provides for fixed percentage increase in interest rates, dividends, fixed percentage pay raises, bonuses, and COLA's. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer: And the Rich Houses all come tumbling on down!

Nowhere famously in America, is the Crucifix Art Alternative: "Jesus Comments Unfavorably On The Law Of Moses!"

The Law is Wrong, And so Jesus described an alternative--opposed to fixed percentage raise, increase of hoarding--in Matthew 20:1-16. RNC famously took the Christian proposal of Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid: Away from America. The Make-Work-Pay refundable Income Tax Credit provided the more-or-or-less equal amount, COLA-Like adjustment alternative. Persons got the amount regardless if they had worked all the year, or not.

So G-8 plausibly came out against Hoarding types of arithmetic, destructive of market, and upper income houses. The Socialists from France, like in the American Revolution, came once again to the aid of all civilizations worldwide. It is not likely that the Socialists of France will soon lose their heads, over the matter. RNC is more safely a minority party, now being taken over by the Anti-Christian, Tea Party Movement. That Movement intends Default of the credit obligatons, instead.

Since Credit Market paper is all about money: The "Tea Party" movement is easily shown worldwide about taking all the people's money away!

Ultimate, Anti-Christian, hoarding.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Reservation Indians, having evolved, can only cluck, cluck in sympathy, now: With the latest of the evolutions of White Eyes USA!)
Maybe not in the same sentence, but Mantra-GOP Is Anti-Spending--except on War--and pro-Default, Opposed to Taxing.

So the "hoarding' concept in not hard to spot. Keep! Keep! Keep! is not Grow! Grow! Grow!

RNC is famously Conservative, as in, "Back To Even The 17th Century," or at least to 1787!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Donner Party of 10 million(?)! Boehner Party of 10 million(?)! The Democratic Party has basis certain for charting an alternative course, and main course(?)!)
obama is encouraging growth rather than austerity. Just as long as you understand that what he means by "growth" is the growth of government power, not economic growth. That's why China and India are really growing while the EU and the US are contracting.

The Germans understand this very well. That's why they aren't agreeing to give more money to Greece so the government can grow.
Obama-Biden=Pelosi-Reid created the Make-Work-Pay Refundable Tax Credit in a part of the Stimulus package. The Republicans took the Christian-based Tax Cut away--the one based on Matthew 20:1-16. Much as Matthew 25:14-30 can be drawn to look like the Greek Pythagorean Theorem, So also it can be fit into a Euclidean Rectangle, drawn to represent the more-or-less equal raise of income, per person, with lines drawn perpendicular to the income points on a scale.

Caiphas likely understood the conquering arithmetic, of twice-conquered Israel at the hands of pantheon, civilization, their famous mercies. Caiphas understood a different set of advicements, most likley, and applied them.

So did RNC. RNC went further to support Obama-Biden's plan to make the payroll tax less regressive. That replaced The Refundable Make Work Pay Tax Credit.

So RNC and DNC came up with a market priming stimululs, and independent of atrocity created at the Ivy League, and at UC Berkeley--and the various other universities and colleges, now creating the student debt crisis.

The Payroll Tax Holiday is about to expire, along with others(?)! Mainly Mitt Romney knows how to exprire, entire businesses--through the private sector. The Republicans currently control the House.

That puts them into a working relationship with Obama-Biden, Romney-nomics, not to be involved.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Financial Houses, and the Sector, have already noted that RNC is blamed internationally, for the credit downgrade of the United States/
Leaders of the world's wealthiest nations opened the door Saturday to more government spending in Europe as way to revive the continent's struggling economy, shifting away from the idea that the only way to recovery was through strict fiscal austerity.

Meeting at the Group of Eight summit at Camp David, President Obama and his fellow leaders said they were committed foremost to creating jobs and growth, a shift, at least in emphasis, from previous gatherings dominated by German efforts to reduce high government debt through drastic fiscal reform.

In a joint statement, the leaders said they would promote investment in education and infrastructure, as they also sought to rein in government debt. Obama, who has pushed for additional fiscal stimulus in the United States, said the new agreement affirmed the course his administration pursued during the financial recession at home. He said the move toward economic stimulus bolstered Europe's chances of surviving the crisis.

Read more: G-8 summit leaders shift to growth, not austerity

I'm sure the Democrats here will push for the same insane plan.
Spend,Spend,Spend, and when the Stimulus failed...
push to spend even more..... :mad:
The typical stance of Republican National Committee is to take the market spending all away! The "Reagan Trajectory" took what deficit there was, and spent it on the rich--essentially engineers and war machine types of makers.

The Romney concept of "Venture Capitalism" is to "Let Them Die!" Small businesses are persona non grata at Republican National Committee. "Jobs Not Jails" is an example of market promoting spending, even near to Hollywood--which otherwise profits and gangs, rap, and "fashion."


The "Reagan Trajectory," famously left the youth gangs to fend for themselves: Generally in famous turf, narcotics trade events. Public Works market spending, historically, was heavily invented by the Catholic Church, creating public buildings.

The hoarding of the engineers was in the pay grades. The federal bureaucracy, and state bureaucracies, and local bureaucracies: Know about pay grades. For the money spent creating to school and bureaucracy jobs: Three private sector jobs, would be created.

Notice that government spending, however: Does create jobs.

Creating jobs is not what RNC is for, certain following The Mitt Romney, private sector experience of "Let Small Businesses Die!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Consider the plight of even Hare Krishna--now thanks to Homeland Security at the airports! What kind of private sector job creation is that(?)!)
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Essentially, Romney venture capitalism buys publically-traded stock, and creates lending for publically traded companies. The is "arithmetic hoarding," keeping the money from the poor.

Comparing and contrasting is market friendly entrepreneurial activity.

Homeboy Industries :: What We Do

Noting what FaceBook did before the IPO, or what HomeBoy Industries is all about: Is to compare and contrast the Market Friendly, Market Expanding, Liberal approach with the Market Constricting, Markets-Lethal, Romney approach! The Romney Approach is a markets killer, most notably shown in the recent financial crisis.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("A Choice Not An Echo!" is how famous Senator Barry Goldwater put it. "Why don't YOU go out and inherit a department store," is how everyone understood it!)
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In a joint statement, the leaders said they would promote investment in education and infrastructure, as they also sought to rein in government debt.

of course the summit was pure PR designed to fool boops. Investing and reining in debt are opposites.

Germany is urging austerity and will continue to do so because that has made it the most productive country in Europe.
Clearly, and especially under Reagan-to-Romney GOP, The tendency to central government market interventions, via pensions, has been to profligacy rather than to austerity. Reagan advanced the concept of the Socialist Central Government, pension intervention into the market Place. The Great Depression had failed even Reagan, who was an FDR Democrat, and favored Social Security as President. . .if possibly on the advice of the stars. . .and the planets. . .and the zodiac(?)!

So Now, apparently, "It takes A Quebecker," to create an International Foreign Policy Assessment(?). Central Government intervention is everywhere grappling with what to do with the, "Children of Change," of the neo-narcotics generation! The pension costs seem to have prospered(?). . .or however Mr. Spock was inclined to present it: To millions, at the time!

RRQ - Pension reform in Germany adapting to demographic reality

"Neo" is now different, even in Germany! Personal Income, anyone concludes, is as critical to the German market economy, as it is to economies worldwide. Reagan-To-Romney GOP tends to deny the market a lower and middle income purchasing class, reliant more on the "hoarding" kind of "austerity" of wealth distribution among the rich!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Plenty Much Smoke, not obscure GOP Search For Non-Negro Dialect Than Can Win! Maybe in Quebec, there is an answer! Massachusetts seems to have. . .hmmm. . .annoying problem! Even Fidel Castro Not From Where Many Of Them Say(?)!)
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