Fusion is the future and the future is near! what does this mean for Politics?


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2016
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
I'll keep this short and sweet. I think we need to save our uranium
for space travel. We have plenty of wind, solar, coal, petroleum, geothermal, tidal, hydroelectric and biofuels to get by on. And we've had enough Chernobyl's and Fukushima's for one planet's lifetime.
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I'll keep this short and sweet. I think we need to save our uranium
for space travel. We have plenty of wind, solar, coal, petroleum, geothermal, tidal, hydroelectric and biofuels to get by on. And we've had enough Chernobyl's and Fukushima's for one planet's lifetime.
Uranium is not used for fusion, so no problem.
Fusion is uncontrollable in the quantities needed to supply power for The Masses.
Well thank you for your two cents. I doubt you are one of the people recently filing patents on it nor have you graduated from MIT in particle physics so sorry I find your opinion to be nothing more than opinion. Come back with fact then discuss.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Without this humanity will never advance. We’re still operating on 19th century energy fuels and their lesser alternatives. Coal, oil, solar, wind...

The nuclear revolution needs to happen eventually.
I'll keep this short and sweet. I think we need to save our uranium
for space travel. We have plenty of wind, solar, coal, petroleum, geothermal, tidal, hydroelectric and biofuels to get by on. And we've had enough Chernobyl's and Fukushima's for one planet's lifetime.
Fusion, like the op ia talking about, does not use uranium.
Uranium is not used for fusion, so no problem.
Sorry. I assumed this was about plutonium and nuclear fusion without actually digging into it.
Nuclear fusion - Wikipedia
It is ok on ly one letter different in the two processes. This tech is coming soon and could a lot of arguments over many things This tech could also be used to fuel space flight. If we get better at landing on and drilling into astoroids a space ship could be sending signals back to us for who knows how long. Get low on fuel find an astroid or comet with H2O and refuel. The crazy thing about it is that fusion will likely only power the instraments. We now have a super conductor motor that creats thrust with the cold of space. As long as the ultraviolet shield keeps the thruster cool, no energy is needed for propulsion. Every one on here is freaking out about how bad the world could be when we are kicking ass and taking names in science at a rate never seen before.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Without this humanity will never advance. We’re still operating on 19th century energy fuels and their lesser alternatives. Coal, oil, solar, wind...

The nuclear revolution needs to happen eventually.
We are talking beta testing in small areas five years. Mega watt generation in 10 years by utilities delivering it to your house. We can then start using coal and oil for exotic building materials that while amazing currently but are to expensive to use while buring the root resources. What is even more exciting about it is that it is Rockwell leading the way who already has a good working relationship with out governemnt so they are very unlikely to be put by the way side by big oil.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Fusion has been just around the corner for decades, I'll believe it when I see it. I also don't know that it will be so clean either, I seem to recall the process may generate plenty of nuclear waste, not from the fuel but from the containment vessel.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Fusion has been just around the corner for decades, I'll believe it when I see it. I also don't know that it will be so clean either, I seem to recall the process may generate plenty of nuclear waste, not from the fuel but from the containment vessel.
Nope containment is basicaly a magnetic field. I got to see one run about a year ago before they tripled out put by creating a longer reaction it was considered scalable then. Now it's all over but the shouting. I hear there may be a demonstration of the new tech here in Ohio at Batelle in the near future, I would love to see it. I have not figured out whos ass to kiss yet or if it will actually happen but I am presently trying to figure it out.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Fusion has been just around the corner for decades, I'll believe it when I see it. I also don't know that it will be so clean either, I seem to recall the process may generate plenty of nuclear waste, not from the fuel but from the containment vessel.
It's low level waste, not the kind of high level waste the fission reactors produce. Parts of the device will become mildly radioactive over its life.

Advantages of fusion

No long-lived radioactive waste: Nuclear fusion reactors produce no high activity, long-lived nuclear waste. The activation of components in a fusion reactor is low enough for the materials to be recycled or reused within 100 years.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Helium-3 is why we need a permanent presence on the Moon, the theory is that the surface is covered with it.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Helium-3 is why we need a permanent presence on the Moon, the theory is that the surface is covered with it.
It probably is, but first we need a market for it. Than't won't happen until the perfect fusion.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Helium-3 is why we need a permanent presence on the Moon, the theory is that the surface is covered with it.
In time we will have some sort of presence on the moon. If not human at least robotic. The effects of less gravity on the human body is very distructive and going to the moon is expensive. As time goes by the cost will reduce and robots will adavance and we likely will be making fuel for space ships up there. I am very excited by all of the astroid landings we are doing. This is a precurser to mining them, immagine a future where we mine astroids instead of the earth. Every thing we need as far as materials and no need to mess up our own environment. The future is bright and it needs to be with the population we have and the prospects of much longer lives in the near future. Tech is going to make this possible. Hopefully our knowledge grows quicker than our problems.
Nuclear fusion on brink of being realised, say MIT scientists

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

Progress in Fusion - How has the technology advanced?

MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion - Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Increases Ion Energy

What does this do to some of the conversations we have been having? This stuff is likely to be producing electricity for you in the next ten years. What this does to the cost of manufactoring as factories and companies will be relieved of huge energy bills. Makes pollutant energy obsolete. Allows those materials to be used in construction materials instead. It cures a great deal of the arguments we are having! I wonder what unforseen arguments it will create? I hope you all weigh in.
Helium-3 is why we need a permanent presence on the Moon, the theory is that the surface is covered with it.
It probably is, but first we need a market for it. Than't won't happen until the perfect fusion.
It is not a question of lack of tech at this point it is a question of scaling. There is no known issue with scaling it to commercial levels at this time. How ever we have thought this before when scaling other tech and then we go and do it and discover these issues. I am very excited but we wil not know if there is no issues with scaling unti we actually do it. We are in this process right now. It will be five years till the first large reactors are made and put into testing. My fingers are crossed. This could be a real game changer as to what humans can actually achieve. I do not know how old you are but if you are younger than me there is a real possibilty that fusion will be online and astroid mining will be a norm in your life time.

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